Epilogue 2

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Avni breaks the hug and picks up the photo album again. Neil keeps his head on her shoulder, wraps his one arm around her and caress her baby bump with other hand.

Avni opens the album and found another adorable pic in which they both are hugging and the view around them is breathtaking. A small pond is located there with lush greenery. Avni and Neil smiles as they realised that this pic was taken by bebe after their love confession.

( Their moments in bold letters )

Khanna family went to picnic along with Mehta family as both the families wanted to spend sometime with each other. Avneil were super happy as they would be able to spend maximum time with each other  during this trip.

When family members were busy in their gossips, avneil went for a walk and were watching the mesmerising view of nature while standing near a pond.

Neil - Its been 4 months Avni and I feel like I lived my life happily in these months. The painful four years have been compensated due to these four months. You have really blessed my life with all the happiness.

Avni - These four months have given me my husband or I would say the most unadulterated form of my husband, his original self, his different shades. Now I want nothing from my life cos I have everything.

Neil - we started our relation from a simple remarriage, from strangers we became besties. In this journey, I realised that how much I love you. Maybe I never expressed my love in words but I really do. I guess, I loved you  4 years back as well that's why I craved for you every second, I missed you terribly but I wasn't sure. Now I am dam sure that I loved you, I love you and I will always love you. You complete me like a true soulmate. With you I am me and I always want to be in your embrace. Always. ( genuine and emotionally ).

Avni - Will you let me be in your arms whenever I feel low cos I feel your love when I am closer to you and want to shower all my love on you. Like you I never confessed it in words before cos I know words can't justify our divine love Neil. ( teary eyes ). Please hold me in your embrace forever cos now  I am habitual of your lovable warmth.

Neil immediately hugged her and pulled her more into himself. They both were lost in their own world, bebe and Ayesha came there looking for them and found them hugging. They both were having tears in their eyes as all the family members were worried about their relation but now they were sure that they have maintained their relation happily and have accepted each other whole heartedly. Bebe clicked a pic of them as she didn't want them to miss their magical moment.

When they both returned, bebe gave the pic to Neil and Neil was smiling foolishly as he remembered their sweet confession.

Neil - Avni

Avni - Hmmm.. ( still caressing their pic )

Neil - I love you.

Avni - I love you too.

He kissed her forehead while she smiles.

Avni flips the page and found another cute pic of Neil and started laughing while Neil made an innocent pout.

Avni - How was the taste of bitter guard juice ?

Neil - Eww... ( while pinching his nose ).

In this pic Neil was making some weird expression due to the bitter taste of bitter guard juice and everyone was laughing while sitting along with him. Avni took this pic secretly for teasing him.

IPL season was on full swing so  family was watching match while sitting along with each other.

Neil - Avni you know what, my favourite team will win. ( he says proudly ).

Avni - In your dreams Mr. Khanna, my favourite team will win.

Neil - Let's see.

Avni - we will see and if my favourite team will win then you will drink bitterguard juice.

Neil - If my favourite team will win then you will drink bitterguard juice.

Avni - Okay fine.

Neil - Get ready to drink that juice wifey.

Avni - Avni Neil Khanna never loose Mr. Hubby.

Everyone was staring them and were suppressing their laughters after seeing their childish fight.

After sometime match got over and Avni won the bet and Neil was made to drink bitterguard juice while everyone was laughing at his weird yet cute expression and Avni clicked his pic secretly for preserving it in her memory world.

Avni again starts laughing at him while he flips the page and smirks while Avni was blushing like hell.

Neil - Wifey you looked so cute in this pic. The glow on your face is making you more beautiful and that blush.. uff.. if you want we can recreate this moment after the birth of our baby. What say ? ( smirks ).

Avni - Neil .. ( smacks his chest while he chuckles ).

It was the pic of Avni taken by Neil. Avni was dressed up in pinkish saree and was glowing and blushing at the same time. This pic was taken after they consummated their marriage. The next morning when she came out of washroom after a long shower and was looking ravishing, Neil clicked her pic and kept it in their photo album for making her realise how much beautiful she looked after that night when they both became one.

Neil - Want to recreate it ? ( naughty manner ).

Avni - And what about this. ( pointing towards her bump.)

Neil - Let him/ her come then we will do. What say wifey ? ( teasing her )

Avni - you shameless person. ( smacks his chest while he giggles.)

She flipped the page and they were admiring all their cute pics. Their dates, craziness, family functions, long drives, business trips etc.

They stopped when they saw the pic of their first marriage anniversary precisely their fifth marriage anniversary but they were celebrating it with each other for the first time.

After celebrating their anniversary with family and friends, Neil took Avni to their farmhouse.

Avni - Neil why are we here ?

Neil - Come with me.

He took her inside and they both reached near pool area, Neil have arranged everything perfectly there from decorations to food. A perfect date setup.

Avni - Neil.. ( confused )

Neil - I want to complete one ritual.

Avni - Ritual ? ( confused )

Neil - Our marriage happened in a rush manner so we weren't able to organise engagement function. You were sad. Right ?

Avni - How you know about this ?

Neil - Ayesha ma, my saviour.

Avni smiles.

Neil - So I was waiting for our anniversary where we will complete this ritual as well. We decided that we will live our life to the fullest so we should complete our each and every dream.

Avni was smiling in tears.

Neil - No more tears jaan. ( wipes her tears ).

He pulls out two rings from his pocket and gave one to Avni and kept another with him.

Neil - So let's start our engagement.

With that he kneels down in front of her and made her wear her ring, he kisses her hand and gets up. After that, Avni makes him wear his ring and plants a soft kiss on his hand. They both sealed the moment with a passionate kiss.

Avni - Now its mine turn to gift you something.

Neil - What ?

Avni pulls out a glass jar from her bag which had folded chit of colourful papers.

Avni - This jar consists of your uncompleted wishes, so I am giving it to you. Whenever you want to fulfil any of them, then you can tell me as I want you to complete all your pending wishes.

Neil takes the jar and keeps it aside, he hugs her.

Neil - My biggest wish is living my entire life with you. Will you give me that ?

Avni - I am all yours Neil.

There were pics of their entwined hands displaying their engagement rings, their cute selfies. They both were smiling while remembering all the beautiful moments they spend with each other.

They flipped the pages and found another adorable pic in which Neil is sitting on his knees and placing a soft kiss on Avni's tummy.

Avni - Dad you can keep him busy by giving him responsibility of new project.

Prakash - Okay Avni.

Avni - Mom we will plan Neil's birthday in the best manner.

Shweta - Yes Avni but have you planned what will you gift him.

Bebe - As if she will tell you. ( Rolls her eyes ). Madam madonna we shouldn't interrupt in their personal moments.

Shweta - Oh yes yes bebe. I forgottens.

Avni - I will come within  5 minutes.

She ran from there as she didn't want them to tease her.

She receives a call from her gynecologist.

Avni - Hello.

Doctor - Avni I checked your reports. Congratulations, you are pregnant.

Avni - Really. ( tears of happiness were brimming from her eyes.)

Doctor - Yes.

Avni - Thank you so much doctor.

Doctor - Take care and come to my clinic tomorrow along with your husband.

Avni - Okay doctor.

Call ends.

Avni - This will be the best birthday gift for you Neil. I can't wait to tell you but I have to wait for a night. Tomorrow I will tell you about this.

In evening, Neil comes home and goes in their room as soon as he enters inside Avni throws herself in his arms. He gets shocked with her sudden action but embraced her in his protective cocoon.

Neil - Wifey.

Avni - hmm..( snuggling in his chest ).

Neil - What happened ? You missed me that much.

Avni breaks the hug and cups his cheeks.

Avni - Alot.

Neil - ( smiles ) Why you didn't came to office today ?

Avni - I was having some work.

Neil - Okay.

Avni again hugs him while he hugs her back.

The next day, whole Khanna mansion was decorated lavishly for Neil's birthday. Avni was the happiest soul as she wanted to watch Neil's reaction regarding her pregnancy.

Neil came home after attending some important meeting and got surprised with the decorations.

Everyone - Happy birthday.

Neil gets overwhelmed after seeing the surprise. Everyone wishes him and gives him gifts but Avni didn't give him any gift that surprised him but he shrugged it off as he knew Avni would have planned this entire birthday party. After cake cutting, Avni came to him and held his hands in hers, everyone was watching them as she told them that she want to share something with all of them.

Avni - Neil, I want to gift you something on your birthday.

Neil - ( smiled ) What you want to give me Avni ?

Avni - A symbol of our love who is growing inside my womb.

She took his hand and placed it on her tummy.

Avni - We are expecting. ( teary eyes ).

Neil was stunned after her revealiation. His eyes filled with tears and within nick of time, he pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

Neil - ( while hugging ) Thank you Avni, thanks alot for bringing this happiness in my life. You are the best thing happened to me.

He broke the hug and plants kiss on her forehead and cheeks, he bent down and hugs her belly while she caress his hairs gently. He placed a kiss on her belly at that time Vidyut clicked the photograph of their precious moment.

Neil - ( while placing his cheek on her tummy ) Thanks for coming into our life. Papa is blessed to have you. You have world's best mumma. Always remember that.

Everyone came forward and blessed the couple.

Neil - That was the best day of my life.

Avni smiles.

They saw some more pics related to Avni's pregnancy and smiled sheepishly.

Neil - ( while caressing her pic ) You know you have become uber cute with your baby bump just like my teddy bear.

Avni - ( smiles ) The way you have supported me in this phase Neil, it have made my pregnancy easier. I was so scared about this.

Neil - I am always with you wifey in every stage.

Neil closes the photo album.

Neil - Now you should take some rest.

Avni - I want to have ice cream. ( pouts ).

Neil - Avni, you ate ice cream yesterday only.

Avni - Please give me today as well. I will do regular exercise without any tantrum. ( pouts )

Neil smiles at her antics.

Neil - I will bring it for you.

He went and brought a chocolate ice cream for her. She became happy and kissed his cheek.

Avni was eating ice cream like an impatient child while Neil was admiring her lovingly. How cute she was looking, he thought and smiled at her cute antics.

After few days

Avni was lying on the hospital bed and was screaming in pain and Neil was holding her hand for supporting her in this difficult situation. Neil's eyes were filled with tears after seeing her in immense pain while Avni was trying her best to push out her baby. Delivery time is really very difficult for the couple.

Avni - Neil I can't.. ( weak voice )

Neil - You can do it Avni. For us you can. Please be strong, I am here for you.

He caressed her face gently and kissed her forehead.

Avni - Neil .. ..

Neil - You are doing very good, come on you can do it. My wifey is very strong.

With the last push, Avni screamed in pain while Neil held her hand more tightly. Neil was caressing her face gently while she was crying but both stopped after hearing cries of their baby. They both looked into that  direction and saw doctor holding their baby who was crying continuously.

Doctor - Congrats it's a baby girl. ( smiles )

Neil and Avni had tears of happiness in their eyes. Neil kissed her forehead.

Neil - Thanks for blessing me with a little Avni. I love you.

Avni - I love you too. ( weak voice ).

Whole Khanna clan welcomed their little princess and everyone was having good time with the little soul. Neil and Avni shared their responsibilities as parents cos they want to give best life to their angel. Finally the day came when they had to do naamkarann  of their lovely princess.

Avneil were sitting along with their family members and priest was chanting some mantras.

Their angel was in Avni's lap and was giggling continuously as her father was making funny faces for making her laugh. Avni was adoring this father and daughter bond, they both have become way much close in the initial stage only.

Priest - Speak the name of your daughter in her ear.

Avni - Neil have you decided any name ?

Neil - You should decide our daughter's name Avni.

Avni - Neil you should decide her name and that's final. Even she wants her daddy to do her naamkarann. Right baby ? ( she asks cutely )

Their daughter giggles which made them both smile.

Neil takes his angel in his arms.

Neil - My princess is very unique so her name will be.

He speaks her name in her ear.

Avni - Now tell us the name of my sweetheart.

Neil - It's Advika, Advika Khanna.

Everyone - Best one.

The ceremony ended at happy note.

In night, avneil were standing in the balcony while Advika was in Neil's arms, both were playing with her.

Neil - Avni, she have inherited all your beautiful features. She is just like you.

Avni - But I want her to become like her father a brave hearted person.

Neil - I want her to become like her mother, a strong lady.

Neil - Advika you have given us immense joy and happiness. I promise we will give you best life ahead.

Avni - We will fill your life with happiness and love.

With that they both kissed Advika's chubby cheeks.

When destiny teared us apart, love played it's cards.


So here this book comes to an end.

I hope, I did proper justice with the plot and you guys enjoyed this ff.

Thanks for showering your love in form of votes and comments, it really means alot to me. Your supporting nature always motivates me.

Do drop your views regarding the last chapter or the entire book. ( upto you 😉😉 )

Love to all
Thanks,  💕💕

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