Chapter one:Week one Meet my family

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The author:Ok ,The Journey started

Victoria: Wow, I so excited 😁

All: Me too

The author: (Smile)

The author: Ok....Story started

Victoria POV
Mum!?!?Mum is holding me!Then she is gentlely asking me........

SK Valt: Little girl? You ok?

Victoria: Yes....I fine

SK Valt:That good....but you falling on a sky.....You so funny.

Victoria: Oh....

SK Valt: What is your name? Little girl?

Victoria: Victoria.....

SK Valt: Victoria what

How to say.....I can't say I am Shirasagijo ,Because If I tell to explain......

SK Valt: If you don't want to say, You can don't say it.Oh My name is Valt, Aoi Valt

It is really mum!Mum is so gentle....unlike Dad......Sometimes is very irritable,Show the horrible face.....Why Mum love Dad....(Lui: AUTHOR CHAN 💢,The author: This is your daughter thought, Why blame me!!! Lui:*Sobbing* The author:.......)

SK Valt: How old are you?

Victoria: Emm.....Eight years old.....

SK Valt: Oh.....I am Fifteen years old

Victoria: Oh.....

SK Valt: Oh, I need to go now.....Where is your family?


SK Valt: You get lose? I afraid you have danger.....Then come with me

Victoria: (Nod head)

SK Valt: (Hold Victoria hand)

Mum hand is very soft and warm....I have a long time I didn't hold mum hand.....I feel my heartwarming.....I hope I can hold her hand forever.....

SK Valt: Ok....We here.....

I heard a many people,Is that have a battle? I wonder who is battle........

SK Valt:Do you know what is beyblade?

Victoria: Yes......I know

SK Valt: Then...I don't speak anymore...You know it already.

Dad is right....Mum is so gentle to others,Suddenly I remember mum talk to me....

End flashback
Although mum always talk to me like that, but now.....(sigh)

SK Valt: (Hold Victoria)

Victoria: Ahh

SK Valt: It ok, I won't drop you (Smile)


SK Valt: (Open a room door) Hey guys

All: Hi Valt...!


SK Shu: Who is this girl?

SK Valt: She is lose.....I want to help her to find her parents

SK Lui :Hey Valt chan (Smile)

SK Valt:My King

Victoria:.......(In mind: Always like that.....)

SK Valt:Sorry girl....

Victoria: (Giggle)

SK Free: Kawaii girl

SK Wakiya:(Take Victoria) Kawaii

Victoria: He he.....

SK Aiga, SK Drum, SK Hyuga:Beautiful girl...

Victoria: Aww

SK Hikaru, SK Ranjiro, SK Rantaro,SK Fubuki, SK Delta: (Smile)

They all like me when I see them in my original time line.....When they older, They didn't change.....(Smile),But....Where is Uncle Lane?

SK Lui: (Hug SK Valt) Kawaii blueberry

SK Valt: (Blushing)

I still want to know Why Mum loves Dad......Suddenly someone comes in.....

The author: Hi guys....Oh Aunt Rinne!!!!!!!She comes to see the battle too

The author: (See Victoria) Oh, Kawaii girl. What is your name?

Victoria: Vic...Vic...Victoria.

The author: Victoria?

Victoria: Has problem?

The author: Come here little girl...

Victoria: (Walk to author chan)

The author: (Whisper to Victoria) I know who you are....little girl.

Victoria: What?

The author: (Still Whisper to Victoria) You are.....Shirasagijo Victoria.....right? I saw you when you born


Victoria: How did you know that

The author: I tell you later (Smile) Relax....I will look after you. But now, keep the secret first.

Victoria: Thx......

SK Valt: Hey Victoria...We will see the battle now

Victoria: Who is battle?

SK Shu:Valt and Lane (Episodes 31)

Mum vs Uncle Lane? I hope mum will win. Dad and Mum always strong.....But I remember one time she say she lost to uncle Lane.....Everyone can't beat him......but I think mum it just say something joke.......

When the battle begins.....Uncle Lane is so strong..... Lucifer make Valtyrek spin finish.....I sit on Aunt Rinne lap.....I feel excited at that moment......Then second battle......I feel this Uncle Lane is not that I know......
At last.....Valtyrek is burst.....Mum is right....Even she is the strongest beyblader.She lost to Uncle Lane......Why Uncle Lane is like that......

After the battle.......
I was hold by mum.....She was sad.....She bring me to back her home

Victoria: Are you ok?

Valt:I ok.....


Valt: Too bad I can't stop him....

Victoria:Why he like that?

Valt:I remember he want to beat all the bladers

Victoria:.......You look so sad

Valt: (Pat Victoria)it is ok, little girl

I never see mum is so sad.....It must be about Uncle Lane.....She hug me until arriving her home

Victoria: Wow

SK Valt: You first time to here.....

This is Mum old home.....The aoi bakery....I already smell some bread, Grandmother handmade bread is the second delicious thing in world......,Because mum handmade bread is the delicious thing in world. Although she sometimes over bake the bread....😅
Suddenly mum already opened the door.....

SK Valt: Mum, I back

Chikaru: Oh, Valt you back.....Oh....(See Victoria)

Victoria: Nice.....Nice to meet you......

Chikaru: Oh....Kawaii little girl!

Nika:What!!!Kawaii girl!!(Run to Valt and hug Victoria)

Victoria: Ahh!!!!

Nika:Ahhhh,Kawaii, (Touch Victoria face) How soft. The hair smells blueberry.You eyes just like caramel.

Victoria: (Blushing) Emm...can you.......

Valt: Nika......(Take Victoria from Nika)

Victoria: Ah.....

Nika: Sorry, you so cute

Victoria: Thx.......(Blushing)

Chikaru:Oh little girl, you lost?

Victoria: (Nod head)

Chikaru: It ok little girl, before you find your family, just stay with us


Valt: (Pat Victoria head)

Time skip

Valt:(Help Victoria to wash her hair)

Victoria: Ummm....I can wash my hair by myself....

Valt: Oh....but I can see you need some help

Victoria: I can do this.......mum(Whisper)

Valt:!,You call me what? Little girl


Valt: Oh.....

Time skip again
Victoria: (Yawn)

Valt: Tired?

Victoria: (Nod head)

Valt: Let sleep

Valt: (Put Victoria on the bed)

Valt: Good night, Victoria

Victoria: Good night........mum (Whisper)

Valt: Mum?

Victoria: 💤

Valt: (Pat Victoria head) (In mind: She looks like Me and is my misperception?)

Next day
Victoria: (Yawn).....

Valt: Morning, little girl

Victoria: Morning.......

Valt: Just called me Valt, girl

Victoria: Oh....sure (In mind: It hard to call mum name) Valt......

Valt: (Smile)

Victoria:.....Mum(Whisper) ......

Valt: Your miss your mum?

Victoria:....Yeah.....I miss my mum

Valt: Ohhh(Hug Victoria)It is fine

Victoria:......(Hug back)

Valt: It ok, little Valtyrek

Victoria: Iittle valtyrek?

Valt: Yeah.....When I born a girl in future.....I will give her a nickname.....It is Valtyrek,If boy, I will call him longinus

Oh......that can explain why Mum called me little Valtyrek in sometimes,and call brother longinus sometimes.....

Valt: I want to know about your family

Victoria: Oh......

Valt: Can I?

Victoria: Sure..... chan is here, and she hope you bring Victoria too

Valt: Oh...(Hold Victoria) Let go

Victoria: (Nod head)

The author: (See Victoria and Valt) Oh

Valt: Hi author chan

Victoria: Oh....aunt Rinne...Oh.....(cover her mouth)

The author: Hello Victoria

Valt, Toko, Nika,Chikaru:Author chan, you know Victoria? 

The author: Of course, because Victoria is Valt daughter in future

Toko,Nika,Chikaru: What?!?!?

Valt: my daughter?

The author: Yes.....

Victoria: My Full name is Shirasagijo Victoria......

Toko: Lui is your father?

Victoria: (Nod head)

Nika, Chikaru: (Hug Victoria) Ahhh,My niece/ granddaughter, Kawaii

Victoria: Ahhh

Valt: Ohhh....that is the reason Tha you call me mom last night

Victoria: (Blushing a little)

Toko:You so cute

Victoria: Thx Uncle Toko

Toko: Oh..(Smile)

Valt: Well......

Victoria: Mum

Valt: (Hold Victoria) Kawaii....and why you arrive this time-line?

Victoria: Well....I saw aunt Rinne book....a spell is a time travel......

The author: fault......I should clear my future..I still a mess person

Victoria: mine....

The author: The time travel magic...need you stay here twelve weeks

Victoria: What??!!

The author: But your original time line is only spend 12 days

Victoria: That good

Valt: Wow.....I so excited about it...oh...(See Victoria necklace is longinus layer)This is......

Victoria: My one of bey layer....another is (Hold Valtyrek)

Valt: It is mine to give you

Victoria: (Nod head)

The author: this time-line, what you want to do?

Victoria: Hmmm......I want to know more about Dad and Mum.....

Valt: (Hold Victoria) Sounds good....I will tell you

Victoria: Really!!Thx mom

Nika, Chikaru: Victoria: Can you talk about you more? I want to know you more

Victoria: Sure......(stomach grumbling)(Blushing)

Valt: You hungry, little girl

Victoria: (Nod head)

Chikaru: I already make the breakfast

Victoria,Valt: Really!!Yeah

Chikaru: Valt, you kid just like you (Giggle)

Victoria: (Giggle)

Chapter end

The author: Chapter end

Victoria:Mum (Wave hand want Valt to hug her)

Valt:My girl (Hug Victoria)

Victoria:Mum (Hug back and Giggle)

Lance, Lui:(Smile) Kawaii

Valt: (Smile)

The author:Hope you guys love this Chapter,And don't forget write the comments and vote it a one of my power to do my best. See you next time.😊😊Sorry for late update.....because my school work and I was thinking the story idea. Now is the new chapter HAT2UN3M00N ,Hope you enjoy 😊

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