Chapter 16: Voided out

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Oobleck: ... Ah, Mr.Scarlet. You shouldn't be up so late, you know ? Is there something on your mind ?

"You could say that... I can't help but feel like we're being observed at this very moment..."

Oobleck: Could you be talking about these ?

"Well, I also need to keep an eye out for them... I still don't get why they're so... Distant. They know we're here, right ?"

Oobleck: they certainly are, but fret not, these Goliaths are not concerned with us. Not every Grimm is mindless, you know ? Or rather, not every Grimm is still mindless.

"... Are you implying these creatures are capable of... learning ?"

Oobleck: indeed. You see, the Grimm you see before you are so powerful, so superior to the Grimm yo fought earlier today, that they've undoubtedly lived hundred of years. And in that time between killing humans, and attacking our borders, they've done one important thing.

"... They learned that humans won't just let themselves be killed. They fight back, and kill the Grimm too. If they try and kill one human, it will only bring more... One would argue that makes them immensely more dangerous than the packs of feral beasts we encountered before... So what they're still doing here is..."

Oobleck: Waiting.

Cynthia: Well isn't that ominous... I suppose we just aren't worth their time at the moment...

"... That and something else seems to be at work here... We should get some rest. I can already tell a whole lot of things are gonna be happening tomorrow, and we need to be ready."

Oobleck: Indeed ! Lots of ground to cover ! I'll see you at the camp !

Cynthia: ... Dr.Oobleck, if you don't mind... I saw you interrogating the students about their motivations today, and I was wondering... Why did you choose to become a huntsman, and risk your life on the battlefield ?

Oobleck: A most excellent question miss Shirona. Look around you, and tell me what you see.

Cynthia: ... Ruins of a past age, traces of humanity's hubris... And many scenes of massacre.

Oobleck: precisely. When I look around, I see lives that could've been saved. As a Huntsman, it is my job to protect the people. And although I am capable of doing it with traditional weaponry, I believe I can make a much larger impact if I do it with my mind. As a teacher I am able to take knowledge, the most powerful weapon of them all, and place it in the hands of every student that passes through my classroom. I look at this wasteland and I see lives that could've been saved. But I also see an opportunity. An opportunity to study these ruins and learn from this tragedy. And therefore become stronger. I am a Huntsman, because there is nothing else in this world I would rather be.

"... Still testing the people you meet, I see. Does this ever get old ?"

Cynthia: I simply want to know where I'm going and who i'm working with. Isn't that something you were taught too ?

"... Clever. Well, we should get some rest too. Our mission will start tomorrow as well."

Cynthia: You mean...

"Exactly. What we're after is nearby. And I'm pretty sure it already knows we're here."

Cynthia: What if it flees ?

"If it wanted to, it'd stay low. But I have a feeling they want to be found. They're taking this as one big game of tag, and right now, we're 'it'."

Cynthia: Childish. So the plan is just to... Go for it ?

"Well, this is a mission for huntsmen, isn't it ? So we need to do what we're here for. We hunt."

Glynda: Trouble sleeping ?

Ironwood: Arm was acting up.

Glynda: Ah, of course. So, logically, you got out of bed, dressed yourself completely, and decided to gaze menacingly out into the distance... What's wrong ?

Ironwood: i've trusted him for years... We both have. I can't help but feel... Like he's keeping us in the dark.

Glynda: Don't be ridiculous. You know very well that we are not the one being kept in the dark.

Ironwood: That makes it worse. I refuse to believe that a man I've trusted for so long would act so... Passively.

Glynda: You're a good person James. You've always done what you believe is best for the people. Even against strong protests. It's admirable. But, it's high time you stop talking about trust, and started showing it. Ozpin has experienced what the rest of us lack, and I think that's something worth remembering.

Cynthia: And you're sure this is a good idea ? Going at it in the dead of the night, not knowing anything that could be waiting for us.

"That place is teeming with Grimm either way, so it wouldn't make much of a difference for us to go in the day or night. And besides..."


"Whatever that is is already calling us, it would be rude to decline the invitation, don't you think ?"

Cynthia: I can't tell if it's trying to make a fool out of us, or merely just playing around...

"I have my idea on the subject. The more this goes on, the more I'm convinced this isn't something we're dealing with, but someone. Passing near inhabited zones without damages, apparently only hunting down Grimm, and now beckoning us over right after we arrived... This doesn't look like something just another mindless beast would do."

Cynthia: What about the White Fang then ? That could very well be a trap, wouldn't it ?

"Could be, but apparently, the whole Grimm gathering and disappearing happened some time before the White Fang was sighted around these parts. So I'd be more likely to think it's some sort of third party doing all of that."

Cynthia: That still doesn't exclude the possibility of a trap...

"If they really wanted to, they could've ambushed us right after we arrived... I can't help but get a weird feeling about that... All of that doesn't really make sense."

Cynthia: True... What kind of sick mind would just stay here in the wild and just take out the Grimm that approach...

???: Maybe the kind that's bored out of his mind, for example. But I reckon you'll make perfect distractions.


"Snow ? What in the... Ice dust !! Get down !"

???: Too late ! Symphony of the four seasons, Winter's hold !

Ruby: Brrrrr... H- Hey, is it just me, or did the temperature suddenly drop... ? Huh ? Zwei ? Where did you go ?

Ruby: Huh ? Zwei, this is a wasteland. You literally could've done that anywhere.

Zwei: Bark !

???: What was that ?

Ruby: H- Huh... ?

Grunt: What was what ?

Guard: I thought I heard a beowolf or something.

Grunt: Hmm. let's just finish our patrol and get back to base. This place gives me the creeps. Seriously, did you see what happened to these goliaths ?

Guard: Don't remind me... I know the place is perfect for a hideout or whatever, but why the hell would they put us so close to that thing.

Ruby: ... Did they go in yet ? One bark means yes...


Zwei: Bark !

Ruby: This is it, this is it ! Come on, we gotta get the others.


Ruby: Huh ?! Gaaaaaaahhh !!

Yang: Hnnnnnn... Hey, Weiss. It's your... Ruby ? Hey, where's Ruby ?

Oobleck: What ?

Zwei: Bark bark !

Blake: ... What happened ? And why is is so cold suddenly ?

Oobleck: ... Grab your weapons. Your leader might be in trouble.

Grunt: Hey, boss ? Found something you might wanna see !

???: is it good or bad, Perry, because let me tell you, I have had a day...

Grunt: Uhh... It's a little girl ?

Torchwick: ... ... That would be bad.

Yang: Ruby's scythe !

Weiss: ... Do you think she fell ?

Oobleck: Fell ?!

Weiss: Down there...

Oobleck: ... Oh my... Of course... Of course, of course, of course !

Blake: What is it ?

Oobleck: How could I be so stupid ?!

Yang: Dr.Oobleck, what's wrong ?

Oobleck: Mountain Glenn ! Yes ! An expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm ! Previously home to thousands of people ! Working people, commuting to the city, the main city, developed a subway system to the inner city, Grimm attacks increased, population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter ! City evacuates into metro tunnels and what do they find ?! The South-East quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves !

Yang: Doc, what are you saying ?

Oobleck: My dear, we're not just looking for an underground crime network ! We're looking for an underground crime network !

Blake: They've been working in caves ?

Oobleck: No, no, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense and unique transportation. The city developed an elaborate system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main kingdom. Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, mountain Glenn was doomed from the start.

Oobleck: And as the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival. They took up shelter beneath the city, in massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they has cut themselves off from the surface.

Yang: A- An underground village ?

Oobleck: In a matter of speaking, yes. A... A safe haven. Until, an explosion opened the mouth of another cavern... Teeming with subterranean Grimm. After that, the government officially sealed off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb... If Ruby is down there...

Oobleck: We must find her.


"Dammit... It's getting harder and harder to dodge these, there's holes everywhere in the ground !"

???: Haha ! What, already tired ?! Come on, i'm sure they wouldn't send someone like you just so you'd get exhausted so quickly ! You can go for more, can't you ?!

"Shut up. I was just trying to figure a way to take you out with the least casualties possible. But if you plan on being that difficult, then caution to the wind it is ! Why don't you take on this for size ! Sixfold element Dragon..."

???: Hm ? Oh, this is gonna be good...



Cynthia: And you complained about being too many holes in the ground... Now there's too much hole and not enough ground.

"Well... Haah... Haah... he was being annoying. If he really wanted to just kill Grimm and not be a nuisance, he should've properly introduced himself at the start."

Cynthia: ... What are you even gonna report to Ozpin now ? We don't even know the guy's name...

???: Ah, my bad, that was really some lack of manners on my part.

"Huh ? I... You... How ?!"

???: Yeah, yeah, really saw my life flash before me for a second there. But if you're asking for names, the least I can do is oblige. So I suppose you can call me...

Void: Joestar. Void Joestar.

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