2. Crash

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TW: Mention of blood, broken bones

Henwy felt light-headed. It was like a headache, except like the opposite. An absence of pressure in his head. That's what it felt like.

Henwy decided to test his memory, to make sure he didn't hit his head, and tried to recall his last memory. Heading off on a hi- no, time travelling. The hike was two seasons ago, before everything happened. Why was that the memory he thought of as his last?

He opened his eyes, and was met with a crater hole that resembled the one made by the meteor from Season 1. It was smoking, with pieces of metal strewn around. There was the ruins of the time machine; which wasn't fully intact, but was pretty intact considering the circumstances. There was also a little bit of blood.

He checked his body. He had a broken arm, but apart from that he was fine. Even his hair, which was usually pretty dirty and messy, was fine. He was checking if he had a healing potion in his inventory, when he heard a voice.

"You did this. Not only did you spawn the ender dragon, but you started the time machine before everyone was there. Now Garry, Cheng, Cheri and Biff- Biffle are probably dead; and Alxton is goodness knows where," Sigils snarled.

Henwy looked over at him. Sigils had a broken leg, and several cuts on his body. It was likely that he had some burns on his face as well, but Henwy couldn't check unless he wanted a trident to the face. Sigils hated eye contact, and only let Biffle look him in the eyes.

Henwy didn't try to argue with him. Whatever he said was likely going to end up in an argument anyways.

He felt Sigils staring at him. He made sure not to look his way, and he heard the enderman hybrid teleport away. He heard him yelp at the top, so he probably landed on his bad leg.

Henwy groped around in his pack until he found what he was looking for. A healing potion. He stared at it. He could drink it himself, and heal his arm, or he could give it to Sigils, and heal his leg and cuts.

With a groan, Henwy got to his feet. Sigils probably needed it more than him.

Henwy stared up at the crater walls. It would be a challenge climbing up them with a broken arm, but he had to give Sigils the potion somehow.

He started up the shortest wall, wincing as he moved his injured arm. He was just at the top when he almost fell. Sigils grabbed his injured arm and pulled him up.

"Can't have you dying before you pay for your crimes can we now," he said gruffly. "Here, take this," roughly passing him a healing potion. Henwy stared at it for a second before handing Sigils his own healing pot.

"Only if you take this," he said. Sigils stared at it suspiciously for a second before drinking it quickly. Henwy did the same thing, wincing as his arm knitted itself back together.

"Thanks for not poisoning me," he said.

"Don't look at me," Sigils hissed, which confused him. He wasn't looking at him. "Not you, you idiot," he added. "Turn around," Henwy did as he said.

Four people stood behind him. One piglin hybrid, and three humans like him. The hybrid was currently looking down at the ground, which gave Henwy the impression that he was the one Sigils was talking to.

"Who are you?" The tallest one asked.

"I'm Sigils, and this ruffian is Henwy," Sigils snarled. "Who are you?"

"I'm Frost, and this is Lookumz, Kate and Zud." he said, pointing to each of the members in turn. The hybrid was Zud, the purple haired woman was Kate, and the mime-looking person was Lookumz.

"Next question, what are you doing here?" Frost asked.

Sigils responded "None of your business" at the same time as Henwy answered, "We were running from a dragon,". Sigils growled and muttered "Can't act like you're innocent,". Normally Henwy would have argued, but he was too tired to argue. Especially with Sigils.

The new people discussed with each other for a short while before turning back to face them.

"We'll let you stay here for a couple days at least, but you'll have to make your own lodgings. We'll help you get your friends," Henwy stiffened a bit at the word 'friends'. He wasn't quite sure anyone was his friend right now. He pushed that thought away.

He helped grab Jerome and pull him up to the top of the crater. The bacca - hybrid? He was never really sure - had some burns and cuts on his body that would need treating. He handed him over to Kate, who was apparently in charge of medical care.

Eventually they pulled everyone out of the crater; people needing treatment were sent to the makeshift medical tent.

The four new members lead them back to their camp. It was very simple to remember, and seemed almost familiar to Henwy. He couldn't tell what it was however, and sometimes the terrain seemed completely new.

Eventually, Henwy found a place where he could make his starter base. He gathered his materials and somehow finished a small but grand home in a day. He even decorated it, with some yellow carpet, an old mafia banner (though that was slightly hidden away, and some endstone. Truthfully he wasn't sure how he had gotten said endstone, but hey, it's for lore looked good. He also added some green to compliment the endstone.

He crafted a yellow bed and placed it in his bedroom. Seeing it become night time, he got under the sheets and tried to get to sleep. When he finally fell asleep, he was plagued with visions about h̵̺̯͊̓i̷͇͗͐s̷̠̻͊́ ̴̳̳̩̉̎v̴̠͔̽͊͜i̶͎̮͇͌͌̕ľ̸͈̭̀͑l̴̝̘͊a̴͗͜i̷̲̮͗n̷̞̟͐͂́y̵̛̫͕̺̑̃ ̸̡̯̆͆ä̸͔̟̯̚͝ṋ̷̍͑d̷̼̑̉ ̶̼͈̄̓m̴̙̼̆̈́ȅ̵̮̌.̵̥̏̑̾

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