Epilogue 1

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Time have spend really fast. The 4 painful years that pierced their heart were difficult for both of them. Both needed each other, both craved for each other but destiny showed no mercy on these two lost souls but when love is strong enough then the borders made by man can't keep two loved ones away. Even destiny got defeated from the power of love.

Avneil faced alot of ups and downs in their relation. The relation that failed to start before their separation was given one more chance. A chance that changed their life, a chance that gave them each other's love and support, a chance which connected their souls, thus making them true soulmates in true sense.

Their remarriage marked the beginning of their new journey. Journey towards a happy and normal married life, journey where they didn't care about destination but their way towards their destination have given them each other's support. When one became weak the other one became the shield. That's the relation of avneil.

They are living in their happy world now. After 2 years of their remarriage and 6 years of their divine relation which remain alive during their  painful separation as well, Avni is engrossed in the memories they created together.

After 2 years

Avni was sitting on the bed along with the photo albums which consists of their pics and memories associated with each click was enough to make her go through their memory lane again and again.

She opened the album and found a pic of poha and bhindi ( ladyfinger ), a small smile appears on her face.

( Their moments in bold letters )

After their wedding, avneil came into the house and were starving.

Avni - Neil you go and sit at the dinning table, I will cook breakfast for both of us.

Neil - I will also help you.

Avni - You know cooking ? ( surprised )

Neil - Ofcourse. Let's do one thing you prepare a dish for me and I will prepare a dish for you. It will be interesting. Right ? ( excitedly ).

Avni - So excited.. ( chuckles ).

Neil - Yes, now come let's go.

With that he holds her hand and drags her towards the kitchen. Avni was both shocked and happy after seeing his behaviour. This was real Neil, full of fun. A carefree soul who was very disciplined towards his duty. She loved how he is being himself infront of her.

With that they both started cooking.

Neil - Avni you won't look at my side and I won't look at your side. Make sure no cheating wifey.

Avni - Okay hubby I will make sure about that.

After sometime they both brought their cooked dishes outside and kept the covered containers infront of each other.

Avni - Open it. ( smiles )

Neil opens the container and becomes super happy.

Neil - Bhindi.. ( excitedly )

In excitement he hugged Avni and plants a kiss on her cheek. Avni becomes shocked for the nth time that day with her man's gestures.

Neil - ( little bit nervous ) I guess in excitement..

Avni - You need not to be nervous, I am all yours. ( smiles ).

Neil again hugs her and inhale her feminine scent which always gives him peace.

Neil - ( while breaking the hug ) Now open your container.

Avni opens it and again became shocked. Well her man was giving her unpredictable surprises, so what can you expect from her.

Avni - Poha .. ( happily )

Neil - Its your favourite. Right ? ( smiles ).

Avni - how did you know about this ? ( stunned )

Neil - ( chuckles at her reaction ) Ayesha maa once told me and I thought that someday I will cook it for you. Finally the day came. ( genuine manner ).

Avni - Thanks for giving me this day. ( welled up eyes ).

Neil - Thanks for coming into my life.

They both rested their foreheads against each other and were having teary eyes. Neil wipes her tears.

Neil - Now, no more tears Avni. We will bring happiness in our relation not these tears.
Moreover, Pushpa I hate tears re.. ( he says dramatically ).

Avni chuckles at his antics.

Avni - So dramatic. I never knew Mr. Neil Khanna have so many shades.

Neil - You will explore many more shades of mine. Just wait and watch.

She smiles.

Neil - We should start eating Avni. I can't resist this magical aroma of bhindi.

He was about to take the first bite but Avni stopped him.

Neil - what ? ( puppy face ).

Avni chuckles at his cute face.

Avni clicks the pic of the food and Neil looks at her confused.

Avni - I want to preserve all these memories Neil. The memories we will create with each other from now onwards.

Neil smiles. Avni was about to take a bite but Neil held her hand. Avni looks at him confused.

Neil - Let me feed my newly wedded wife.

With that Neil makes her eat poha and Avni feeds Neil.

Avni / Neil - ( at same time ) Awesome.

Avni - Neil poha is so delicious. Will you cook this for me once more.

Neil - Anytime dear.

Neil - By the way be ready, I will make you cook alot of tasty dishes for me. ( naughty voice ).

Avni - Always ready Mr. Hubby.

Both burst into laughter and feed each other.

A small smile appears on Avni's face when she remembered that beautiful moment. She flips the page and found another cute pic of them in which Neil is sitting on the ground and Avni is sitting on the couch and is massaging his head while he have closed his eyes and a cute smile is lingering on his face.

Neil and Avni were standing in the balcony and were having their us time. They were discussing about each other's hobbies, wishes, dreams, aspirations and everything. It was their daily routine. Whenever they come home after a hectic schedule in office,they both spend some quality time together after having dinner with their family.

Neil - I am having a minor headache.

Avni - Let me massage your head.

Neil - Really.

Avni - Yes, sit here. I will just come.

She goes from there and he sits on the ground. After sometime she comes there and brought oil for massaging his hairs.

She was massaging his hairs while he was enjoying the massage with closed eyes and an innocent smile. Shweta saw this scene and clicked a pic of them.

Next day she showed the pic to Avni while she blushed and this resulted in uncountable teasings from Shweta and bebe.

Avni smiles while remembering how they both teased her and flips the page. Here came a selfie taken by Neil. Both were sitting in aeroplane. She caress the pic gently as it was their first selfie of their honeymoon.

Neil came inside room.

Neil - Wifey.

Avni who was busy in arranging her clothes just hummed in response.

Neil - We are going somewhere.

Avni - where baba ? ( still focussed in her work )

Neil - Thailand, for our honeymoon.

Avni's eyes shot open at the mention of honeymoon.

Avni - Honeymoon ?

Neil - Yeah, dad have booked the tickets as well.

Avni - You want to go ?

Neil - If you will give me company then only I can go na. ( pouts ).

Avni - Okay fine, we are going.

Neil - Yes. ( excitedly).

He comes forward and lifts Avni, he twirls her around.

Avni - Neil .. ( laughing ).

Neil - You know what ( while keeping her down ) I want to do skydiving along with you. I am damm excited.

Avni - Sky diving. No ( fearful)

Neil - Why ? It's my dream wifey. ( puppy face ).

Avni - Neil, I am scared of heights.

Neil - I will be there with you. Don't worry and we will enjoy this trip alot alot and alot.

Avni chuckles and hugs him.

When they boarded the plane, Neil took their selfie.

Neil - Another collection in your memory book. ( smiles ).

She flips the page and there comes their pic while doing sky diving. She can still feel, how much scared she was but he made her feel comfortable and helped her in overcoming her phobia of heights.

Neil - Wifey, nothing will happen believe me. You will be safe. I will be there with you.

Neil was trying to calm down an afraid Avni.

Avni - What if I fall down Neil ?

Neil - I will be connected with you so I wont let you fall down.

Avni - What if parachute didn't work  ?

Neil - offo wifey, stop being negative. I am there for you. You will be safe believe me.

Avni nods.

They were sitting in plane and Avni was continuously chanting God's name. Neil came towards her and took her shivering hands into his and caress them gently.

Neil - Trust me. ( smiles)

These two words were enough to make Avni feel secure as she knew that her man will never let anything happen to her.

They both jumped from the plane and were tied with each other. Both were enjoying the pleasant view. Avni was feeling scared but after feeling Neil's presence around her, she felt secured and enjoyed the view.

There were more pics from their honeymoon period and Avni can't stop admiring them. How they both  grew  closer during that phase of their life.

Avni started laughing when she saw a selfie where Neil was looking uber  cute in his shocked expressions as Avni had kissed his cheek while he was taking selfie. The incident that took place before this selfie was hilarious.

A guy was trying to propose Avni and Avni tried her level best to ignore him but he kept sticking to her like a leech. Neil was attending some call, that's why he didn't see that clingy person. After sometime Avni went to another table as they were in restaurant. The clingy person came there as well. Neil came back and saw that person trying to flirt with his wifey and making her feel uncomfortable, that was enough for him, so he went there and gave him good amount of punches.

Neil - How dare you idiot ? She's my wife. ( while punching him )

Avni stopped him and took him away. For lifting their mood they were walking while holding each other's hands and were enjoying the pleasant view.

Avni - I guess he must have undergone some oral fixation. ( laughs ).

Wifey ..

Avni looks at the door when she heard the most pleasant voice of her hubby who was standing at the doorstep with a glass of juice. He comes inside and sits beside her.

Neil - The way you are watching these pics daily, I guess our baby will also remember each and every moment of his / her parents.

( Avni was 8 month  pregnant.)

Avni - So, he/she should know about us. Right ?

Neil - First  of all have this. ( while forwarding juice glass to her.)

Avni takes it while Neil joins his forehead with her big baby bump. He was caressing it gently while she was caressing his hairs and was having her juice.

After she finished her juice, Neil wrapped his one arm around her shoulders and buries his face in crook of her neck, his other hand was caressing her baby bump while he was nuzzling in her neck.

Avni - Neil ..

Neil - Hmm... ( still nuzzling )

Avni - We came a long way.

Neil - Our upcoming life will be more beautiful Avni as this little one will make us go through more special emotions and events. I am excited for this.

Avni side hugs him while he hugs her back.

( I know some of you want me to continue this story but if I will do so then its essence will he vanished. I don't want to do that. I wanted to write an OS on this concept but then thought that an OS wont justify this concept, so I wrote this short series.)

( i don't know if pow can join army again or not. So, I thought to focus on avneil's  relation more. If I did any mistake then forgive me.)

( There is one more part of epilogue that will be posted soon.)

Much love
Thanks, 💕

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