The Worst Last Christmas

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"This is a terrible way to spend our last Christmas together." I groan as I try to get comfortable in my hospital bed.

After the events of last night, Bruce wanted me to go to the medical wing at headquarters. Just to keep me under supervision in case it were to happen again. Bruce had ran some tests this morning to determine what exactly happened last night. We were now waiting on the results.

"Oh come on, Alice. Just think! Next year we will get to watch our kid unwrap presents." Steve gave a light smile.

"I know, but this is our last Christmas before we have a family. Before we start buying toys and diapers." I retort.

"Maybe so, but you also have to look on the bright side. We will finally have a family. And it will be the best." Steve rubbed circles on to my hand with his thumb as he held it.

The door quietly swung open. It was James. He was dressed in casual clothes and was carrying three coffee cups in his hands.

"I heard about what happened. I wanted to make sure you were okay, Alice." He spoke softly.

"I'm fine." I smiled. "A little shaken up, but I'm fine. Thank you for asking."

"I brought coffee." He held up his drink carrier. He got Starbucks. He is amazing.

Dammit. I can't have any caffeine right now. Not exactly something I can have while in the hospital. At least, Bruce doesn't want me to drink any.

"Thanks, but I can't drink any right now. They won't allow me to."

"I got you hot chocolate." James pointed to the cup that appeared to be mine.

"Thanks! Now hand it over." I demanded.

"Yes ma'am." James immediately handed me the cup. He handed one to Steve as well.

We talked for awhile. I explained what happened last night. James new the basics, but I knew the whole story. And he insisted on finding out the whole story.

"Any idea what happened?" James asked.

"No idea. I'm hoping it was just a freak moment, and nothing serious." I reply.

"It was too early to really make any true guesses on what happened. At least, not without Bruce we couldn't make any medical guesses." Steve added.

The door silently opened. Bruce stepped in, a clipboard in his hand.

"I'll leave you two alone." James says. He stands and leaves the room, not even making eye contact with Bruce.

Bruce walks over to the bed and scribbles on his clipboard. "Well I have good news, but also some bad news." He begins.

My grip on Steve's hand tightens "Good news first, please." I say quietly.

"After running tests, I've came to a conclusion. The serum that Steve was injected with spread to his DNA. And it appears that because of the serum being in his DNA, your child now has the serum in their blood. Therefore, it's making the baby grow faster. That's why you appear two months pregnant even though you are only one month along."

"So basically this won't follow the standard nine month-"

"Not at all. From what it appears, you could be due next May." Bruce finishes.

"So six months in total?" Steve asks.

"Yes. But I believe that once the baby is born, she will grow at normal rate."

"Any reason why that is?" I ask.

"Not yet. We might have to wait until the baby is born to figure that out."

"So, what's the bad news?" Steve asks.

"The bad news is that pain you were feeling. That was the baby growing inside of you. At the rate that it it at now, that pain will most likely occur once a month until the baby is born." Bruce concludes. He turns to Steve. "So it's best to remember the date of when the pain started. That way you can be back here for when it starts again. I can monitor the baby and Alice. We can manage the pain, and find out more information about what to expect when the time comes for the baby to be born."

Steve nods his head silently and his thumb begins to trace circles in the top of my hand.

"Any questions?" He asks.

"Is the baby okay?" Steve asks.

"From what we can tell, the baby is fine." Bruce answers.

A sigh of relief sweeps over me. That was the one thing that concerned me.


Bruce left us alone to talk for a while. Steve was still concerned for the baby and I. I told him not to worry. And, I reminded him that we were vibranium strong.

"Are you worried?" He asks me.

"Maybe a little, but I trust that Bruce knows what he's doing. He'll keep us safe." I say.

"I'm sure he will. By now we only have until May. And we have a lot to do before the baby gets here."

"I know. We can start working on the baby's room tomorrow."

Steve gives me a kiss and smiles at me.

"Hard to believe that we're going to be parents." He smiles.

"I know! I never thought this day would come." I smile. Happy thoughts finally found their way into my head.

A/N: I hope that helped explain the last chapter.

Vibranium Strong is almost at 4K reads! That would make a great early Christmas present.

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