Now Or Never

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"As it turns out, I've met her before."James says, as he sits next to me at SHIELD headquarters. Wanda Maximoff, now that I know her name, sits across from me. Her twin brother, Pietro, sits next her.

I sit nervously in a chair, my hand tenderly touching my neck. It's badly bruised thanks to Steve's tight grip. Luckily nothing was broken and the baby was safe. Soon I was going to have an ultrasound. But I'm waiting until Steve can be there with me, that is, if he will even talk to me.

"During the time that Steve moved back into SHIELD, he took a mission with the entire team. We all went overseas, which is where we found Loki's staff. I ran into Wanda. It turns out that we had met before I came here to work for SHIELD. Back when I was being brainwashed, I encountered her while on a mission. So when we met again, she remembered me."

"We weren't sure if we could trust him at first." Pietro speaks with his thick accent, "After seeing how good SHIELD actually was, it wasn't so bad."

Wanda spoke next, "I am sorry about your husband. But my powers could break the mind control of the scepter. James thought it would be best for me to stop him. We knew he was going after you."

I sat up in my chair, "Then who used the scepter to take over his mind?" I ask.

"That's the thing. We aren't sure." James began, "Steve and Tony stormed the building. They got separated. Next thing we knew, Tony had the scepter and he found Steve."

Something felt mixed up about this, "How long have you had the scepter?"

"About a week."

"So someone must've taken over his mind back at headquarters." I conclude. I don't understand how someone could steal the scepter and take over Steve's mind. "Who had possession of the scepter when you returned to headquarters?"

"Tony and Bruce had it." James answers, "That's all I know. The lab would've been on lockdown. Only Bruce or Tony could access it."

"I know Bruce, he would never do something like that to Steve."

Wanda scowled, "And then there's Stark." She exchanged a dark look with her brother. Pietro glanced back towards me, waiting for me to speak. They seemed tense when Tony's name was mentioned.

"I know that Tony and Steve have their differences, but I don't think Tony would possess Steve's mind. Especially to send him after me and kill me. Tony has always been a good friend to me." I wonder if the twins had a bad first meeting with Tony. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea.

"Stark isn't someone we agree with." Pietro speaks, "We do not trust him."

"If you're going to be a part of this team, you need to learn how to trust. If you don't trust one person, then there's no way you can trust the entire team. Communication is key." I fire back. "SHIELD was designed to save lives and protect the human race. Every one of us is here to protect the world, even if it means laying down out lives."

Wanda turns to James, "I do not understand how you all can handle each other. By the way you speak, this team is a time bomb."

I shake my head, "We might be a time bomb, but at least we come together to protect the world when its needed. We work together and sort out our differences to keep others safe."

A doctor and a team of nurses come striding down the hallway. A quiet chatter amongst them. They came to a stop when they saw me sitting with the team. I stood up, shaking ever so slightly. 

"Mrs. Rogers." The doctor greeted me, shaking my hand. "He's resting now, but he is awake. He doesn't remember much about what happened. He's shaken up."

I feel my eyes water ever so slightly, "Can I see him?"

"If you'd like." He answers, stepping off to the side, "He would like to speak to you to. He asked me to come and find you." I look back at the group. James nodded his head. He seemed just as shocked as I was.

I find it strange that he wants to see me. I thought I was the last person in the world that he would want to talk to. He always seems to amaze me some days.

It's now or never.


A/N: I'm so sorry that I left you on another cliffhanger. I've been so busy with school lately. My theatre director asked me to stage manage our upcoming spring performance. Stage managing is a serious job, and there's a lot of work that goes into it. I stay late after rehearsals, help students, help with blocking, help with props, run music, catch people up on what they missed, etc. The list goes on. Long story short I find it hard to keep up with school, theatre, and writing. I do my best to balance it, but sometimes it's overwhelming.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

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