Chapter 11: Paladin showdown

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Port: *Blabbering*

Weiss: ... ... ...

Jaune: So Weiss, you know uh, I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat ? And uh, you know, well I- I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie if you want to make the trip to Vale. I hear it's awesome.

Port: *Displaying opera singer vocal capacities in blabbering*

Jaune: ... And... Then maybe after that we could, study together ? I mean, you're smart and I'm a, you know...


Port: And then I- Oh, uh, timed that one wrong I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to the story will have to wait. Capable assistant, please put a marker on where we left on.

"On it, sir."

Port: Wonderful. Students, until next time.

Jaune: Uh, Weiss? Did you hear me ?

Weiss: No, no, no, yes.

Jaune: ... Ohh...

Yang: One day.

"... Jaune, Jaune, Jaune... Don't you think she made it obvious enough she wasn't interested ? If you keep on trying so much, it'll only serve to annoy her."

Jaune: ... What should I even do then ?

"Hmmm... ..."

Pyrrha: ... Hello again.

"I would say... Stop focusing so much on what's too far away, or you'll miss what's right under your nose."

Jaune: ... What does that mean ?

'It means you're helplessly dense, Jaune...'

Blake: Finally... I thought that class would never end.

Ruby: Alright guys, today's the day. The investigation, begins !

Weiss: ... I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously...

Yang: Hey ! We've got a plan. That's... Moderately serious.

Ruby: Right, everyone remember their roles ?

Weiss: You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies, or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The White Fang has regular meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard.

"And I'm here to say 'Absolutely not' and drag you all back to beacon by force if I have to before you put yourselves in mortal danger."

Ruby: Great, we'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we've found. Let's do- WHAAAAAT ?!

Blake: ... Since when have you been standing here ?

"Since when ? Um, hello, did you forget I literally live next door ?"

Yang: So what, are you going to stop us ?

"Some of you, yes. You can look at your family company's registry all you want, it's none of my business."

Weiss: Of course it isn't.

"Meeting up with shady friends... Again, it's personal. I would advise against it, but if it's someone you know well, it *should* be fine."

Yang: I won't leave you Yang-ing around.

"Infiltrating the hideout of an extremely dangerous terrorist organization and hoping to God you can collect intel before you find yourself with two pounds of lead through your body ? Certainly not !"

Blake: And who are you to tell me that ?

"Your teacher, combat instructor, and therefore responsible of your safety as long as you're students at Beacon. And as such, there's no way I can let you throw yourself in such a deadly trap all alone !"

Sun: Yeah ! What he said !

"... ... ... Mr.Wukong, how exactly did you get up there ?"

Sun: Ah, it's easy, I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what ?!

Sun: I climb trees all the time ! So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy ?

Blake: We are going to investigate. As a team.

Ruby: Sorry Sun, we don't want to get friends involved if we don't have to. That's also true for you, Mr.Scarlet...

"Well, while I'm flattered you consider me as a Friend of yours, I don't think you have much of a choice there. Knowing the guy, hearing 'No' won't change a thing."

Sun: He's right. You should always get friends involved. That's why I brought Neptune.

"... ... Where ?"

Neptune: 'Sup ?

Ruby: How did you even get up here ?

Neptune: I have my ways.

Neptune: Seriously though, can I come in ? We're like, really far up right now...

Ruby: All right. I'll go with Weiss. Sun, you can go with Blake.

"What part of 'I can't let you go there alone' do you not understand, seriously ?"

Sun: Hey, man, she won't be alone.

"Sun, with all due respect to your abilities, you guys are still students. Even if you were somehow able to fight off an entire regiment of White Fang members, leaving you unsupervised in the midst it is out of the-"

Ruby: Then why don't you go with them too ? If you're here to supervise them, there shouldn't be a problem, right ?

"I... I... Uhh..."

Yang: Besides, even if you report to Ozpin, we'll go anyway, so if something happens to us, it'll be on you.

"... ... ... ..."

Sun: Please take care of us, teach. Make sure we don't die.

"... When did you kid become so scheming and cunning ?"

Ruby: well, since that issue is resolved, Neptune, you can go with Yang since she doesn't have a partner. Everyone good ?

Weiss: Um, actually Ruby, why don't you go with Yang... After all, she is your sister.

Ruby: But, Weiss, who would go with you then ?

Weiss: Well, I guess Neptune could come with me.

Ruby: ... ... Pffrrrrrr, nah. let's go !

Weiss: But ! But !

"... So, this is the place ?"

Blake: Yeah, this is it.

Sun: You sure ? ... ... Y'know, i'm just gonna take your word for it.

Grunt: New recruits, move to the right.

Sun: I don't get it. If you believe what you're doing is right, why hide who you are ?

Blake: The masks are a symbol. Humanity wanted to make monsters out of us, so we chose to don the faces of monsters.

"Grimm mask... That's kinda dark."

Blake: So was the guy who started it.

Sun: Always sunshine and rainbows with you...

Grunt: Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours. I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for, for so long.

Roman: Thank you, thank you ! Please, hold your applause.

Recruit: What's a human doing here ?!

Roman: I'm glad you asked, dearie. Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans are the *worst*. Case and point, yours truly. So I understand why you would love to see us all locked away, or better yet: Killed ! But...

Sun: So, is he going somewhere with this or...

"I still don't get why they would work with this guy..."

Roman: ... Would like to mention the fact that you and I ALL have a common enemy. The ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty rotten humans that run our kingdoms. Government. Military. Even the schools, they're all to blame for your lot in life.

Crowd: *Cheering*

Roman: And they're all pests that need to be dealt with. Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around. No offense to any rodents in the room. *Snap*

"... The hell is that ?"

Sun: Uh, that's a big robot...

Blake: How did he get that ?

"That was my second question..."

Roman: As some of you may have heard, this right here is Atlas' newest line of defense against all the *scary* things in the world. And thanks to my... Employer... We've managed to snag a few before they, uh, hit the shelves. Now, many of your brothers have already moved down to our new operation in the South-East. If you'd rather stay within the city, that's fine... But if you're truly ready to fight for what you believe in, this, is the arsenal I can provide you. Any questions ?

Crowd: *Cheering*

"... Well, that was informative..."

Blake: We should get out of here.

Grunt: All new recruits, please come forward !

Sun: Welp, so much for that... What are we gonna do ?

Blake: I'm thinking...

"Well, think fast, because i'm that close to just leveling the whole building, Roman and Paladin included, and I'd rather avoid all the collateral."

Roman: ... Tch.

Sun: ... He sees usss...

"And he's comiiiiing, you better have an idea, or this'll end very bad..."

Blake: ... he can't see in the dark.

"... Wait, neither can I-"


Roman: Grrr... Don't let them get away !

Blake: The window !!

Roman: Stop them !


"Okay, this seems like kind of a predicament !"

Sun: So, you wouldn't happen to have.. Oh, I don't know, some form of backup ?!

Blake: On it ! Everyone ! If you can hear me, we need bac-


"Big-ass robot is currently letting loose with Torchwick in it !"

Yang: Where are you guys ?!


Neptune: I think that was them...

Neptune: ... They're probably fine, right ?

Sun: Probably. Speaking of, shouldn't you be with them ? After all that speech about your responsibility, i'd expect you to just rush to the scene and make a scene.

"... I'd gladly do that, but I was also told to try and lay low for a bit. After all, we got what we wanted, and that is info."

Sun: We know they're operating somewhere in the South-East of Vale, yes... But what does that tell us ?

"You, not much, but... I've been told, that something quite unsettling has been going on somewhere in that area recently..."

Sun: Grimm ?

"If only... It'll probably be something I'll have to look into more closely, but Oz told me to leave it to him for the time being. I honestly have no idea what's going on, but it doesn't seem good..."


???: Stay down this time !!


???: That's the third one today... Good grief, there's no end to them...

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