The Party (Pt. 3)

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-Alice POV-

"Party's over." The man's voice boomed throughout the room.

Steve continued to pull me back through the crowd. He kept himself in front of me, until we got to the back of the crowd. Then we ducked behind Tony's bar.

"Are you okay?" He was so tense. His hand gripping mine. The other reaching into the pocket of the jacket. He pulled out a knife.

I forgot he kept a knife in that pocket.

"I'm okay." I say, leaning against the cabinets. My head collided with it, making a loud noise.

"Are you sure?" His hand landed on my waist, and his thumb sat on the edge of my belly.

"He didn't hurt me. I promise. We're both okay." I reply.

"Stay here." He commands and then quickly stands to his feet. I grab his hand and pull him back down.

"Steve I want to help."

"No you're not."

"It's my job."

Our eyes meet and it feels different. Almost like he doesn't trust me the way that he use to. It's almost as if we're separated. Just like when we went on our first mission together. We weren't a couple at the time, but I could still feel something for him.


With the heavy gunfire, it was only a matter of time before one of us would get shot down. If not injured, then dead.

We already lost one agent. Taken down by the heavy gunfire. Clint rushed him back to the jet, but he came over the comms saying the agent didn't make it.

I sat with my back against the side of a over turned car. My hair was sticking to the thick sweat on my forehead. Dried blood was also found in the mix. My cut lip was burning, but it was only a small wound. It could be much worse.

"Captain, what's your status?" I call into my comm.

But the silence was deafening,

"Captain, what's your status?" I repeat. I tip my head back, afraid that the worst had come to him. And to think, I thought I liked him. And maybe he might actually like me back.

"Natasha, what's going on?" I call.

"I haven't seen Cap. Clint hasn't returned from the jet yet. Hoping he didn't get ambushed." She replies.

First Cap, then Clint. Is this how it all ends? We each get picked off one by one until there is one left to wander until capture? And what of the others? Would they be alive? Are they captive?

"I can use some backup. Does anybody copy?" Natasha calls.

"I couldn't get to you, the second I move, I'll be shot down." I reply.

"I'm on it." Clint's voice appears from the silence.

"Clint! Is everything alright?" Natasha calls out.

"Ran into a slight problem. I took care of it. Where's Cap?" He asks.

"No one knows. He's not on his comm." I reply.

An array of gunfire blasts the other side of the car. It blew out some of the windows on the car. Ironically, they hadn't been blown out yet. The car, which was laying on its side suddenly began to tip over. I scrambled to my knees, but the car was tipping too fast. I would be crushed.

I curled up into a ball on my side and waited for death to come and crush me. But the sound of skidding feet in the dirt caught my attention. And then, the car stopped, crashing against more metal. I look up only to find Steve standing in his uniform. His shield braced against the car. He buried his shoulder into the side of his shield, forcing the car back on to its side. He grunted, as his final shove set the car in its resting side position.

"Are you alright?" He turns to me, crouching down on his toes.

"I could've handled that myself."

"You mean by giving up and getting crushed?" I sit up against the back of the car and pull out another magazine. I pull out the old one and toss it across the ground when Steve makes his remark. He glares at me.

"At least I'm not afraid to die trying to save innocent lives." I snap, pushing the magazine into place.

"What makes you think I'm not willing to do the same?" He retorts.

"I never said you weren't capable of doing that."

"Yeah, well you were leading up to it."

"Why are being such an ass?" I question, crawling to my toes and then preparing to shoot from the side of the car.

"I'm not, I'm just trying to look out for my team."

"I don't need you're supervision. I'm a big girl Steve. I know how to fight and I can take care of myself. I can handle this." I snap once again. I raise my gun and stand from the side of the car. I fire shots at soldiers, but they immediately returned them to me. The bullets buried into the car, but not going through.

Well, almost not going through.

Before I could kneel down to take out my now empty magazine, one bullet hit my right arm. It pierced it, going straight through. I ducked down, clutching my arm. Steve stood and launched his shield in the direction of the shooter. It came flying back to him. He stood next to me, tying a cloth around my arm. While he ties the cloth, he shakes his head.

"Yeah, you can handle yourself out there." He comments.

"Shut up, Rogers, I didn't see that coming." I wince as he ties it tightly and then steps away and sits back down on the ground next to me. "I'm going back out there." I begin to stand.

Steve grabs my hand and pulls me back down, "Alice you were hit, stay down."

"Steve, it's my job."

-End Of Flashback-

"Alice I can't risk losing both of you. I know you want to help, but I can't risk it." His blue eyes suddenly seemed stricken with fear. "Please, just stay here."

Suddenly, Clint came down behind the bar, ducking down beside us, "Hey, are you guys alright?"

"We're fine." I say sitting up against the cabinets.

"Clint, stay with Alice. Make sure she doesn't get hurt." And Steve stands and walks around the counter.

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