Ghostly Visions

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When my eyes open, white is the only color I can perceive. It's blinding, but at the same time, it's rather angelic. I feel weightless. Practically as light as a feather.

I look down at what I'm wearing. It's the hospital gown I had changed into.

Suddenly I look as the perfectly white surroundings splash away into the bright lights of the hospital room where I had given birth. And the drama is all happening. Steve is cradling our baby girl in his arms. The nurses take the baby from him, while the doctor begins to prep my body for CPR.

Then it hits me.

I'm dead.

I watch as the nurses try to pull Steve out of the room, but he was willing to put up a fight. He tried to break away, but he was so shaken up that he lost all of his nerve to fight.

He was going to run into me. Just as he's about to run me over, his form passes right through me. I gasp, trying to understand what just happened.

I'm a ghost.

I turn towards Steve, who was being forced out into the hallway. He can't see me, but I can see the pure emotion that he never shows. The side of him that is only visible to me.

I walk out into the hallway, watching as James holds Steve back, restraining him from entering the room. I'm standing right in front of him, watching his blue eyes turn glossy. And he doesn't even know that I'm there.

"Steve? Steve what happened? What's wrong?" James pleads for an answer.

"Her-her heart stopped. Something went wrong." He jerks away from James and marches towards the wall, raising his fists and pounding them once against the wall. I flinch as I watch him drop his head. A single tear glides down his cheek.

I reach out and place my ghostly hand on his shoulder. But my hand falls through his body. They say that sometimes a person can feel a ghostly touch. But Steve could not feel mine.

"And the baby?" James asks.

Steve pulls himself together, standing up straight and wiping the tear from his face.

"It's a girl. She's fine. She's healthy."

Suddenly, I feel like I'm being pulled away. The action in front of me is continuing, but I'm being pulled away. Suddenly the vision fades to white. Then the color slowly begins to fade back in again.

I'm standing in a hallway. Nurses are slowly walking past me in scrubs that are decorated with cartoon characters. I hear a baby cry. I turn around and find myself standing before a wide window of the nursery. Little bassinets are placed in long lines. Each one has a tiny newborn tucked tightly under fuzzy blankets. Little hats in pink and blue cover their tiny little heads.

There, in the front row of bassinets, I see a tiny little girl.

My daughter. A sticker with her name and date of birth is placed on the inside of the bassinet. She doesn't have a name yet. But her last name was written on the tag.

She has a little pink hat covering her hair. From out of the front of her cap, I see golden blond locks. She has Steve's hair. His golden locks managed to transfer to her. I honestly thought she'd get my hair. If she's got Steve's light hair, then she most likely has his blue eyes.

She's the one who I heard cry.

A nurse comes into my view and lifts my baby girl out of the little bassinet. She holds her lightly in her arms, rocking her. Slowly my baby girl calms. Her little whimpers subside and she finally relaxes. And then I see her tiny eyes open for the first time.

Two little blue eyes open to the world. Bright blue just like Steve's.

Big, blue, and beautiful.

My baby girl is perfect.

I love her so much.

Suddenly a large figure approaches beside me. I nearly jump when I see who it is. It's Steve with large red eyes and a tear stained face. He leans against the window staring at his baby girl. He smiles as he watches the nurse rock his daughter. Her little lips slip into a sweet little smile. Steve gives a light chuckle, but doesn't fully laugh.

"She's so perfect." I hear him say. "She's so perfect, Alice." He sniffles and shakes his head. His head falls as he squeezes his eyes eyes shut. Tears slide down his cheeks.

"Please don't take her. Don't take her away from me. Stay with us, Alice. Come back to us." He whispers to himself.

I rush towards him, almost going for a hug, but I pass straight through him. I stop myself when I pass completely through him, pausing. As I stand there, I feel my own tears beginning to run down my cheeks.

If only I could touch him. Let him know that I'm still here and always will be. No matter which side I'm on.

I extend my hand out, hoping that maybe by some miraculous reason, he would feel my touch. Maybe my hand wouldn't pass through him.

My hand suddenly comes to a stop on his shoulder. Stopping in place.

Steve's head rises.

"I can feel you, Alice." He whispers. "Come back. Stay."

"I will." I whisper.


The first breath of a real new life comes back to me. My lungs pumping air and my head spinning in circles.

"She's stable. Stable pulse." A muffled voice says. A woman's voice.

"Get her on oxygen." Another voice says. "Find her husband. Tell him she's alive."


A/N: Sorry if this chapter was hard to understand. It was a little difficult to write. But I hope y'all didn't struggle too much. I don't know how much writing I will be able to do these next few weeks. I get out of school in eight days. That also means that I have to turn in my laptop. Our school give laptops to the students, and at the end of the year we have to turn them back in. Sadly. But I won't let that stop me! But I also have finals coming up so I might not be as active. Gotta study big time! Also, one last note. I want to personally thank everyone who has added Vibranium Strong to their reading list. It means so much to me. Words cannot describe how amazing that is. I'm blessed to have readers like you all. So thank you. So so much.

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