Part 2 : Most humiliating defeat

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Third day started with Mayank hitting first boundary of the day for India and Jassi losing his wicket soon after it. Mayank was unable to decide whether to be happy or sad that Jassi lost his wicket while Jassi walked out.

"So, Jass?" Virat grinned at him as he came in.

Jassi passed him a guilty smile, scratching the back of his neck.

Looks like he is fine just with his bowling for now!

"It's okay, kiddo." Virat ruffled his hair while laughing.

Jinks sighed. When will Virat understand it's a very important international test match they are playing? Jinks gave up on the thought of pointing this out to Virat while shaking his head to himself.

Jassi looked at him and the change in his expression as he walked up to him. "Jinks Bhaiya—"

"Not at you, Jass." Jinks said before Jassi could speak. "That was for your Virat Bhaiya."

"What did I do?" Virat demanded.

"You—" Jinks began drily.

"Shit!!" Virat shouted suddenly.

"Puji got out— Good luck, Vi!" Jinks said hurriedly as Virat walked out to bat.

"You should pad up too, Jinks Bhaiya." Jassi said and Jinks nodded.

"We are three down already." Ash said gravely.

"Think positive, Ash." Jinks said while his own mind was having all the negative thoughts possible.

"They got Mayank!" Jassi cried.

Now, Virat and Jinks stood in the middle and the dressing room desperately wished to see a pratnership between their captain and vice captain.

But their wish was not granted, of course!

And the next few minutes went like—

"JINKS!! Oh, no!"

"Virat Bhaiya is still there— oh, it wasn't a catch, right??"

"It was a catch!"


"Keep going, Wriddhi!"

"Wriddhi— is out!"


"NO, NO!"

"What the hell is going on??!" Rishabh asked catching his breath, entering the dressing room.

All looked towards him with enraged looks. Rishabh gasped.

"What—" He looks towards ground in utter shock. "Wasn't it just twenty minutes ago we were just two wickets down??"

"ASH!!" Virat cried out.

"We are eight down on 26 runs??" Jinks said miserably.

"Hanuma–" Jinks whispered, not having energy to shout anymore.

"–is gone." Virat completed disappointedly.

"And we have 31 runs!" Rahul said as Umesh walks out.

Pat Cummins to Shami— ball bounces and Shami got nasty hit on his wrist.

"Hey— He got hurt!" Ash exclaimed as everyone looked towards Shami worriedly.

The physio checks upon Shami and they discuss for a moment and Shami shakes his head.

Whole dressing room had their eyes fixed upon ground as they saw Shami retired hurt.

India collapses on a score of 36 runs!

There was pin drop silence in dressing room, everyone still trying to process the recent events.

"Innings is about to start." Virat almost whispered, but it was enough to be heard to everyone.

Australia easily sealed their likely win against India in the first test match with eight wickets.

Jinks looked towards the scoreboard in sheer disappointment.

All out on 36!

This was worse than anything.

This would go down as one of the worst and most humiliating defeat in the history of cricket.

They did want to create history, but surely not as unpleasant as this!

Virat looks at him and guilt starts choking him up. He somehow assured himself and approached Jinks.

"Jinksy!" Virat said.

Jinks looked at him without saying anything. You took a bad decision!

Please don't do this to me! Virat pleaded through eyes.

Jinks looked away from him and walked ahead of him.

The whole team was mourning, sitting in silence, neither wanting nor knowing what to discuss after today's match.

Everyone looked crestfallen but most of all, Jinks!

Virat just couldn't think of anything beyond Jinks right now. He couldn't let himself drown in his own guilt at a time like this. Yes, he was feeling guilty. How couldn't he? He was leaving his team and his best friend reeling in a crisis like this when they were targeted and being trolled by everyone. But he couldn't help.

Virat slipped in Jinks' room at night as he knew Jinks wouldn't be sleeping. And surely, he wasn't.

"You know we have still got three test matches to show them?" Virat said slipping beside Jinks.

Jinks looked at him menacingly.

"What?" Virat said. "Don't look at me like that. You're just—just—over analysing today's defeat."

"I'm doing what?" Jinks asked sharply.

"You're—just—over analysing!" Virat said dubiously.

"Say that once again?" Jinks said dangerously.

"Uh—Okay!" Virat said grudgingly. "I won't say it!"

Jinks looked away.

What's so wrong with him? Virat thought worriedly. If Jinks was talking in this tone with Virat, something was certainly very wrong with him.

"I believe in you, Jinksy!" Virat began warily. " You need to believe in yourself too.You have to believe that we can still win the series!"

"Oh, really?" Jinks said shortly. "With no Rohit, no Ishant, no Shami and—and you leaving too—I should believe we can win the series! Yes!"

"Why are you stuck on me leaving? It doesn't make such a huge difference, Jinksy—"

"Doesn't make a huge difference?" Jinks said glaring at him. "It makes all the difference in the world if VIRAT KOHLI is leaving! Don't you get it?? The captain of the team is leaving! The inspiring figure all the kids in team look up to in a time like this is leaving—leaving them, the whole team to deal with their own trauma alone. You're asking why I'm—"

Jinks completed looking away from Virat with a defeated tone in his voice. Virat's heart sank listening to Jinks. Was he really being so selfish? The guilt was taking over him. Virat gulped the lump forming in his throat.
This wasn't the matter to worry about now.

It was Jinks. His demeanor was worrying Virat more. He had given up already. He was feeling defeated. And Virat couldn't let his best friend give up even before he starts the fight Virat knew if anyone could win, then it was him!

"So you have to be that figure to them from now on." Virat said calmly. "Yes, Jinks, you need to do it. You have to lead your team in this series. You're the stand in captain, remember?"

"Stand in captain, remember?" Jinks said mildly.

Virat smiled. Jinksy could never take it on himself. He enjoyed standing aside and celebrating others success much more than celebrating his own in middle.

"Though stand in captain but captain for this series!" Virat said.

"I wish I wasn't!" Jinks said wearily. "You leaving the team like this—"

"Jinksy, you—" Virat began in exasperation. "—so you, like every other single person out there feels like I shouldn't have taken the leave and stayed here for the series as it's much more important than being with the little one coming to this world?"

"I never said so." Jinks said on an impulse.

"Oh, yes, you did." Virat said impatiently. "You, of all people, I thought would trust me and stand by me, Jinksy. But no, even you're blaming me."

"Virat, I—"

"Actually, I shouldn't even be giving this explanation. It's my personal decision regarding my personal life. No one—" Virat looked at the hurt expression across Jinks' face and instantly turned his back, closing his fist. "—gets to question that decision."

And Virat walked out of the room leaving, earlier furious and now hurt Jinks behind alone.

"Virat Bhaiya?" Jassi knocked on Virat's door for umpteenth time. "Virat Bhaiya, you will get late!"

"What happened, Jass?" Rahul asked who came to check on Virat too.

"Looks like Virat Bhaiya isn't up yet. He has to catch flight in half an hour." Jassi said looking at the time.

"What?"Rahul sighed. "Why are you knocking? The door must be opened only." Rahul said pushing the door open.

"Why didn't it come to me?" Jassi muttered to himself.

"Come in, now."

As they entered, they saw Virat sleeping on the couch in uncomfortable position looking like he had fallen asleep while sitting there.

"Virat?" Rahul shook him. "Virat, get up."

"Get up, Virat Bhaiya!"

"Let me sleep." Virat mumbled sleepily.

"Don't you want to catch your flight?" Rahul said.

"My flight." Virat woke up with a jerk. "How much time is left for my flight?"

"Half an hour, Bhaiya." Jassi said.

Virat got up and hurriedly went to get ready while Rahul and Jassi shrugged looking at each other.

Virat straightway went to Jinks' room after getting ready. He hadn't been able to sleep whole night with that hurt expression of Jinksy flashing before him every now and then. Somehow, Virat had never been able to stay mad at Jinksy and if he ever got, like yesterday, he would end up feeling guilty untill he makes sure that Jinks wasn't hurt or mad at him.

"Jinksy?" Virat knocked at his door. "Open it."

There wasn't any reply from Jinks' side and Virat was feeling even more guilty for shouting at him like that when he was already feeling so low.

"Jinksy, I know you're there, please open the door." Virat said knocking at the door again. "I've only fifteen minutes left for my flight."

After waiting for another ten minutes and not getting any response from Jinks, Virat turned around to leave, really disappointed.

"He could have said a bye at least." Virat mumbled to himself.

"Virat—" Jinks called out as soon as Virat had started walking.

Virat turned around with the relieved and gleeful smile on his face.


"Just wanted to say, enjoy the time you're going to spend with your family. Cherish every moment with our little one and give her lots of love and blessings from our side. Enjoy the moment you hold her for the first time in your arms." Jinks said, before Virat could speak anything, in a tone as affectionate as he would have used even if yesterday had never happened.

Virat smiled at him and extended his one arm to hug Jinks but Jinks took a step back clearly indicating, he was still hurt at least if not angry.

Virat sighed. Remember, Jinksy, I believe in you! He said looking at him.

Jinks averted his gaze and closed the door without saying anything further.

The whole team was there to see him off on airport except Jinks. And after having seen Jinks once before he left made Virat feel much more lighter now.

"Virat, are you fine?" Rahul asked slowly.

"Yes, Rahuliya, why are you asking so?" Virat said smiling.

"Don't call me that." Rahul said plainly. "And Jinks didn't come to airport so I thought—"

"It's fine." Virat replied quickly. "He was just not feeling alright so he stayed back."

"Oh, okay!" Rahul said.

"Virat Bhaiya, is it really so? I saw Jinks Bhaiya and—he was not looking in quite good mood to me." Jassi asked hesitantly who was standing beside Virat.

"Jass, it's okay, kiddo. Let him take his time." Virat said mildly.

"If you say so, Virat Bhaiya."

"Give Viratee lots of love from us, Virat." Rahul said.

"And don't forget to give her the sword I brought for her from Jamnagar." Jaddu said with a grin.

"Lots of love to Viratee, Virat Bhaiya."

And Virat left with all the uneasiness in his heart to have left his team and best friend in a situation like that. But he believed in his best friend. He knew Jinksy would win it for them. If anyone could, then only Jinksy could! Virat believed this with all his heart.


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