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Steve brushes a sweaty lock of my hair out of my face. Then he grips my hand tightly, ignoring how sweaty my palm was. My head was pounding. My pulse must be soaring off the charts. 

"You're almost there, Alice." Steve's voice comes to me softly. Almost like an echo. My hearing had slowly gotten worse during the time I have been in labor. Not to even mention my vision. 

"Just a few more pushes, Mrs. Rogers." The doctor says.

I groan as I push once again. The pain was intense. hard to believe that it has only been maybe two hours. Maybe shorter then that. That's not normal. But then again, Steve and I aren't normal people, so what makes anyone believe that our family will be normal?

"Steve, I can't do this anymore." I whimper.

"Yes you can. Vibranium strong, remember?" He replies.

"Something's wrong." I mutter softly.

I can see the pain in his eyes. Beyond those beautiful blue irises, I can see the terror that lives within his soul. The sudden realization of keeping a promise that he never wanted to keep. The sudden realization of the possibility he might have to choose. The fact that this may be it.

"We'll get through it. Vibranium strong." He whispers.

I shriek as I push again, harder his time. The pain was worse then before. Steve doesn't say anything as I put a death grip on his hand. How he tolerates it, I'm not sure.

I see stars. Nothing but black infinity and stars. 

"Steve, my head." I cry, "It hurts."

This pulsing ringing noise floods my ears, making my flinch. I can't hear Steve's response. But one thing is certain to me. Something is about to go wrong.

I give all my energy away on one last push. All of my strength exits me as I scream. 

Suddenly, it falls absolutely silent. All of the pain departs me. My head falls back, landing softly on the pillow. I can feel Steve shaking my hand. Sounds slowly begins to come back to me. My eyes slowly open, only to find the doctor smiling. Steve was wide-eyed and a smile escaped his lips.

I hear my baby cry.

One of the nurses comes over with a towel and begins to clean off my baby. And I can see the little head, peeking out of the towel.

"Alice," Steve kisses me tenderly on the cheek, "It's a girl."

A girl. I have a little girl. It's as if it's all perfect now. Everything is perfect. Steve is happy, and so am I.

The nurse gently places the tiny bundle in Steve's large arms. A tiny arm escapes the towel and reaches up towards Steve. Five perfect little fingers on my daughter's perfect little hand.

"She's beautiful." Steve whispers quietly.

I I tried to speak but words failed me. The world had begun to fade into black darkness. My eyes slowly begin to drift shut. I manage to see Steve one last time as he looks down on me with fear. I didn't even get to see my baby girl.

Steve calls my name one last time before my heart slows to a stop.


A/N: Cliffhanger! I know, I'm evil like that. If anyone has any last minute suggestions for a name, comment here! No promises that I will use them, but I'm open to suggestions. I have a first name picked out, but I would like to hear some other names. I'm struggling to find a middle name. So go ahead and comment! Thanks! 

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