This Is It

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Rain began to fall from the darkening sky as I fought through yet another contraction. The hospital bed offered little support to my aching back. 

Any minute now, I would be ready to push. Steve has still not arrived.

Where the hell are you, Steve?

Thunder cracked as a bright flash blinded me from outside the window. The rain was now coming down harder then ever. It's been awhile since it's rained this hard. I wonder if a certain god has anything to do with it. Thor makes surprise visits when he can, and normally they are signaled by heavy rainfall. And a strong thunderstorm.

The pain subsides a little. I watch as the rain falls down the window, the droplets clinging tightly to the glass. Watching the droplets slide down the glass eased my mind a little. It distracted me from the pain. From the worries. From all the fears I have.

I look away from the glass and watch the inner window. The curtains pulled together except for the tiniest little sliver of light peeking through. I could see movement out in the hospital hallway. Not much, but just enough. I see nurses in colorful scrubs, family members running up and down the hallways, the occasional patient, and then I see James. He's pacing nervously in the hallway.

He suddenly pauses. From what I can see, he's reaching into his pocket and grabbing something. His phone perhaps?

Please be Steve.

He holds the phone to his ear and begins to pace again. I watch as his free hand flails around in the air as he speaks. Whoever is on the other line must be important. 

"What do you mean 'the jet ran out of fuel'?!" He yelled.

I raise an eyebrow. The jet ran out of fuel? That almost never happens.

"Steve, you're running out of time! She needs you!" He yells again.

I feel a single tear slide down my cheek. I turn my head back to the other window, watching as the rain continues to fall. Somehow I knew this would happen. Somehow I knew he wouldn't make it. I knew something was bound to go wrong. If the birth doesn't kill me.

James enters the room. He tucked his phone back into his pocket and frowned. My glossy eyes met his instantly. He shakes his head and leans against the door.

"He's stuck at headquarters. He was going to use the jet, but it ran out of fuel. They're trying to get a car for him, but the wait could be a while." He pauses as I bury my face in my hands, "I'm so sorry, Alice." He had no more words, and he didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say either.

So James turned away and closed the door behind him, leaving me alone in the room.

Leaving me with my thoughts, my worry, and my pain.

Thunder claps loudly outside, sending a chill down my spine. Another sharp pain rockets through me, changing my tears from worry to pain. I clutch my stomach and whimper. The pain is getting worse.

The door opens again. This time, it's a doctor and a team of nurses. The nurses check the monitors and take my pulse. My muscles strained as I tried to relax, but to no avail.

"Mrs. Rogers, you're ready to begin pushing. Are you ready?" The doctor asks.

Tears stain my cheeks continuously, "I-" I stutter.

"Mrs. Rogers, I'm afraid there's no time left." The doctor sits in a chair at the end of the bed, pulling on latex gloves.

I shook my head and tried to focus. The baby is coming. I can do this on my own. I'm strong enough to do this. In the end, this isn't Steve's fault. I don't blame him for this. I just want him here.

"Just relax, you'll be fine."

I nod my head and close my eyes. Pressure is building up in my head, I can feel it. My hands tremble as I clench the bed sheets in my fists. My breathing intensifies as I prepare myself for the coming pain.


Five minutes. It had only been five minutes. But it felt like an hour. 

An hour of pure pain.

I let out a shriek during the first push. The pain is intense and I found myself cursing under my breath. I groan as it finally comes to pass and it's over. For now. 

Through the small break in the curtain, I see James rise to his feet. He looks down the hall and calls out. A name, maybe? I can't hear what he says. My ears are ringing. My ears are pounding.

A figure runs past James. A man in a leather jacket.

Suddenly the door bursts open and slams against the wall. It bounces off the doorstopper and bumps back into the man's shoulder.

I can't believe it. 

It's Steve!

His leather jacket was absolutely soaked with water falling on the floor. His golden blond hair was dripping wet and much darker. He was absolutely drenched. He crosses to me in a mad dash and plants a tender kiss on my forehead.

"Sir, you can't be in here right now-" A nurse tries to stop him.

"I'm the father." He replied.

Steve pulled up a chair and takes my hand in his. Immediately I squeeze the life out of it.

"I didn't think you would make it. Did you run in the rain?" I breathe heavily.

"It was the fastest choice. I couldn't leave you you alone for this." He replies, "I wouldn't miss this for the world. But I'm here now. You're okay. You're strong."

"Mrs. Rogers-" The doctor begins.

I nod my head as I can feel the next contraction begin to surge. My grip on Steve's hand intensifies as I take a deep breath and begin to push.


A/N: Okay, so the next chapter will be the end of the birth. Thanks for the reads and votes! Don't be afraid to comment :) Also, we're almost to 10K reads! 

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