Chapter 15: Glenn

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ozpin: I know very well the help from the Gods is never a given, but I was also under the suspicion that you didn't particularly like being referred to as one.

"Don't try and play semantics with me, Oz, you know exactly what I mean by that. Stop treating me like I'm just another of your henchmen. I'm not gonna be here for very long, and the day i'm off, you either have your crap fixed or you're all gone."

Ozpin: Are you implying you would put an end to this yourself ?

"... ... I already received full clearance for the 'Collapse'."

Ozpin: ... Y- You can't be serious.

"Have you ever seen me crack a joke about that kind of stuff ? The old man was really clear about this. 'Investigate the source of the problem, but try to minimize your own impact. If there was a threat it could spread, clean up, but if it turns out that even we cannot prevent it, you have full leniency to wipe the slate clean'. Again, I am not here to help you, Ozpin."

Ruby: 'T- The gods ? A Collapse ? What's that all about...' Waah ! O- Oh, my bag, finally found it ! Hehe... Heh...

"... ... ... H- How... How long have you been listening for, Ruby ?"

Ruby: I- I just arrived I promise, I was just looking for my bag I had forgotten and I didn't hear anything about your mission here or whatever the gods have planned and... And... Y- Yeah, I heard everything...

"... Well, that's that out of the window, I guess. If you got your stuff, hurry up and go to the meting point. I'm sure you heard, but I'll be going with you on that one. And I'd appreciate if you didn't tell of this to the others, at least for now."

Ruby: ... ... P- Professor ?

Ozpin: I'm afraid the truth had to spill at some point, though I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.

Ruby: Is it true... ?

Ozpin: Ruby. In a world like ours, would you find it so odd than a higher power was sent our way to ascertain the situation ? You should listen to him, your huntsman is not gonna be pleased if you're late.

Ruby: ... Wait, it's not him ? Who's our huntsman-

Oobleck: Hello girls ! Who's ready to fight for their lives ?!

Weiss: ... professor Oobleck ?

Oobleck: yes i'm afraid these bags won't be necessary girls, seeing as you've opted to Shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission. I can assure you we will not be establishing a single base of operations, rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland, and making camp in any defendable position we may stumble upon. I've packed all our essentials myself, provided the air course and readied the airship. And ! It's Dr.Oobleck. I didn't earn a PhD for fun thank you very much.

Weiss: Uhh...

Oobleck: Come now, children, according to my schedule we are already 3 minutes behind... Schedule ! *PVIOM*

Ruby: ... Well alright then, looks like we're going to save the world with... Dr.Oobleck... okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse.

Nora: Save the world ? You're going on a world-saving mission without us ?! i'm hurt and sad ! Maybe a little hungry ? That last one's not my fault, though, Ren !

Jaune: Sounds exciting, where are ya going ?

Ruby: Oh, just outside the Kingdom.

Nora: Hey ! So are we.

Pyrrha: Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village.

Ren: We set out tomorrow.

Sun: Then you can party with us tonight.

Neptune: We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner-city detective stuff. We get Junior badges

Jaune: Ooohhooohh !

Sun: We normally go to the city with you guys, which means stuff's always exploding and junk. So, we thought this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's, y'know, normal.

Ruby: Well-

Oobleck: Four minutes ladies !

Ruby: ... ... well, uh, wish us luck.

"thank goodness you finally embarked, Oobleck was just running around in circle, it was just making everyone dizzy."

Blake: So we're all together in this ? Even if it's a dangerous mission, I don't know if all of this is necessary...

"Well, since someone had the brilliant idea to allow first-year students on said dangerous mission, we had to rearrange things a bit. You guys will be in charge of the reconnaissance bit, while we are to go for the search and destroy."

Cynthia: More accurately, while we're going to the same zone, we don't have the exact same objective. We are to investigate some strange Grimm behavior around that area.

"Okay, let's break the ice right now, we all know we're all going because of that 'White fang Hideout' thing going on in the South-east."

Ruby: ... ... Was it that obvious ?

"Do you really need to ask that question ? Seriously, I'm tired of playing baby-sitter for all of you..."

Yang: ... Well, you're the combat instructor, so I guess you going was kind of a given, but... I guess I just never saw you as much of a fighter, Dr.Oobleck.

Oobleck: I admit I fancy myself more and an, intellectual, but I can assure you, as a huntsman, I've had my fair share of tussles.

Ruby: Like the mushroom ?

"Those are truffles."

Ruby: Like the sprouts ?

Cynthia: Those are brussels.

Ruby: Like the shellfish ?

Yang: Those are mussels.

Oobleck: besides, given my expertise in the field of history, as well as my dabblings in the archaelogical surveys, our dear headmaster saw it fit to assign me to this particular, assignment.

Weiss: What does history have to do with this ?

Oobleck: My, what a preposterous question you silly girl ! Why, history is the backbone of our very society ! And the liver ! And probably the kidneys if I were to wager.

Weiss: And that means... ?

Oobleck: The South-east quadrant outside of Vale is home to wild forests and deep caves, but, it is also the location to one of the kingdoms greatest failures.

Ruby: ... Mountain Glenn...

Yang: That's right, it was an expansion of Vale. But in the end it was overrun by Grimm and fenced off from the rest of the city.

Oobleck: Correct ! And now it stand abandoned, as a dark reminder.

"And a perfect place to install a hideout..."

Oobleck: ... Precisely.

Oobleck: ladies, you might still be students, but as of this moment your first mission as Huntresses. From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say. Do you understand ? Ruby ! I thought I told you to leave all your bags back at school.

Ruby: Umm, but, you didn't told us to listen to you yet... So I didn't...

Oobleck: ... She's not wrong.

"Are you for real ?"

Oobleck: Very well, Ruby, leave your bag here, we can pick it up upon our return.

Ruby: But I- whaa.

Oobleck: Young lady what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that would be so important for you to bring it-

Ruby: ... ... ... 'Get back in the bag...'

Zwei: Bark !

Oobleck: We're here to investigate an abandoned urban Jungle teeming with death and hostility and you brought... A dog ?

Ruby: I- uhh... !

Oobleck: Brilliant ! Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for hunts such as ours !

Zwei: Ruff !

Ruby: ... I'm a genius~.

"Yeah, you're a genius, you moron..."

Cynthia: What would be the procedure to follow now, Doctor ?

Oobleck: Ah, yes, straight to the chase, I like it ! As you have been informed the Southeast area has been marked as a recent hotspot for Grimm activity. Now there are several possible explanations for this behavior, one of which being, Grimm.

"... Yes, that's what we're here for... What about it ?"

Oobleck: Grimm. A creature of Grimm, approximately 100 yards from us at this very moment.

Yang: What ?

Oobleck: Stop. There are a number of reasons why Grimm would congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which would be their attraction to negativity. Sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred, all qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent.

Cynthia: So, what now ?

Oobleck: We wait, we track, if this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.

Yang: How long do we wait ?

Oobleck: It's uncertain, hours, days, weeks, why lone Grimm have been known to stand isolated from the pack for months- and there's the whole pack.

Weiss: What ? You said they're attracted to negativity, so why are they congregating towards us ?

"Swear to God Ozpin, making me errand boy babysitter you son of a grmblbrmb..."

Oobleck: I may have a slight suspicion as to what's attracting them here. And now they've seen us.

Weiss: What ?!

Oobleck: And now they've seen us !

Ruby: I take it tracking is out of the question...

Oobleck: An accurate assumption, yes.

Cynthia: well, what would be the plan, then ?

Grimm: *Grooooooooooo*

Oobleck: ... Show me what you're capable of.

"Grmmbl. Well, if anything, that will be a good baptism of fire for this one here."

Oobleck: Did the custom order finally come to Beacon ? Marvelous !

Ruby: You got a weapon ? What is it ?

"Well, it's mostly a spear, but it's also a high-impact, high-velocity area of effect one round firearm."

Blake: ... meaning... ?


"It's also a rocket launcher."

Ruby: ... So coooool...

Ruby: Ooooh, so that's how it works...

"Yeah, as you can see, the end is detachable, and it opens here so you can equip it with Dust crystals. The only problem is that in most of the cases, the tip is destroyed by the shot, unless I make it a dud, so even if I always carry a few replacements with me, I'd rather not abuse it."

Ruby: Heh, it was a piece of cake anyway.

Oobleck: Do not celebrate yet, for I am certain this is the first bout of many. Shall we continue ?

"Well, if the Grimm will show up whenever this group go, might as well stick together for a bit until we find something of interest. Lead the way, Doctor Oobleck."

Ruby: Um, I wanted to ask, sir...

"Ruby, now's not the time. Oobleck was adamant on asking you to secure the perimeter while the rest of the group sets up camp for the night. What do you want ?"

Ruby: W- Well, it's just... Is that true, what you said to Professor Ozpin... Th- The whole God thing...

"... ... It's merely a title I have to carry. As I was on the brink of death, I just happened to come across a wandering God, who offered me strength and a new chance at life. In the end, he faded from existence, and I took over as his reincarnation."

Ruby: T- Then that must mean you're like, super super strong, right ?

"... Ruby, let me frank with you. There's nothing I hate more than people assuming that I'm some sort of all-powerful deity just because I happen to carry that title. I am just a regular guy who happened to have a miracle fall upon him by pure luck, that's all. I guess it would be more accurate to refer to me as an 'Avatar' of sorts..."

Ruby: Oh, okay... But gods are still really strong, right ?

"It depends. There are some you would have no trouble taking down, and other who could erase you without you even knowing it. It's not a matter of power, really. Even though there's one thing... My old man only talked to me once about it, but... Even amongst Gods, there is an old legend about a 'mortal that surpasses all Gods'... Well, it's only an old legend. Pretty sure he just made it up to keep us in line."

Ruby: A mortal stronger than the Gods... That sounds awesome ! What are they ?!

"I just told you it's probably nothing more than a story. But if anything, they could be anywhere, for all I know... Your neighbor, the last back-alley of a galaxy far, far away... or maybe a prideful guy, stuck in a tournament deciding the fate of 12 universes somewhere."

Ruby: Ohh...

Oobleck: Ah, Ruby, I've been looking for you all over the place ! If you've finished securing the perimeter, please regroup with the rest ! we'll have lots of ground to cover tomorrow !

"You hear the man. Better hurry, if you don't want to get caught off-guard by some monster tomorrow. Be it a Grimm or something else..."

Ruby: O- Okay !

"... ... That line of Goliaths... There was a dozen of them when they passed by here a few hours ago... But now there's only 6 of them... Something is close..."

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