Chapter 17: Train wreck

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... Whoever gave you that name sucks at making them."

Void: Don't you insult my parents like that. But now I've introduced myself, don't you think the least you could do is reciprocate, isn't it ? It's simple manners.

Cynthia: Simple manners don't imply running around and picking up fights with anyone you come across either, yet you're doing it with no hesitation, and we don't even know why.

Void: I told you, I'm bored out of my mind. But if it's answers you want, why not come and take them yourselves ?!


Void: H- Hey, that one wasn't me !

Cynthia: It came from underground ! Something is making the ground cave in !

"... Why do I have a feeling I know exactly who's behind this..."

Torchwick: Hahahaha. Wow, you are much more manageable without that oversized garment of yours.

Ruby: Grrrrrr- Wah !!

Torchwick: Hehehe... Oh man. You know, Perry, I really did need his, hahaha. Haaah... But, seriously. How'd you find this place, Red ?

Ruby: Grrrrrrr... *FWOOSH*

Torchwick: Huh ? Wow ! I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve !

Torchwick: Let me make this clear. We're not through here yet.


Torchwick: Oh, what the... Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that... Kiiind of in the middle of something.


Torchwick: WHAT is going on here ?!

Torchwick: ... Grrr... Gah ! That little ! Somebody kill her ! And you ! Attach this car, and spread the word. We're starting this train.

Grunt: But, we're not finished- Gurk !

Torchwick: Do it, or you're finished.

Yang: Ruby !

Weiss: Are you okay ?

Ruby: i'm fine, i'm fine, but listen ! Torchwick got all sorts of weapons and robots down there. Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars !

Oobleck: Ah, that's ridiculous, the tunnels are sealed, these tracks lead to a dead end.

Torchwick: Get to your places, we're leaving now !!

Yang: Well it sounds like they're going somewhere !

Ruby: We need backup. Let me call Jaune !

*Low Signal*

Ruby: I can't get through !

Weiss: So, what do we do ?

Oobleck: ... I believe we only have one option.

Ruby: We're stopping that train.

Grunt: ... Huh ?

Grunt: ... I think they're on the *ZBUNK*

Oobleck: Hehe.

Grunt: Boss ! They made it on the train !

Torchwick: Urg. Then grab some cargo, and get them off the train ! Animals, every one of them. Nnnot you though, you're, heh... you're great.

Pilot: ... ...

Oobleck: Alright children ! We must get to the front, and stop that train !

Weiss: uhh, professor ?

Oobleck: Doctor.

Weiss: What's that ?

oobleck: That my dear... Appears to be a bomb.

Ruby: We've got baddies !

Oobleck: Well, I didn't expect them to go...

*Beep beep beep*

Oobleck: ... easy on us. Time to go ! Blake, detach the car train ! It'll kill us all !

Blake: On it ! ... Huh ? It decoupled itself !

Oobleck: What ?

Yang: I guess he really doesn't want us on that train.


Oobleck: This isn't good...

Ruby: And neither is this !

Blake: Another bomb ?!

Oobleck: ... No, no, no... They ALL have bombs !!

*Beep beep beep*

Yang: ... This doesn't make sense !


Oobleck: Oh dear... He's leading Grimm into the city ! It's the cars ! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm !

Blake: That's insane !

Oobleck: We have to hurry ! You three, go below and try to stop those bombs !

Ruby: What about us ?

Oobleck: We are going to stop this train.

Ruby: ... Yeah, I know. I said that earlier.

Void: Urk... What kind of dumbass would detonate charges in a place like that ?

"My first choice would've been the same dumbass who spends his time in the wild demolishing Grimm and picking fights with everyone."

Void: ... Touché.

Cynthia: Could we please focus ? While you're here bickering, Grimm are invading these tunnels ! Not to mention all the White Fang emblems on the walls !

Void: What, these guys again ? I swear, they never learn their lesson, no matter how much I try to pound it into their skulls.

"... You ran into them already ?"

Void: More times than I can count. They've been annoying me ever since they tried establishing some sort of base in this area. I guess they took to these caves and tunnels after I drove them off the surface.

*Train horn*

"Well, I suppose they found what they wanted down there... And judging by the detonations earlier... They finally made good use of all the Dust they stole."

Cynthia: Don't tell me, are they using it to destroy the roof of the tunnels ? Where do they lead ?

"... Mountain Glenn was an expansion of Vale... So the only place they could be leading to is... Oh no..."

Void: can I take that as "Oh no, they're about to wash over the main city with horrifying nightmarish creatures and massacre everyone" ?

Cynthia: You catch on fast. The main question is, how do we stop that ?

"That is indeed a good question... As long as we can get on this train, I say we have a good chance at this."

Void: So you need to stop the train ? Easy enough.

"Easy enou... that's a train. Launched at full speed, with cars fully loaded with military equipment."

Void: Oh, I know. Just sit back, watch the pro at work... And take the opportunity to board the thing.

Cynthia: ... What is he planning to do ?

"No idea..."

Torchwick: Urh, these kids, I swear... Hey, what's that in front of us... Did someone get lost instead of getting on ?

Pilot: Oh... Oh no... No no no no no !! Not him !

Torchwick: ... What, "him" ? Who's him ? Hey, stop having a breakdown and answer me ! Don't you stop piloting the train ! Where did he even come from ? Did he fall down here with the Grimm ?!

Pilot: He's worse than the Grimm ! he's so much worse ! Don't let him any closer !

Torchwick: ... What ?

Void: He was right, that's a big one. Action equals reaction, I need to use just enough force to put it to a stop without completely blasting it away. In that case... Taiyo Handan Ken... !

Ruby: I think I saw Professor Scarlet over there with Miss Cynthia !

Oobleck: they must've fell through one of the holes alongside the Grimm, or maybe they found some other entrance... Either way, all help is welcome ! But how will they get on board if the train is-
Void: RENGOKEN !! (Purgatory fist)

Ruby: The what now-


Oobleck: H- Hold on to something !!

Torchwick: Guh... Did we hit the end already... ? I thought it was supposed to be much farther away on the tracks... Don't tell me...

Grunt: Uuuuhuhuhuuhuu... Not that again, please...

Torchwick: ... Seriously, what is that guy ? What is today...

"... You know what, i'm not even gonna question what he did or how he did it, I'm just glad that train is stopped."

Ruby: Awawawawa... What just happened... ?

"Oh, just a natural disaster letting loose and unleashing... At this point, I don't really know what else to call him..."

Oobleck: Call him... Oh, did you come across the source of Grimm disappearances ? And you even managed to rally them to our cause ? Marvelous, simply marvelous !

Cynthia: I wouldn't really call it "rally"... More like, he found a toy to play with...

Void: Oh my, they even got giant mechs ?! Christmas really did come early this year !

Grunt: G- Get the hell away, you monster ! Get away !


"That guy both seems familiar to me, and yet I can't read him at all..."

Oobleck: Well, we can't just stand there idly, we need to go and use that opportunity to take them out !

Ruby: No need to tell that twice !

Cynthia: ... I have a question. They were activating the bombs and detaching the cars so they'd lag behind, right ? But now that the train is stopped...

"... ... ... Why..."

*Beep beep beep*

"... Why must you say that and jinx it all ?"

Cynthia: What, you think they only did it because I said it ?

Oobleck: Now's not the time, we must go !

"Wait, where are the others... ?"


Void: Oh, hey, you guys are here, been looking all over the place for you.

Grunt: Urrkkkhhhgrk...

Oobleck: ... Are those the remains of a Paladin mech in-

"Yes, he also stopped the train, don't ask questions. Hey, did you come across a guy wearing a round hat with a cane while you were down there ?"

Void: I think I saw someone like that, yes... he was fighting a black-haired girl, rings any bell ?"

Ruby: Blake is fighting Torchwick ?! We need to go now !

Cynthia: Calm down, first we need to deal with these bombs before they all explode as once.

"Right... they were detaching the cars as the train go, so the command should be in the front car ! ... Or whatever's left of it after you went to town on them."

Void: I'll have you know, I went at it with just enough force to stop it without destroying it.

Oobleck: Ah, very good ! That way we'll be able to take it away after taking care of the White Fang-


Cynthia: ... You did make sure to take out whoever was driving the train, right ?

Void: ... ... What, you guys wanted it to be stopped permanently ? I thought you just needed to get on it !

"No, you numbskull ! We're trying to stop it from crashing ! At the end of these tunnels, there's-


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