Part 3 : We believe in you

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As soon as Virat left, Jinks felt his anger melting down to be replaced by guilt pricking him from inside that he let Virat go without resolving their argument.

Yes, it does hurt when Virat gets mad but — Virat has got mad at him several times before and he perfectly knew Virat meant none of it — Jinks realised, Virat must be hurt too when he accused him, may be much more than him.

"Do you think we should go and talk to him?" Mayank asked after Rahul ended telling him how he knew both Virat and Jinks was not okay even if Virat told him so.

"No, he won't talk to us." Rahul said.

"Why won't he talk to us?" Mayank frowned.

"Idiot, he didn't come to airport to see off Virat that means he's in really bad mood." Rahul said gravely.

"Hmm.. " Mayank nodded and exclaimed after a moment knocking Rahul off the chair. "I've an idea!"


"But it's you who is shouting not me." Mayank said innocently.

"Why was I even talking to you?" Rahul said exasperated.

"You know you can't handle things alone, that's why." Mayank said smirking.

"I handle you! Alone!" Rahul replied in straight voice. "I can handle anything in the world."

"You're forgetting Hardik, bro." Mayank shrugged.

"Yeah-" Rahul said before realising what Mayank said. "What-"

"Ahahaha — We need to go to Jad, come on now." Mayank laughed slinging an arm around a scowling Rahul and dragging him along out if room. Virat calls him by right name-Scowliya!


Jinks looked up startled towards the source of voice and saw Jaddu and Mayank grinning at him along with Rahul who wasn't grinning but looked like he was reluctantly dragged.

"Jad? Mayank?" Jinks asked cautiously.

"We are planning a disco night today." Jaddu said grinning.

"And we need your permission, captain!" Mayank added.

"You're planning a disco night?" Jinks asked completely baffled. They got bundled out on 36 runs just a day ago and they are planning DISCO NIGHT?!

"Yes!" Jaddu confirmed.

"Aren't we, Rahuliya?" Mayank asked.

"We aren't, you two are!" Rahul said coolly. "And don't call me that."

Mayank grinned. "You're being-"

"Stop pissing him off, you two." Jinks said plainly. "You have to be that figure to them." Virat's words came back to Jinks.

Rahul smiled at Jinks gratefully.

"Captain, you're coming to our disco night or we should go on?" Jaddu said.

Jinks frowned. "Did I say a yes?"

"You did. You did." Jaddu said eagerly. "Didn't he, Mayank?"

"Uh, he-" Mayank looked apparently confused as to what to say. He wasn't that close to Jinks like Virat or Jad and it was his captain he was talking about. He looked at Jinks who was already looking at him. "-he.."

"Go on without me." Jinks said before Mayank could speak.

"You will be missing out so much, Jinksy." Jaddu said with pretended disbelief.

"I regret that." Jinks said drily. "And don't call me that."

"Why don't we leave?" Rahul said ruefully. "He's already upset." He added slowly.

"Jad, I'm not in the mood to talk. Please leave." Jinks said politely with pleading look.

Even Jaddu couldn't protest at that look of Jinks so they quietly left his room leaving him alone.

"He didn't come along." Jaddu said entering his room where Ash was sitting.

"I knew that was a stupid idea." Ash said coolly. "It was coming from you."

"You're taking it wrong, Ashley." Jaddu grinned. "He didn't come along now and we can actually consider a disco night."

"The poor guy must be upset after the extraordinary defeat and you guys are planning a disco night? Seriously?" Ash asked indignantly.

"The poor guy must be upset and that's why we are planning a disco night." Jaddu said savagely.

Jassi was passing by Rohit's room when he stopped midway as Rohit's talk caught his attention.

"Jinks is really upset. I can't believe he refused to talk to me.", Rohit fretted on the phone.

"I expected that. I knew that!" Virat said miserably.

I shouted on him before leaving. Virat thought miserably.

"He's blaming himself, I'm sure. This.. We shouldn't have lost so badly!" Rohit said, being equally miserable.

"We still have three tests." Virat said hesitantly.

"I'm doubtful that's gonna make any difference now." Rohit said dejectedly.

Virat sighed.

"You should have been there, Vi." Rohit said abruptly before he could process what he said.

Virat was taken aback. Yes, everyone had said that. Even Rohit and Jinks. But they had supported him at last. And now this, coming from Ro really did hurt.

"I'm sorry." Virat mumbled hastily.

"Hey, Vi, I didn't mean that." Rohit said frantically. "You don't worry about here! It will be alright. You didn't take the leave so that you could feel guilty about it for whole year."

"And what about Jinks? I know I should have been there." Virat said mournfully.

"Jinks would be fine." Rohit assured tentatively.

"He's mad at me, Ro." Virat said guiltily.

"Don't worry, Vi." Rohit said. "We know Jinks, right? He would be alright!"

"He would be, right?" Virat asked, seeking reassurance.

Jassi walked on hastily, not wanting to eavesdrop on his elder brothers.

Is Jinks bhaiya so upset?

It was so evident yet he didn't notice. Now that he is thinking, he recalled how crestfallen Jinks bhaiya looked after the match and didn't come out of his room even once.

"Jinks Bhaiya?" Jassi called as he stood on the door and watched Jinks staring out of the window aimlessly.

"Jass?" Jinks looked up.

"Can I come inside, bhaiya?" Jassi asked hesitantly.

"Of course, kiddo, come in!" Jinks said tenderly.

He couldn't snub Jassi. No one could!

Jassi smiled as he walked up to Jinks and sat down beside him.

"Are you upset about what happened during the match, Jassi?" Jinks asked as he cought the hesitation in Jassi's behaviour. "You don't need to worry about that, kiddo, it.. "

"No, no. I'm not upset with that, Bhaiya." Jassi said quickly.

"Then what's it, kiddo?" Jinks asked as he wondered what was going on in the kid's mind.

"You know you'll be amazing captain, Jinks Bhaiya!" Jassi said ardently amusing Jinks.


"You'll play brilliant. I know, you will!" Jassi said with so much confidence and his eyes reflected so much honesty that Jinks couldn't help smiling and extending his arm to hug the kid even when he was in the worst mood possible.

"I believe in you, Bhaiya! Virat Bhaiya believes in you! We believe in you!" Jassi said genuinely, reaching out to hug Jinks back.

Jinks remembered how Virat said the same thing to him.

"I know you're worried because Virat Bhaiya isn't here. I know Virat Bhaiya makes up half of our team but you make the other half too! I know no one can do what Virat Bhaiya does but no one can do what you do either, Bhaiya!" Jassi said in the worshipping voice he always used with his Virat Bhaiya, completely melting Jinks.

"Oh, Jass, I love you, kiddo!" Jinks said affectionately, hiding a smile.

"I love you too, Jinks Bhaiya." Jassi replied softly.

Jinks smiled at him, wondering when did their little Jassi grow up so much that he was comforting him, assuring him and lifting him today.

"You aren't upset na, Bhaiya?", Jassi asked innocently. "I don't like to see you upset neither does Virat Bhaiya."

"No, Jass." Jinks said truthfully. "Not anymore. And Virat—did he say something?" He asked hesitantly, averting his eyes.

"No!" Jassi answered quickly.

"Are you mad at Virat Bhaiya?" Jassi asked, being doleful about it, already thinking of something to defend his Virat Bhaiya.

"Why do think you so, Jass?" Jinks demanded.

"He thinks so!" Jassi replied wearily.

"The problem is," Jinks sighed. "I can never stay mad at him."

That instantly seemed to have made Jassi cheerful. He beamed and hugged Jinks again, being not so himself at the moment amazing Jinks.

"He will be super happy to hear this." Jassi said eagerly.

He already knows this! Jinks thought to himself smiling gently.

"We will win the next match, Jinks Bhaiya, and you will do great." Jassi said joyfully in confident voice.

"We will, kiddo!" Jinks replied quietly.

"You're the best, Bhaiya." Jassi beamed at him.

Jinks ruffled his hair fondly.

"Alongwith Virat Bhaiya, Rohit Bhaiya and Mahi Bhai too!" Jassi added afterthought.

Jinks laughed hearing to him.

Jassi was ecstatic to see Jinks laughing. His heart bubbled with joy that he could make Jinks Bhaiya happy. He knew they were going to win the next test. His gut feeling overwhelmingly told him so.

On top of that, he believed in their stand in captain and elder brother!

And Jassi decided that he won't leave Jinks Bhaiya's side ever from now on. Never ever!

Jinks badly wanted to call Virat and say that he wasn't mad at him. He could never be! But Jinks stopped himself and called Rohit instead.

"So finally, you decided to talk to me, right?" Rohit said.

Jinks wondered if it was sarcasm but couldn't notice anything rather than concern in Rohit's voice.

"I'm sorry, Ro." Jinks said guiltily. "I was just thinking about myself."

"I really wish someday you would do that, Jinksy. For now stop overthinking about everything." Rohit said calmly drawing a smile on Jinks' face.

"I'm sorry for talking rudely." Jinks said.

"I'd have kept it recorded if it was Virat but you never need to say sorry to me, Jinksy." Rohit said with a smile.

Jinks chuckled. "Virat—er, is he–" He hesitated.

"Don't worry. He's not mad at you either." Rohit said promptly.

Jinks sighed.

"I was rude to him. He must have felt hurt." Jinks said guiltily.

"Trust me, Jinksy, he isn't." Rohit said sincerely. "Why don't you call up and ask him yourself?"

"Er, yeah." Jinks muttered.

"We believe you, Jinks." Rohit said mildly. "You need to believe in yourself too."

Rohit disconnected the call. Jinks knew what he had to do now. Virat was right. He was the captain and he needed to make each one of his teammates to believe that they could win. If his captain believed in him that he could, he won't disappoint his captain and his best friend.

It was past midnight and Jassi was still awake in his room. Jinks was passing by when he saw lights of his room switched on. He entered the room to check and saw Jassi walking to and fro in room.

"What happened, Jass?" Jinks asked.

"Jinks Bhaiya!" Jassi looked at him. "Nothing, I wasn't getting sleep."

"Why don't you switch off the lights and try to sleep, Jass?" Jinks suggested.

"Ah, I–I'm scared of darkness, Bhaiya." Jassi replied hesitantly.

"Oh!" Jinks smiled. "Why don't you sleep in my room tonight?"

"I–But–" Jassi hesitated.

"It's okay, Jass, let's go to my room. I'm also alone so you can sleep with me tonight." Jinks said.

"Okay, Bhaiya." Jassi agreed.

While they slept together, Jassi threw his arms around Jinks and trying to hold him as firmly as he could which Jassi rarely did. Jinks patted his cheek reaching up to his back with one hand.

Jinks had never handled this side of Jassi and was surprised enough have this side of him to himself. Not that he was complaining. He was pleasantly amused to have his first kid cling to him when he needed it the most.


So, this part contained most of the parts from the OS I had written on Jinks-Jassi. Since it was also based on this series, I thought to include it. 🤭

Do tell me how was it??

Love ❤️

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