42. Arion/Cara

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(Arion's P.O.V)

Kissing Cara felt unlike anything I'd ever felt.

My initiative left her surprised, until her eyes closed of their own accord and so did mine. Color rose to her cheeks and her skin prickled under my touch.

I'd thought it was just lust. No, I convinced myself it was just that but deep down I knew it was more than just that. 

I parted my lips, tongue tasting those sweet pink temptations of hers. Licking them the way I'd imagined so many times and it felt better than anything in my imaginations.

Her lips were blissfully soft and full, uncertain against mine but not unwilling. Deep rooted passion poured from me in this physical contact and each thud of her heart sent mine beating faster.

I inhaled her lilac and lemon scent, invading all my senses in the most touching manner.

How did I ever go without feeling something like this? How did I even survive?

The Angel pulled at my heartstrings involuntarily, making me cup her cheek as her hands rested over my chest and she slowly started to return my gesture, kissing me back softly.

That innocence of hers mixed with the cunning smarts she'd gained over the tough years made her so much more than just a valuable asset. She was ruining me for other women.

Somewhere inside me it rang that there was a spell on me but I think without whatever spell was there, I'd still feel abrupt things for this jade eyed, onyx haired mortal who came barrelling into my life.

I rubbed my thumb over her pulse and she gasped as I pulled her closer with the same hand, the other caressing her cheek. Her lips parted and I took the opportunity, swiping right in to taste her for myself. Cara moaned softly and as her hands slid over my clothed chest, I used my powers to unbutton my shirt so her hands could touch me skin-to-skin.

That's how much I craved her and the realization sunk in like a stone in water.

She sucked on my tongue seductively and I moaned loudly. Simultaneously, Cara took the liberty to trace my muscles with her hands, not soft but the hands of a hard-worker and I groaned. Shaking with the desire that overcame me, I wanted to just take her for myself that very moment.

The sounds she made were like fuel to my dark desires.

Her touch ignited a deep sleeping desire within me, a slumber so long and chosen that it only awoke at her touch. I kissed her harder, swirling my tongue around in her mouth feeling it slide over hers and the taste that was solely her filled me. Cara invaded my mouth, her taste overwhelming and her exploration making me tighten my grip on her.

I nibbled on her lip as she made a pleasurable sound, pushing closer to me.

Her nails slowly traced the lines of my muscles and I shuddered, wrapping her braid around my hand and pulling it to angle her mouth in a perfect slant against mine. The dominance made her breath hitch and Cara's eyes momentarily fluttered opened.

I stared into jade green eyes, so captivating, so urging, so.....so full of emotion.

When we both gasped for air and pulled away, we breathed hard, staring at each other in silent agony of separation and heat.

Cara left me speechless.

She left me wanting more.

My Angel's mere presence invited me to feast on her like a tempting buffet at the most exquisite event.

Her chest rose and fell and I silently watched, out of breath and wanting another taste when she broke eye contact and licked her lips, closing her eyes. 

"You didn't push me away, my Angel." I grinned seductively and when her eyes flew to mine she blushed.

"I....." She blinked and gazed at me, almost puzzled but certainly speechless.

I brushed my knuckles against her smooth cheek and amusement coated the desire in my eyes, my demeanor shifting. "Loved it too much?"

She slapped my hand away, furiously blushing and the sight made my heart leap with unwilling joy. I gulped and my eyes drifted to scars I hadn't somehow seen before on her left forearm bearing crescent bite surely belonging to an animal.

I had a feeling about this but it was too over the top to worry about at the moment.

I'd thought she was just an assets but what if she was more?

When I'd found her sleeping in her little corner today, I couldn't help but provide more comfort for Cara. I, the womanizer of Vammal, took to resting her head in my lap. Seeing those tear streaked cheeks just made something twist inside of me and when she woke up, giving me the most gorgeous scene with her sparkling jade green eyes, I physically had to restrain myself from doing something reckless.

"You're a bad liar when it comes to me, Cara." I couldn't help but chuckle and she shot me a glare that only made me grin wider.

Huffing, she stood up and dusted her dress, as if readying to leave.

A frown touched my lips and I grasped her wrist before I knew it. "Are you leaving?"

My Angel looked down at me, locking eyes, but I didn't give her time to respond. "Sit down with me. Just a few more minutes." I genuinely asked it of her and she bit the inside of her cheek; a habit I'd gotten aware of.

"Alright, Arion." 

I gulped down thickly at the way her voice sounded when she said my name, sitting back down besides me and I shifted closer to her.

Cara's eyes flickered to me, "Or should I say King Arion?"

I smirked at her and leaned closer, whispering, "Well, if you'll take me as your King then I have absolutely no problems."

She scoffed, tucking a piece of onyx hair behind her ear and slightly wincing at her movement. My eyes flew to her side and I wondered if she was injured. Before I could question it though, Cara brought my attention to her own very interesting question.

"How old are you?"

I rose a brow, my lips lifting in amusement. "Why are you asking?"

She shrugged, her jade eyes flickering nervously and I resorted to answering her. 

"I'm around five centuries old. The same as....the others." I know she knew who I meant. "The Great Battle was around four centuries ago before that court was disbanded and he was banished....." I frowned slightly, clenching my jaw when she made a noise of acknowledgement. "My exact age is actually five-hundred only. Just completed it this year." I threw her a lazy smile and she bit her lip.

"You don't look a day over twenty-three at most." She sounded pained to be saying this and I laughed because I knew why.

I don't know when I grew such a deep understanding of her but she had to be thinking that maybe if I was some old, mean looking male, her attraction to me would be nil.

Cara rolled her eyes, that snarky side coming out as the heat in her cheeks subsided. "You're quite narcissistic." She looked away.

"And irresistible." I teased her, smirking.

She quietly hummed and gave me a side glance almost shyly, "That too."

My smirk dropped and I regarded her seriously. She simply stole my breath away and this pull between us....I couldn't resist it today anymore and I'm glad I kissed her. It was absolutely amazing.

Was I expected to keep my hands off of her in this perfect moment?

I balled my fists and cleared my throat, my thoughts flickering to two pieces of information that I knew would divert the attention and quell this heated fire sizzling between us.

"What had happened actually after you got...kidnapped by those Fae males along with the other girls?"

She sucked on her teeth, giving away nothing with her expression and answered, "Nothing really. Just that Leon and Sera found us in time and Leon pretty much finished most of those guys. Beheaded them."

I ran a hand through my hair, cursing internally because she was lying.

She was lying and so was Sera. They, unlike Baron, were doing it willingly and it pissed me off.

One thing I know my sister hadn't taken into consideration was that her illusion needed time to build and if I took their word for it then that meant Leon managed to cause such carnage in three mere minutes?

Though I didn't doubt his capabilities, what made me realize the truth was his sword.

Leon's sword was clean and pristine. No drop of blood, no signs of having been used despite being unsheathed. Now, he couldn't have been cleaning it before I arrived right? It just didn't fit in the time frame.

But if I kept thinking about this...betrayal from my sister and Cara then I'd be angrier and I didn't intend to ruin this moment.

Perhaps the next topic wouldn't be so bad?

"General Lucien and Prince Damien have left Celera and will be arriving in Valeryn in about a week."

She stilled and swallowed, not meeting my eyes and instead looked down as she released a shaky breath.

This topic is worse.

"They are coming." She murmured to herself and nodded as if it held more value and I buried the tense feeling that came with the thought of her being happy like that for another male. 

Or males.


(Cara's P.O.V)

When I ended up in Sera's room soon enough, she silently stared at me and then her brow arched at my dress. I winced slightly as I attempted to bend and bow to the ochre haired Fae friend of mine who was technically a Royal. Just because I like tormenting myself, as a result of which my side split up in pain and I hissed.

Nothing escapes this smiling Fae Princess' eye when it comes to me.

Seraphima silently got up and gave me a soft look before opening her door and speaking lowly to Leon who nodded and then left his post outside the room. 

I bemusedly rose a brow when she turned around and then moved to sit down but it caused me to feel like the clawed flesh of my right side was opening up again and was going to start bleeding. Carefully, I lowered myself and controlled my breathing so the movement was minimal.

The pain had been bearable when Arion had kissed me though.

Turned out, Sera had asked Leon for some salve and wound-cleaning supplies. When she saw my wound after unwrapping it from the black velvet strip of makeshift bandage, sensitive and pink with blood oozing out and crusted at the sides, she cringed a bit. Ending a bit above my hip bone and starting at my sternum, it was a gash I was sure would leave another scar.

I basked in the comforting silence as she worked on my wound, no questions asked but silent reassurance in her eyes every time the pain caused me to grit my teeth or bite my cheek or whimper out loud. 

"Thanks...." I mumbled as she wrapped up and she gave me an exasperated look.

"You worry me more than my brother does."

I smiled ruefully but my affection for her just became deeper and maybe in another time, another age I'd had someone like her always by my side. Someone I'd be willing to sacrifice a lot for.

Setting the bloodied supplies outside the door to be taken away by Leon, she took her place besides me on her bed.

The new look in her almond eyes and the dangerous gleam though, scared me more than anything else. I prepared myself and she smirked. 

"So I heard you were with Arion this morning, hm?"

My heart nervously skittered and I know she could hear it. My eyes drifted away from hers and a blush crept up my neck and cheeks.

I brought my fingers up to touch my parted lips left swollen by Arion's early morning assault on them.

Dazed, I remembered the moments of his lips on mine and his tongue exploring, his hard muscles so perfect and those eyes so devastating as he drowned me in a never-before-felt sea of his grey emotions.

I shook my head to release myself from the sinful thoughts and focused on the task at hand.

Which was Princess Seraphima.

Staring knowingly at me and giddily smiling. Smiling such a wide, toothy smile that it started to turn creepy.

"What?" I squeaked and she finally squealed, quite loudly.

For a moment, I was apprehended at how quick she let the previous matter go.

Leon flung open the door, eyes alert until he saw her squealing and then gave me a bow before closing the door again.

Sera, being the adorable one she is, remained oblivious or more appropriately, chose to ignore his peek in.

"It finally happened, you two kissed!!" She was certainly more excited than me but her excitement was rubbing off on me and I smiled a bit.

Her ochre hair blew at the breeze flowing in and her almond shaped eyes twinkled as she reached for a lemon biscuit and I shook my head in exasperation. Her arched ears peeked out from under her hair.

I still didn't know how to feel judging by the prior events but I no longer felt the need to cry my eyes out and create a river of distress anymore. Alpha's comfort and Arion's distraction had left me reeling about. And news of Lucien and Damien arriving in Valeryn.....

The thought of seeing them again...

Something rose up within me, unfurling and stretching its sore limbs as if preparing. Damien's marks were the faintest of scars on my neck now but the memory wouldn't fade and neither would his electric blue orbs. And Lucien's ring was unforgettable and so were his amber pools or our first meeting.

How would it feel to see them after more than two months?

Excitement gnawed at my chest and my stomach felt fluttery. My heart skipped a nervous beat at the thought and I had to jostle myself out of wonderland. Shouldn't I hate them? But that emotion had ebbed away a while back. I realized with a start.

Sera grinned and then got up from the bed we were both sitting on, heading to her vanity mirror and looking through the drawers.

"I'm so happy!"

I chuckled, "I can see."

For a few seconds only the wind chimes made tinkling sounds and the breeze played with the curtains.

"Did Arion question you about what had happened at the tavern?"

Sera cringed and gave me a side long glance. "Yes and I said the same story."

I frowned. "But why not the truth?"

She sighed and stopped for a second, "It wasn't time."

"Sera, what was in the powder?"

She blew out a long breath and didn't answer me for a long while. I kept staring relentlessly and then she pouted finally breaking.

"It was for memory lapse."

I rose a surprised brow.

Potions, powders or any other magical substances that tamper with memory are extremely rare and expensive. They tamper with the course of nature and so even most Dark witches are against its trade or production. But apparently not.

I let the knowledge sink it and dropped the topic.

Then I asked her a question that had been bothering me for quite a while. "Hey, Sera?"

She hummed, asking me to continue. 

I did. "Who's the older sibling."

She replied within a heartbeat. "Arion is." She kept rummaging through her things.

I nodded and then posed the true query. "How old are you?"

"I'm eight-hundred and twenty." 

She finally found what she was looking for and beamed at me, bringing the small jewelry box over to me.

But my thoughts were stuck on her answer as I watched.

She was the younger sibling and eight-hundred and twenty. But Arion told me he was five-hundred just this morning. My heart twisted at another lie being told.

"Arion said he was five-hundred this year." I quietly spoke and Sera stopped in her ministrations for a second before smiling bitterly and choosing not to reply.

"Here." She softly smiled at me, opening the box and clutching onto something.

I looked down and found an ancient looking bangle. Intricate in design and painted in silver with twirls and designs of beautiful red, it was painfully expensive in both cost and taste. It looked like an antique as old as a millennia with strange things inscribed into it.

Seraphima grabbed onto my left wrist and brought the bangle up. My eyes widened.

"Sera, what are you--"

She slid the delicate-looking but sturdy bangle on and it was a perfect fit. I stared in awe as the light and smooth circular object adorned my scar-ridden wrist and then glanced up at Sera.

Her almond eyes shone with unshed tears and her expression softened. "Thank you." She whispered. "For everything."

I frowned in confusion, swallowing thickly thinking how I should know what she's referring to.


She gave me a stern look, licked her lips and her eyes rested on the bangle before she locked eyes with me, smiling mischievously.


She held up her own left wrist and there was the exact replica of this bangle. Sera grinned triumphantly and I exhaled.

"It's the exact same." I breathed out, surprised at the beautiful and skillful duplicity of the artifact ringed in silver and adorned in red.

"Indeed." She smiled and then she hugged the unsuspecting me.

Pressing her cheek against mine, Sera spoke in a muffled tone. "I'm so glad I met you."

I just sat still before slowly wrapping my arms around her graceful body as she hugged me tight, arms around my neck like a gleeful child's.

Over and over, I tried to see things differently but it never changed. No mater what she kept from me, Sera was now a dear friend. She was of worth and all things good. Someone who could change lives because of the heart of gold she had.

So, with a chuckle I whispered, "Me too, Sera. Me too."

What none of us knew, was that everything.....

Absolutely everything was going to be ruined in a week's time.



I'm so sorry for the long chapters ranging over 3K words. And thank you so much for almost 3.5K votes and 18.5K views in such quick succession! To all the new readers, thanks and don't forget to vote please!

Soooo....how do we feel about everything that happened in this chapter?

The news of Lucien and Damien's arrival....Sera's bangle, her words and their relationship progress? Oh and of course the mysterious age dilemma. I hope you all enjoyed!

We aren't far from the action now and next chapter will be the proof of that. Prepare yourself. Mwahahha. Lol anyways, stay safe and till next time then!


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