Prologue:The journey begin

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The author: Ok, My second original book

Victoria: It is about me?

The author: Yes, Victoria chan

Victoria: Wow

Lui:Author chan.....

The author: Yes???

Lui: Don't make it to a bad end.

The author: I won't....

Lui: That good

Rayn,Hannah,Louis,Hedy:Aunt Rinne, Will we apper?

The author: Of course, But all of you will only appear in Victoria memories.....

Rayn,Hannah,Louis,Hedy:It ok

The author: Thx you guys

The author: Anyway, Story started........
(Ps:The kids are 5-8 years old,Victoriais 8 years old,And Valt, Shu, Wakiya, Aiga, Drum, Hikaru and Hyuga is girl in this story )

Victoria pov
Awww, No again ,Dad and Mum is put attention to my twin brother again.....Lance......Lance is very amazing brother..Why? Because he do everything.....He always better than me ,like the study....He always is the top one in class.....And I.....Like a test...When he got 100 marks....I only have 80 marks....The other like Franklin and Ruth always tell me,I done a great job too......But when we all of us play the beyblade....He always win me...Then Dad and Mum will pay attention to praise him.....But me.......They look like a family...and I not the same family that I feel.....Sometimes when we go to have the shopping...Dad and Mum always hold Lance hand.....And I just follow them...Aww, I want to hold their hand too. I always want to do that...But when I want to do the same thing to dad and mom....They only say

Lui: (Pat Victoria head) Next time girl

Valt: Next time, Little girl (Kiss Victoria forehead)

Hmm, No again....Although I know they still love me...but is not much pay attention to me a lot.......One day aunt Rinne talk to me....And she only say

The author:Victoria...What happened?

Victoria: Aunt Rinne.....I think Mum and Dad is not that love me anymore.....

The author: Really? I am sure they love you

Victoria: Hmm......I hope so......

The author: If you have problems......just talk to me

Victoria: Thanks, Aunt Rinne

I was take my bag,and walk back to my home.....I just hope aunt Rinne is right......

Time skip.....

Victoria: Mum, Dad, Big brother......I back

Lance: You back, Sis

Lui:You back, little girl

Valt:You back, Girl

Victoria: Yeah...I back home

Valt: Go to shower first.....I still cook the dinner

Victoria: (Smile) Sure......

Aww.....the water is make me feel better.....I think I need to talk to them......but suddenly I remember that......sometimes I want to talk to them.....they look busy. Like Mum sometimes need to fly to BC Sol for training......Dad sometimes need to go to have the business.......Aww....I always lose the chance to talk to them.......When I have the dinner...All of them look worried me....

Valt: Victoria, You ok?

Victoria: Yeah....I alright

Victoria: Yeah,I fine 🙂

Valt: Is the dinner not good?

Victoria: is tasty
Lance: fine?

Victoria: Thx brother, I ok

Lui, Valt, Lance: That good.

I feel my heart much more heavy......I hope I can find a way to talk to my family......I lay on my bed....and see my bey...Valtyrek..It is last year birthday present....

Lui, Valt: Happy birthday, Lance and Victoria

Lance, Victoria: Thx, Mum and Dad (Smile)

Lui: (Put the cake on the table) Here, Blow the candle

Lance, Victoria: (Blow the candle)

Lance, Victoria: (Smile)

Lui: We have a present to you

Lance: What is it?

Lui: (Take the box)This is you two present
Lance: (Open the box) Wow...Longinus,Thx dad

Victoria:Wow,Valtyrek,Thx mum

Lui: And this (Take another Valtyrek and Longinus layer)

Valt: Lance takes the valtyrek one, Victoria takes the longinus one

Lance: Sure...but why?

Lui: We make one like you can use it for sometimes....

Valt: Of course,But you two must use the box one as usual.........right?

Lance, Victoria: Yes

End flashback
I still hold the Valtyrek....and for that Longinus layer....I just make it into my hair ring......I still want to find a way to try to talk to them....But.....I don't have the courage to say it......Tomorrow is starting the summer holiday.......And we all finish the homework because it is very easy.....except the diary........This year Summer time.We all the parents are having a rest too....Hope I can have many times to talking to my parents.....But one day......I have a unforgettable journey...

One day........
I see Aunt Rinne one of books, It is about time travel....It looks interesting......I want to meet my mum and dad when they younger......I just know them when they younger from the photo...but I know it is not a right things.....but I still want to read it....But when I read one of the sentences......My around is have some light.....I quickly wanted to take my bag and walk out the room....
But I can't walk near the room.Suddenly the door is Mum, Dad and Aunt Rinne....

The author: Victoria!!!!

Valt,Lui: Victoria!!!

Victoria: Mum, Dad......(Disappeared)

The author: (See her note book on the ground) Oh no

Lui: Author chan, What happened to my girl?

The author: Looks like she read this......(Show the book)

Valt: Time travel......

The author: And She looks like back to the past.....

Valt: How we can get her back....I so worry her.....

The author:Wait......(Read her book)

The author: We need to wait for until 12 days.....

Lui: Why 12 days?

The author:The time travel magic is each 12 days as a cycle.....When she back that time line...That one week it just Our time line one day.....

Valt: You mean.....Victoria in that time-line one week...Our time-line one day?

The author: Yes......And We can see her in this Tv......It can show all of the time lines.....So we can check her....

Valt, Lui: That great.....

The author: Now I wonder she arrived which time line.....

Victoria: Ahhhh......(Fall it from sky)

Victoria: Someone helps me!!!!!

Victoria: Ahhh.....(Fall on top on one person)



?:!(Hold Victoria)

Victoria: I so sorry......

?:It ok.....little girl....

Victoria: (See that person).......!!!!

SK (Sparking short from) Valt: (Smile to Victoria)

Victoria: (In mind: Mum!?!?!)

Chapter end

The author: Chapter end

Victoria: I meet young mom!?

The author: Yeah.....

Victoria: I so excited

Valt, lui, Free, Shu, Rantaro, Wakiya,Aiga,Fubuki, Delta, Drum, Ranjiro, Hikaru, Lane, Hyuga:How about us?

The author: Of course all of you here

Valt, lui, Free, Shu, Rantaro, Wakiya,Aiga,Fubuki, Delta, Drum, Ranjiro, Hikaru, Lane, Hyuga:That great 👍

The author:Hope you guys love this Chapter,And don't forget write the comments and vote it a one of my power to do my best. See you next time.😊😊

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