24. Queen Kesla

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As she dragged her sharp nail down the stone and looked out of the windows from the chamber, she smiled darkly.

"Lancelot seems to have deduced quite a few things, Your Majesty." The brown haired guy sighed.

The regal queen nodded. "Yes." Another drag down the stone. The guy paid it no heed.

"Sera did well tonight. He was there. They crossed paths."

Queen Kesla hummed in response, her lips blood red and fiery hair cascading down her back. "That was pretty entertaining if I do say so myself. I mean....that was quite a first meeting."

The guy rolled his eyes. "Don't you think you're dragging this out more than necessary?"

The Vampire Queen fake gasped and glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. "Why, of course I am. It's fun."

The brown haired male took steps closer to her and breathed in deeply. "We're short on time, Queen Kesla."

"Did she happen to see her?" Ignoring the guy's words, she questioned.

Impatiently, he nodded. "Yes, she did. Hopefully, it won't cause us much trouble per se."

The queen waved her hand, "Whatever."

"Your Majesty...." He slowly began. "We need to do something now. Killian won't be far behind and with each day he's growing stronger."

The fiery haired female cut a sharp line horizontally in the stone and looked out right when the Alpha wolf and his companion vanished. "True. But no worries, Theo. I've estimated what's going to happen next. After all....it's not the first time. You and I both know how their minds work."

He narrowed his eyes. "Of course. Mind telling me though?"

She chuckled coldly and sighed, drawing another line. "Arion will do it."

"How can you be so sure?"

The vampiress shrugged. "I just know. And after today, it'll only agitate Lucien and Damien."

"I see. But still....you're being sadistic." He shook his head.

"Oh, I'm a vampire after all." She grinned at him. "Take it easy. Once Arion puts forth his proposition, things will transition faster. Besides, Sera will be there to handle it."

Theo snickered, "Better than you."

Queen Kesla shot him a pointed look. "I have my own methods."

Theo made an exasperated face and then Kesla drew another line, the screeching on the stone making Theo frown at the unpleasant sound.

"And I want you there." She informed.

At the queen's order, he scoffed. "Why? And how exactly?"

"You need to return something to her, don't you? I have a feeling Valeryn will offer you ample opportunity for that."

He gave her a pointed look. "No, it won't."

"Not as Theo. It won't. But as Micah....." She grinned slowly and bestowed upon him a look of dark sincerity. "As Micah, it will be the most apt."

He clenched his jaw, avoiding her gaze as his hand slipped into the layers of his clothing to clutch onto the inanimate object. Almost as if to relieve himself that it was still there.

Kesla shrugged, her dress shimmering slightly and crown glimmering, "And she'll need the protection."

"Like they won't be enough?" He gave her a flat look.

Kesla rolled her eyes, "Don't work that pea-sized brain of yours anymore, just do what I say."

A muscle in his jaw flickered. "Please, Queen Kesla. I'm more versed in how to deal with Cara than you."

"I never said otherwise, Theo."

"I'm her best friend. And I dont like decieving her and playing this-this stable boy role." He frowned in distaste and Kesla rolled her eyes, chuckling.

One more vertical line, intersecting with the horizontal ones cut into the stones.

"She signed up for this, Theo." Kesla unapologetically spoke without any remorse.

"Not technically." He uttered but couldn't disagree either. "And now that you've acknowledged 'Micah', I'd prefer to be called by my real name rather than the stable boy's."

She sighed and lifted a shoulder in a non-committal manner. "It's a short affair anyways, Micah."

Kesla stood straighter and then smirked. "Now that all the introductions are over......"

Theo followed the Queen's line of sight and his eyes narrowed at the view.

The queen with all her dragging in the stone had made a small chessboard. With sixty-four squares perfectly drawn. Theo rose a brow.

Kesla smirked darkly as she put a finger on the place where the piece of a queen would stand on the board. "It's time we start playing the game and make a move."

The brown haired guy shifted on his feet, "Not let the chips fall where they may?" His tone was almost contemptuous.

"Oh, no." She shook her head. "We're just going to nudge them all in the right direction. The rest will indeed happen on it's own." She chuckled.

He nodded and looked out of the window as well. "I hope so too then."



Mawahahaha. What do you all think? Mysterious? And uhm the brown haired guy finally has a name?or should we say names?

*cue dark smile*

Hope you enjoyed though?

Okay, so this is another filler chapter as you might've figured.

I'm sorry but the next update is gonna be pretty late because I HAVE MAJOR EXAMS STARTING! So just yeah, I need to focus on studies.

AND I LOVE THIS SONG! it's just so dope and even the name seems to set the vibes. It's pretty catchy and I like the lyrics. To all the bad guys out there: this is a fair and stylish warning ;)

But thank you for so much love! Your votes and reads and lovely comments just make me say OMG. Lol anyways, hope things are good at your end. I'm super busy these days. Really.
How about you?

Anyways, please vote and comment and feel free to let me know your thoughts. Also, do tag anyone you think might like my book or spread the word!! Please? Would mean a lot!❤ Till next time then!


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