23. Lucien/Cara

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(Lucien's P.O.V)

These fucking rogues working for Killian needed to die.

I coldly stared at them, my sword gripped tightly as the leader of this ambushing party - Lancelot - simply chuckled.

"You're a disgrace to vampires. All of you." Damien sneered at Lancelot and the other rogue vampires in the company.

Lancelot tilted his head. "Are we? At least we're powerful."

"You're power hungry and so you betray your whole race?" Arion narrowed his eyes, eyeing the werewolf who was getting dangerously close to us.

So far they'd made no offensive move and so we were waiting as well. One movement of harm from their side though, and we'd all pounce. Even though my sword was in my hands, my real weapon would be my transformation.

"Why are you here, Lancelot?" I spoke aloud and he grinned.

"We had some unfinished business here." He shrugged and then looked past us, a deadly gleam in his eyes.

Queen Kesla was guarding the East frontier and the King was on the West one. Gallum and some others were on the South side. Though North was where this party was trained, we wouldn't leave the other's unguarded.

Right now, I still don't understand why King Harold let Gallum send most of our troops to the borders that were infiltrated either way and left the Palace on a shorter supply of guards.

Damien's lightning crackled. "Well, sorry but it won't be finished anytime soon."

"Oh, that's where you're wrong." Lancelot made a pitying face and I scoffed. What was he playing at? "It's good seeing you three together though."

I growled, my anger on a tight leash like the others. But the ice encasing my heart worked out making me more collected, calmer than the rest as I fought to keep my Icy armour in place.

Lancelot continued, "The mongrel ain't here, I see." He made an assessing face and Arion's power could be felt in the air. "But.....it's still a start, eh?"

"A start of what?" Damien quietly uttered as his sword now took up his lightening and I felt my claws growing. This was nonplussing.

More or less, I think he was stalling. But for what?

Lancelot took a step closer and we all growled. Fangs came out and the air thickened with pulsing powers.

He smirked. "You couldn't protect what was yours back then. What makes you think this will be any different?"

Arion's hold on his sword was even tighter and he sharply sucked in a breath. Suddenly, Lancelot flew two steps back and then looking up, his blood red eyes flashed.

I'm guessing he was talking about Sera. Because I mean who else? Our kingdoms? Parents?

Or a certain jade eyed, onyx haired slave.

I clenched my jaw.

It had to be Sera. She was Fae, powerful, a true opponent for Killian's minions in terms of strong illusion magic and well, she'd helped take down some of their men. We were aware of her being in danger regularly though. Damien and I might not like Arion - Damien less than me - but Sera wasn't someone you could dislike even if you wished to.

Damien and I exchanged a look of slight satisfaction.

Lancelot hissed and stood up. He shook his head before smirking, "Oh, are you prepared this time?"

I smirked cruelly, ice in my words, leaning in. "To kill you? Yes."

His eyes narrowed, smirk slipping a bit. "No, prepared to protect–"

And then he suddenly stopped. His eyes narrowed slightly and then they widened. His red eyes flashed with some sort of realization as he assessed all three of us. We shifted a bit.

Slowly, a sly smile graced his lips and he chuckled. "You don't know. Oh, this is good. So very good." He laughed darkly. "She sure knows how to set up a fresh start. My, my. But to have gone this far. Kept you all in the dark so long....."

I frowned. I couldn't help it. His words were far too mysterious to pass on. Arion took a step forward and coldly glared at the still chuckling vampire. "What are you talking about? Who? What don't we know?"

Why? Why am I thinking of Cara when he says such words? Why am I still not able to visit that part of my mind? Why does this derailed headache start?

Damien's eyes were full of suspicion as well. But one thing we all shared was confusion.

Lancelot smirked, "This will be fun. Truly. I intend to see how things turn out from here. Our lord will be entertained by this new turn as well."

I growled, fissures evident in my fortress of ice and that's when all hell broke loose because we couldn't let this deranged vampire speak more nonsense and give us no answers.

I lunged forward and a vampire cut my path. I drove my sword straight through him and abandoning it, I quickly transformed. My bones broke, reshaping themselves, the structure changed.

And in a minute, I was just a bloodthirsty Grey Leopard with it's maw ready to tear through flesh. Ignoring what he had just said, I bit one vampire's head off. A witch aimed to take me out but Arion knocked her out of the sky, choking her with his telekinesis.

While Arion charged forward, his Fae speed and reflexes another weapon in his arsenal, Damien's sword skills were being put to good use along with his lightning that had almost a free reign.

Lancelot rose up, chuckling, "My work here shall be done soon. And with this development, I think it'll be enough."

And then all I saw was red, not even bothering to try and make sense of what he said as I let my carnal side take over.


(Cara's P.O.V)

I breathed hard, keeping an eye on the facing off parties as I hurried across the grass. Arion, Lucien and Damien all seemed to be trying not to let their anger get the best of them.

I gulped, my eyes trailing to Sera's balcony where no sign of threatening life was present yet. But I needed to be there quick. As I entered the palace, I saw how loosely the guards were placed there. That too - focused on the upcoming fight outside.

I was still shaken up by the coincidence of the blood red eyed vampire's appearance as well as the dream I'd just had about my parents.

I don't think they'd attack. The ambushing part of vampires and witches and wolves, I mean. No.

It was probably a distraction. For what, that I have no idea. What did they intend to accomplish from this little stunt? Who was working behind all this?

And why was that red-eyed murdering vampire here?

I gritted my teeth, sudden anger and despair rising up as I quickened my pace. I was quite consumed by my thoughts as I reached the stairs to the first floor when I heard low muttering from the other end of the hallway. I blinked and as I rested my hand on the rail of the stairs and glanced in the said direction.

My brows pulled together in confusion.

There was a person there. A....girl. With...blonde hair.

Who was uttering, no chanting. My heart pounded even faster and I took a step forward, squinting my eyes to see the figure better.

She seemed to be moving her hands slightly in practiced motions and then as if she knew I was here, she tilted her face to my side and smiled sharply.

I sucked in a sharp breath, my eyes slightly widening. I knew that girl. Shit. But what the heck was she doing? By her actions....

Realization dawned upon me and I stumbled back a bit, my breathing labored. Confusion swirled around my mind with a growing suspicion solidifying with every second she held my gaze from this far. The slight moonlight illuminated enough of her face and features that I'd recognize the girl I worked with everyday.

Britt's smile was almost cutting and I don't know how I even saw that in such darkness.

She turned away, continuing with her chanting and hand gestures. Something simultaneously happened outside but I couldn't pay it any attention. I swallowed the lump in my throat as my mouth dried.

"You're...." I gasped for air, feeling my chest tighten. "You're a witch...." The words were barely audible but I know she heard them. It was not a question rather a statement.

Britt simply hummed, glancing at me again not quite as bothered as she perhaps should've been. "Yes and if you don't leave now to reach Princess Seraphima, someone will pay." She coldly spoke and I tightly swallowed.

I don't think I could form words.

Britt was a witch.

But then was she good or was she bad? Was she on our side? Wait - what even is our side? I guess for now it's whatever isn't trying to harm me. And the red-eyed vampire is certainly not on our side. So is Britt working for him as an insider? Or is she the Queen's spy?

I didn't know which alternative was better.

But she didn't even seem concerned that I knew this little fact.

This made things so much more complicated.

And yes, I should hurry to Sera. Of course. But-but....

I felt torn, still so tight on time.

My decision was made when Britt shot me an impatient look and left the mystery of my fellow maid being a witch in a vampire Royal Palace for another time.

Give them power enough to fool them......

But each second I felt myself slipping in the abyss of these secrets. I was the one willingly giving power to people like Damien, Lucien and Arion over me.

......But never enough to lose yourself.

And yet it didn't seem like I was truly losing myself. In fact I felt like I was finding a part of myself. What did this even mean?

I turned around and climbed the stairs, heading towards Sera's room as my head started to ache. I glanced out the window seeing my parent's murderer being thrown back with Arion's telekinesis and I felt a happy surge.

When I was a few steps away from Princess Seraphima's room, I heard a low growl and my eyes widened.

With my heart beating erratically, I ran the last few steps and threw the door open.

I should've been careful. And it all happened so very fast.

In front me stood a giant wolf. An aura of pure power surrounded him and I was instantly hit by a thought that he was an Alpha and that he smelled wonderfully of sage and wood. His ebony fur looked dark and shiny. And his maw was open as he jumped in the air.

Headed straight for the Princess on the ground, with wide eyes who seemed frozen in place. She seemed slightly paler than usual and her gown was spread along with her on the ground. I bit the inside of my cheek hard.

Fear washed over me but the sheer determination was stronger.

And without a second thought, I jumped between the incoming wolf and the Princess on the floor. My forearm was raised in order to protect my face if anything as I hit the floor on my knees as well.

And then I screamed.

I screamed in pain because it hurt. It hurt when I felt the beast's sharp teeth sink into my soft flesh, blood immediately gushing out from the tear. I could feel his teeth against my fucking bone. I tried not to make any noises but that was impossible considering I was after all a human. I writhed slightly, sure that my scream and scent of blood must have attracted some attention especially from three males.

Breathing hard, I brought my eyes - that were stinging and barely holding back tears - to the wolf's.

The said creature of power and command hadn't moved an inch.

And I felt like I had drowned in his eyes the second we made eye contact.

A single tear rolled down my cheek.

Eyes the color of burning gold held mine in an unwavering lock.

My breath hitched, my blood still gushing but momentarily the pain eased. I stared back at him, entranced and the scent of sage and wood around me grew almost comforting.

If anything, I could say I felt the connection I did with Arion, Damien and Lucien. This nameless Alpha werewolf...he had the same effect.

I shakily breathed, unable to tear my gaze away.

And then the strangest thing happened.

The werewolf Alpha whose dominating aura had me weak in the knees, the one who was a beast of ferocious carnality and with eyes so alluring......whimpered.

Yes, he whimpered.

And then slowly his teeth were out of my flesh and I cried out in pain, slight dizziness taking over me and the fog in my mind only grew thicker. My heart skipped a beat and the wolf stared at me. He was quite big, almost as big as me. And whilst it did instill slight fear, I don't think I felt intimidated enough by his presence.

Not in the way I should've been, at least.

With my chin quivering, words jumbled in my mind, I stared into his golden eyes that seemed to be reflecting something akin to confusion and regret as he leaned forward.

His tongue darted out and licked the wounds on my arms.

Hissing in pain, I involuntarily squeezed my eyes shut and my other hand fisted my dress. I bit my cheek hard in order not to make any loud noises filled with hurt.

Blood filled my mouth with the pressure of how hard I'd bitten on my cheek.

He repeated the licking motion thrice and the stinging sensations and pain subsided slightly each time. My breathing was erratic and I realized I was trembling as well.

My dagger was of no use here and I feel like I wouldn't have used it on Alpha anyways. I couldn't even move though.

Then it suddenly stopped and I slowly opened my eyes, glancing down at my arm as my chest rose and fell with my hard breathing.

There were mere scars left now and the wound seemed to have healed even though there was still a dull throbbing. My eyes widened.

My eyes flew up to lock with golden orbs and I saw the wolf so very close to me.

Noises of commotion headed this way entered our ears and the Alpha's ears twitched but he didn't look away. I felt my mouth turning drier than the East Dessert of Vammal.

It was like his burning eyes were cuffs of gold, holding me captive in their wake.

The Alpha suddenly made a low animalistic whine and then nuzzled my cheek. I was too surprised to say or do anything. I remained still and in a flash the werewolf was gone, standing in front of the balcony and with one last glance shot at me, he jumped out of the balcony.

I instantly shot into action and stumbling, stood up. Hurrying to the balcony, I tightly gripped the railings and my eyes searched the grounds to see the form of two werewolves - one of which I knew was he Alpha - hurrying into the thickly grown foliage. My knuckles turned white and I tried to see more but I knew for now they were gone.

Would I see the nameless and mysterious wolf - I'll just call him Alpha for now- again?

The red-eyed vampire and his little but powerful group was on the other end and they were vanishing too. But something told me that this Alpha and the other black wolf with him were not a part of the ambushing party led by the murderer of my parents.

Then what....why??

I gulped tightly and shivered when a cold wind blew past. My head pounded with an ever-increasing pain and I gritted my teeth. I felt someone standing in the room and I realized I'd almost forgotten that Sera was here as well.

Britt was a witch, the red-eyed vampire was here, this wolf was going to attack Sera but healed me and I felt the connection with him too....

What did this mean then?

That's when the door to Sera's room flew open and labored breathing and familiar presences graced us.

"What the hell happened here?"



Okay. Like what just happened in this chapter, eh? You guys got two P.O.Vs and met our beloved alpha werewolf.

What do you think was Lancelot doing there? His mysterious words to our three male protagonists?

And I mean Britt is a witch? What the heck? Who do you think she's working for?

And then the reaction of Alpha to Cara and their intimacy?

Finally, what do you think will happen now and what will Cara say? Or even Sera? Will things get even worse from here on?

Hope you guys enjoyed! Please vote and comment as well! And it has recently come to my notice about how many silent readers I have so thank you but please you guys vote too! It means you support me and my piece of work and that truly motivates me so thank you and just press that little star button! ^_^

Thank you again, cuz of your love we've also been reaching better rankings and just recently hit #1 in the Fae tag!! Yay!

We all can see how the views and votes on each chapter are so uneven so plz plz plz go and vote on each chapter if you still haven't and are reading this note AND book! It would really make my day and drop comments on what you think!! :) Till next time then!


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