The Party (Pt. 1)

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Tony had decided to throw an extravagant New Years party on New Years Eve. But Steve and I were assuming that it would just be The Avengers.

Tony invited everyone at SHIELD. Even the janitors. The place was practically swept clean of people. I'm surprised that Fury let it happen. I figured he would've freaked out about how many people didn't show up for work. But I was surprised when I saw Fury himself at the party.

"Even Fury showed up." I chuckled.

"Strange to see that SHIELD actually gives it's entire staff a whole day off." Steve adds.

"And on the same day."

Steve and I continued to watch everyone at the party. We chatted every once and a while when an agent would come up to talk to us. But with so many people in one building, we were getting a little claustrophobic. So we decided to sneak out to the balcony for a few minutes.

"We've got to start getting furniture for the baby's room." I say.

We stood next to each other, leaning against the railing of the balcony. We watched as stars began to dot the blackening night sky. Due to the bright lights of the city, it was hard to see most of the stars. Only the brightest ones were visible.

"True, but before we do that we need to paint the walls." He has a point.

"Pink or blue. But we can't do that until we find out what the gender is." I always thought that it would be best to know what the gender is before the baby is born. That way we can be prepared for everything. But I have a feeling that Steve will disagree with me.

"What if we just leave the walls painted gray?" He suggests.

"That's pretty boring for a baby's room, don't you think?"

"It might be boring, but it will require less work. Not only that, but I think we should wait and find out the old fashioned way." And just as I had predicted, he wants to find out the old fashioned way.

"Right, grandpa. You're so old fashioned." I joke, and we both chuckle.

I glance over the railing and look down at all of the traffic that never seemed to stop. Especially with it being New Years, it was bound to be a nightmare in the streets.

"Captain. Agent Rogers." I hear Nick Fury call us out from behind.

"Come to enjoy the party sir?" I ask.

He comes up to the railing and leans against it with us. He had a champagne glass in his hand. I find that strange. I never pictured him as one to drink.

"I don't do parties." He says bluntly.

"Then why come?" Steve asks.

"Because no one else showed up for work. So I decided to take the day off as well. Not only that, but Stark insisted that I come." He spoke.

A shiver ran down my spine as the cold night air hit me. Steve noticed, and being the gentleman that he is, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. I considered zipping up his jacket, only because I was starting to show, but only slightly. But I knew eventually, I would be showing completely, and then I wouldn't be able to hide it.

"I also wanted to congratulate you both. I understand you're expecting." Nick surprised me when he told me that. I hadn't told him yet, but apparently, word travels fast.

"Thank you sir. We are." I say. Steve's hands wrap around my shoulders.

"I trust that you will both be good parents." He says, and then just like that, he leaves the balcony. He vanishes into the crowd of people.

"Tony must've told him." Steve spoke up.

"I could almost put money on that." I add.

On top of all of the loud voices that were drifting from the party, I could've sworn that I heard something from the roof. Voices maybe? And then a loud THUMP. Someone was on the roof.

"Did you hear that?" I ask Steve.

"Yeah, I did." He replied, and we both looked up to the roof. We couldn't see anything in the darkness. Maybe it was one of Tony's employees.

"Let me go check with Stark. He might be doing another one of his surprise firework shows." Steve says. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and then takes off into the crowd. I turn back towards the bright lights of the city, once again leaning against the railing. But then something small and shiny fell from above, and landed by my foot.

A bullet.

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