My Own Memories

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"You're a terrible liar." I state.

Steve looks at me, a confused look written across his face. He almost looks like a lost little puppy.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Steve, I know you lied to me. I can tell. It's so obvious." I stopped dancing with him for a moment.

"Alice, I don't really want to talk about that right now." Steve tried to avoid the conversation.

"You can't avoid it forever. Eventually, I will find out, and I think you know that."

"I know that. Sometimes it's hard to talk about my past. Some memories are too much for me." He explains.

I understand that some memories are hard to think about. But I believe that since we are getting married, we should be honest with each other. If we're not honest, then things will go downhill fast.

"I understand. I won't bother you about it today. But you should know, I will find out eventually. Some things can't stay hidden forever."

Steve nods his head and pulls me in close and continues to dance. I lay my head on his shoulder and let the music carry me away. I think about everything.

I even think back to the day I first met Steve. When I first became an agent here.

-Flashback Alice POV-

Nervously rubbing my hands together, I pace outside the director's door. Today was my first day on the job, and Director Fury said that he would have one of the other agents show me around.

"Follow me, Miss Mathews." He says, emerging from his office. He begins walking down the hallway. I follow behind him, looking through windows and peeling in to labs. This place is amazing. It's much more high-tech than I thought it would be.

Fury stops walking in the middle of the hallway. I was so lost in thought that I had stumbled in to him. He turns around and glares at me.

"I'll be right there." He says, pressing a button on his earpiece. "I'm afraid that I have some business to attend to. Take this hallway all the way down. Take a left and go to the first door on your right. An agent should be waiting for you. They can give you the tour." And just like that, he turned around and walked away.

I turned around and took slow steps forwards. This place is huge. I know that I'm going to get lost.

I continue down the hallway, and I think I must've missed my turn, because now I'm taking left turns and right turns. The carpet flooring fades into tiles.

I look into a lab and see robots moving and lights flashing. Incredible. Simply incredible.

"Hey, watch it!" A woman yells at me as I stumble into her. I turn around and start walking backwards.

"I'm sorry!" I call, continuing to walk backwards.

That's when I slipped. The janitor had been mopping here, and the floor was wet with water. I slipped backwards, but a pair of strong arms caught me as I fell. I yelped, and covered my face.

"Are you alright ma'am?" A deep voice asks. I open my eyes and find a handsome man staring back at me. He golden hair and his baby blue eyes were striking. He was very good looking.

"I'm okay. Thank you." I reply softly, feeling my cheeks blush. He helps me stand back up. "They should really put a sign out here." I say.

The man points to the wet floor sign that was sitting to my left.

"Right. Of course. So stupid, Alice." I scold myself.

"Hey, it was an accident. No need to worry." He replies. "You must be new here, I've never seen you wandering in the halls before." He says.

"Today's my first day." I say, holding out a hand for a handshake. "Alice Mathews, it's nice to meet you." I say.

"Steve Rogers." He replies, taking my hand for the handshake.

"It's nice to meet you Steve." I say.

Steve says nothing after I speak. He just stares at me. This is getting awkward, but I'm loving it.

"Is there something I can help you with?" He asks.

"Well, I was supposed to get a tour, but Director Fury had to leave. I'm sort of lost." I admit.

"I could give you the tour, if you'd like." Steve says.

"Oh, no that's okay. I don't want to bother you." I say stepping away from him.

"No, please. I insist."

I smile. "Thank you Steve." I say as I walk back towards him, completely forgetting about the wet floor. I yelp and fall forwards and go headfirst into Steve's chest.

Okay, now it's really awkward. I push myself off of his chest and stand quickly, trying not to slip again.

"Let me give you a tour. That way if you slip on another wet floor, I can catch you." His comment makes me smile.

"Alice?" I hear Steve's voice pull me away from my flashback. "You okay?"

"I'm great. Just thinking back. Thinking about some good memories." I answer.

"About your life?"

"About us."

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