I Promise

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I shutter slightly, my nerves on edge. It's felt like eternity since I last saw my husband. I'm excited to see him again, but I'm frightened at the very same moment. The doctors claim that he won't remember anything from the attack. I think he deserves to know what happened if he asks about it. Otherwise, I'd have to live knowing the secret. It would eat me alive.

I glance through the glass window and see Steve. His back turned to the window. A snug blue shirt wrapped tightly around his muscular frame. He sat on the bed, staring out the window into the world. He was partially hunched over, his frame slumping ever so slightly. I haven't seen him this way since he went missing. He returned beaten and malnourished. 

This is worse. Taking his brain into play is much worse.

I hesitate as I place my hand on the doorknob. The silence was eating me alive. Now is not the time for fear. I have nothing to fear. I have my husband back. Or at least I think I do.

I push the door open, it silently swung until it collided with the door stopper on the wall. Steve never moved. He remained still. How I wish I could wrap my arms around him and take away all of his pain.

"What did I do to you?" He asks, still not moving.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't remember much about the attack. But you were the first thing on my mind when the tip of the scepter touched my chest. And from there, it was all black. I can't remember anything." He finally turns back towards me. 

I tremble as I step towards him, pulling down the collar of my shirt, revealing the bluish purple marks that Steve had left on my neck. He pushes himself up from the bed, taking large and slow steps towards me. He reaches out to touch my neck, but his hand stops short, seizing and returning to his side. I reach out, entwining my fingers with his, lifting his hand up to my neck. His hand rests delicately on my neck. His eyes grow moist with painful tears and he looks away.

"What am I anymore?" He asks.

I caress his jawline, his head turning back to me. He slowly opens his eyes.

"You're my husband. You're the father of our child." He shakes his head in denial, still trying to push thoughts out of his mind. "You mean everything to me."

He shakes his head swiftly and glares deep into my eyes, "Alice, don't you get it? I'm not good for you! I'm one accident from killing anyone who gets close to me. All it took was Loki's scepter, and I nearly killed you. Next time, I could kill so many more people." He walks away, his hands swiping through his hair.

"Steve, you're overthinking."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. You'll never hurt me. And even if you do, I love you too much to hate you for it! You'll never hurt me on purpose, I know you all too well! I've been through so much pain without you by my side. Waking up without you beside me has been so painful. Right now, I'd give anything to get you back. I miss you too much to be mad anymore!" My voice trembles as tears stream down my face. All I've been wanting to tell him finally came out in one rush.

"I miss you so much, Alice. Inside, I always blamed myself for your pain. For not being quick enough, for not stopping it. I blamed myself for everything."

"None of it is your fault. It never was." I take his hands in mine, "Bad things have happened to us, Steve. Things that we can't always control. That's why we have each other. We're stronger together and we always have been."

He grins and cups my face with his hand. How I've missed his warm touch.

"Vibranium Strong." He speaks.

"Always." I smile as a tear slides down my cheek.

He draws me close and plants the sweetest kiss on my lips. I've missed him so much, and now I finally have him back. Now I'm crying for completely different reason. I love him so much, I'm crying.

"And Alice-" He speaks between kisses, "I promise."


A/N: He promised! I was missing their moments together. Makes me happy to write it all down. And hold up . . . 7 THOUSAND READS?! Excuse me while I cry tears of joy for a moment. Hands down, this has been the highlight of my week. I tagged a song in the box above, check it out if you'd like. I thought it would go well with how tense the scene was.

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