I'll Always Dance With You

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I sit in the lab, next to the monitor. That's what I had been doing for a long time. Waiting and hoping that some kind of signal will come through.

My feet were propped up on the edge of the table. As I flipped through a bridal magazine, it made me think of all of the things Steve and I had planned for our wedding. Steve insisted on having fireworks. I wasn't going to argue, only because I love fireworks. I told him that I wanted to have a buffet at the wedding. Steve was fine with that. He loves buffets because he can try everything. He likes to explore the differences between the food today and the food from the 40's.

Steve walked into the lab, two cups of coffee in each hand. I quickly close the magazine and stuff it under my chair. Steve must've seen me, I could tell by the goofy smirk on his face. He hands me my coffee.

"Find anything?" He asks, motioning towards the monitor.

"Not a thing. It's been two and a half months. We haven't found anything. Nat was right, he's hard to find." I admit.

"Then take a break! We need to think about the wedding. We only have a few more months. There's still a lot to do." Steve says. Then he notices the magazine I stuffed under my chair. He reaches down and snatches it before I could get it away from him.

"What's this?" He smirks.

"I'm just looking." I reply.

"Did you get a dress yet?" He asks. He flips through the pages and stops on every other page.

"I have. I got it when you were away on your mission a few months ago. It was hard picking one out. I wanted your opinion." I admit.

"You don't need my opinion. You will look beautiful no matter what." Steve's comment makes me blush.

"I hope you will like it."

"I will love it. And that is guaranteed."

"Thanks, Steve." I smile.

He walks over to a small stereo system and begins to push some of the buttons. I'm surprised that he could figure out the stereo. He slowly turns up the volume, and then some old tunes begin to play. I smile and chuckle lightly.

Steve hold out his hand, "You know that I can't dance, but I will always dance with you." I take his hand and stand from my chair.

"I can't dance either, so I guess that makes you my perfect dancing partner." I say.

Steve's grin faded. And it faded quickly. He looked unhappy.

"Did I say something?" I ask.

"Well, no. I'm just thinking back to before I went under. A lot of memories are coming back." He admits.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I offer to listen.

"No, it's okay. It's not that important anyway." He holds me close as we begin to sway back and forth.

I had said something. I could tell by Steve's eyes. He isn't telling the truth. He's lying to me.

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