You Speak French?

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Steve hand tightly locked with mine as we strolled through the park.

Little kids were chasing each other around. Some were flying kites. Their parents sat from a distance, watching them.

"It's so beautiful outside." I comment.

"It sure is."

"I wonder if every family in France decided to vacation here this week. There's more little kids here than I expected there to be. Kinda spoils the romance of it all." I say.

"It's not too bad, Alice. And besides, we'll be chasing our kids around someday." He does have a fair point.

We continue to walk through the park until we've walked all the way around it. We decide to walk down to a smaller park that was next to the water. There, we sit down in the grass.

"Steve?" I speak up.

"Hmm?" He replies.

"When do you want to try and have a family?" I ask him.

Steve lays back into the grass and I follow. He locks his hand with mine.

"I can't wait to have a family with you, Alice. But I think maybe we should wait a few months. That way we can have some time to ourselves." He explains.

I couldn't agree more. As eager as I am to have my own family, I would love to have some time together when it can just be Steve and I.

"I think we can do that." I smile.

Steve slowly sits up and then stands. He takes my hands and helps me up.

"It's so beautiful right here. We should take a picture." I say.

"You're right." Steve replies. He spots a young couple walking nearby. He takes my hand and leads me over to the couple.

Then Steve just starts babbling off in French to the couple! I have no idea what he said, but whatever he did say, it worked. The man took our camera and snapped a picture of us. I'm guessing that Steve thanked him, but I don't speak French.

"Uhh, since when do you speak French?" I ask Steve.

"I don't know that much, but just enough to understand. I learned it before I went under." He explains.

"I think it's hot that you speak French." I say.

Steve chuckles and takes my hand and leads me back to our hotel.


When we arrive at the hotel, we take the elevator. When the doors open, the elevator was empty. Steve and I step in and then the doors close.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Steve getting a wicked smile. And then, without warning, be shoved me up against the wall and kissed me. I was caught off guard, but I didn't mind. I throw my arms around his neck. He kisses my neck and holds me tightly.

"You're so beautiful." He says through kisses.

"I love you." I reply.

Then the elevator slows down and comes to a stop. Steve backs away from me and waits for the doors to open.

"I love you too." He pulls me close to him and wraps his arm around me.

The doors open and we step out of the elevator. When we arrive at our room, we hear something from the other side of the door.

"What was that?" I whispered to Steve.

Steve shrugs and then cautiously opens the door. The lights were off and the curtains were pulled.

And there, sitting on the couch was a figure.

A man.

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