1. Chaos

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TW: Mentions of burns, dragon, chaos

Sigils was trying to find Biffle. He was teleporting all across camp to find him. He wished he could teleport directly to him, but that ability was long gone. So instead he was teleporting everywhere, trying to avoid a dragon that wanted to kill him, to find him. He had encountered other people, and had told them to run for the machine, but he still hadn't found Biffle.

"You better run to the machine if you enjoy living,"
"Have you seen Biffle? No? Well run to the machine then,"
"If you have a death wish you can stay here,"
"The dragon is NOT friendly!"

It started raining. Sigils immediately teleported back to the time machine. The rain would burn him, and he knew Biffle wouldn't be happy if he burnt himself for him.

Sigils spotted a gap in the clouds, and hoped that maybe the rain would stop, but it closed up pretty quickly. He did; however, note that it was close to a full moon. He couldn't quite remember, but he thought it meant that it was going to be a full moon tomorrow. Hopefully Biffle still has his device. He didn't need werewolf drama right after they arrived, all though there was no telling if they would arrive around this time.

Sigils spotted a disheveled Henwy running towards him. He glared at him. He was the one who had set the dragon loose, after all. But now he held a broken wand in hand, with a terrified look in his eyes.
"The wand broke!" He gasped. Sigils rolled his eyes. He wasn't blind.

He noticed the dragon following Henwy, and decided to shoot an arrow to distract it. He managed to shoot right past it, without hitting it, and it turned away to try to follow the arrow.

Belatedly, he noticed Henwy pressing the button to start the process of time-travel.
"Why would you do that!" Sigils growled, "We're still waiting for people to get here!"
"It's a death wish to stay here any longer!" Henwy answered back.
"Yeah; but it's completely fine if it's a death wish that you created for others, isn't it?" Sigils replied.

Henwy replied something, but Sigils was distracted. Biffle was running down the hill. Was he okay? He was, but his wings were wet. He wouldn't be able to fly in the heavy downpour. He would be boosted a little by the moon, but that was it.

Suddenly, he spotted Alxton, also heading towards him. The fox hybrid was a bit behind Biffle, but due to being both a fox and vampire, he was likely going to pass him.

He glanced back at the countdown. There wasn't enough time; not even for Alxton, who had the advantage of the moon and of a fox.

Alxton had whirled around and was trying to grab Biffle. It was futile, and would surely lead to both of them being left behind. Biffle knew that as well, and was shaking his head at the vampire. He glanced at the machine countdown, and pushed him towards it.

The last thing Sigils remembered was two pairs of hands reaching out to grab Alxton, and his platonic husband being knocked over by a giant tail.

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