Chapter 18: Recruiting

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 " ": You talking

' ': you thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Pyrrha: I'm sure they're fine.

Jaune: You think ?

Nora: Probably a butt dial~.

Ren: Team RWBY has always performed exceptionally in the field. We should be focusing on our own mission.

Nora: We're gonna be deputies !

Jaune: I just got this... Feeling. I don't know...

Pyrrha: Jaune...

Jaune: ... We're changing our mission. Everyone onboard ! Ren. We'll make it out to that village another time. Take us into the city !

Cinder: You don't think...

Mercury: Sure looks like it.

Emerald: But it's still days away !

Mercury: So, what do we do ?

Cinder: ... ... ...

"See ? This is exactly what we wanted to avoid ! Now Grimm are running rampant in the city !"

Void: Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me sir, you should've said it right away that you needed that train gone for good ! I would've thrown the driver under the wheels as well !

"You... Forget it. Trying to find a culprit won't get us anywhere. I'm gonna call reinforcements to deal with the first wave, you find a way to stop them from flooding into the city !"

Void: easy enough.

Torchwick: I can't believe you've caught me, you've really taught me the errors of my ways... hey, watch the hat.

"... I still don't get it. Why the hell would Torchwick start doing that all of a sudden... I've checked his record, he used to be some sort of gang leader, but he only dipped in robbery, smuggling and the likes, nothing remotely close to large-scale terrorism."

Ozpin: That is indeed a point we need to shine light on, his motives so far appear quite obscure. But, you did accomplish your own mission flawlessly, and found the reason behind the strange Grimm behavior that was observed lately.

"Don't thank me for this. That guy is going to be a pain to deal with. I actually wonder if I wouldn't prefer Torchwick instead of him."

Ozpin: You cannot deny he is efficient at what he does.

"Look, I know it's quite rich of me to complain about someone nearly making a mountain collapse on itself in order to block a few tunnels, but I can already see this guy has a tendency to go overboard with things."

Ozpin: Hm. You mean, like a certain God planning to "burn the slate clean" if we can't fix things here ?

"... ... First of, touché, second, Uhhhh..."

Void: Did I hear that right ?

"Jesus !!"

Void: Hey, I'd appreciate of you didn't insult me, thank you very much.

"You... When and how did you come here, I didn't even notice you..."

Void: What do you mean, I was waiting right behind the door. But you two were taking so much time, I just decided to enter since the door was open.

Ozpin: ... the door was not supposed to be open...

Void: Well, I just pushed it, and it opened, so I guess it wasn't locked.

"... That was an automatic sliding door. Did you just casually push through a sheet of metal ?! We understood already, you're a monster, no need to re-assert that fact constantly !"

Void: Monster ? i'm no monster. I'm just your everyday ex-teacher.

"Don't try to sound funny."

Ozpin: An ex-teacher, you say... ? What a coincidence, we just happen to have a spot open here at Beacon. I have the very slight impression our combat instructor here would like some help with his job.

"... Ozpin, are you being real with me right now ?"

Void: You mean... I could repeatedly punch students in the face here, and actually being paid for that ?

Ozpin: I, uh... I suppose that's a way to put it...

Void: Okay, sign me up.

"... Don't even try to deny it, Oz, you just want him to stay here so you can keep a close eye on him, furthermore by putting him under me."

Ozpin: I just figured a God would be the best choice, don't you agree ?

Void: Oh, so I did hear it correctly. A "God" huh ?

"At this point i'm too fed up with everything that happened to even care about that crap, so let's just say yes. There, happy ? i'm a God, so start shaking in your boots."

Void: I quite literally ate up a God once. Straight up devoured its very essence.

"... You're a fucking monster..."

Void: And he was delicious. But I think it's enough talking about what I could've done in the past 20 years. Are you truly hoping to turn me into yet another pawn in that "grand scheme" of yours, like you did with all these kids that passed through your academy ?

Ozpin: ... At the very least, I was hoping you could be of some help. Thanks to you, we already avoided having the city being overrun by Grimm, after all.

Void: ... Hold on, let me consult myself for that. Did he pull the same kind of thing on you ?

"... Why are you asking me ?"

Void: I told you, i'm consulting myself. So, what kind of trick did he use to rope in a literal reincarnation of a God ?

"... Just accept the position and be done with it, man. It'll be faster, and to be frank, I don't think there's any way to forcefully keep you here, is there ?"

Void: Oh, fine, fine. I've basically been just camping outside for the last... Weeks, I think. It'll be a nice change to have a real roof above my head and not spend my time, hunting down Grimms and terrorists.

"That last part probably won't really change, i'm afraid... As for the roof-"

Ozpin: We have already given you your own separate dorm.

"Of course... Scheming bastard... Well, just come over, I'll show you around, I guess..."

Void: Hold that thought for just a second ?


Ozpin: ... Thank you for putting the door back in place, I guess... I feel like I'm gonna have to answer quite a few calls, so consider that you have time off until the end of the week...

"So now you can see why I don't appreciate the man all that much. Way too secretive about literally what is my reason for being here"

Void: I get it, I get it. I mean, it's pretty obvious he's hiding a lot of things... But sometimes, it's better to not say everything, lest you want complete anarchy on your hands. Were you really never faced with that kind of things before ?

"... Lumen Histoire..."

Void: Not sure what that means, but I think you got the idea. Many things are hidden, most of the time for the better.

"In his case... I don't even know whose good..."

???: Ozpin ? Ozpin !

Ozpin: Yes, counselors.

Counselors: You've left us with no choice. The Vytal festival tournament cannot be broadcast, let alone held if we are unable to ensure the safety of the citizens ! Therefore, we have reached out to the Atlas council and together we have decided that the best option is to apply General Ironwood as head of security for the event

Ironwood: Thank you, counselors. Our Kingdom is happy to lend as many troops as it takes to ensure that this event goes as smoothly, and safely as possible.

Counselors: And we thank you, General.

Ozpin: ... Will that, be all ?

Counselors: ... For now. But after this festival comes to a close, we are going to have a serious discussion regarding your position as Beacon Academy. General ironwood's reports of these last few weeks have left us somewhat... Concerned. I'm sure you understand.

Ironwood: ... This is the right move, Ozpin. I promise. I will keep our people safe, you have to trust me.

Ozpin: ... ... ...

Ironwood: You brought this on yourself... Leave us.

Ironwood: ... I've been informed that so far you've refused to cooperate with the authorities

Torchwick: ... I know this may be hard to believe, General, but I'm not the biggest fan of law enforcement.

Ironwood: How about the world's strongest military power ?

Torchwick: Hmm, first impressions... Not great.

Ironwood: I'm going to give you one, chance. Who's really behind all of this ?

Torchwick: ... isn't it obvious ? You're looking at 'im~.

Ironwood: Heh. Very well then.

Torchwick: What's the matter, general ? I thought you wanted to talk.

Ironwood: The council has given me custody over you for as long as I see fit. So you can make yourself comfortable, I can assure you you'll have plenty of time to... "Talk". Alone or with some company.

Torchwick: Just great. And what will you do, just frown at me until I confess all my crimes ?

Cynthia: No, not me. I don't have to make you talk to know what you're talking about. Lucario, if you may.

Torchwick: Ohh, wonderful... Hehehehehehe...

Cinder: All in all... I call today a success.

Emerald: that stupid kid really made a mes of things.

Mercury: yeah. A lot of Faunus didn't make it out of these tunnels. You still think the White fang's gonna listen to us ?

???: No. But they'll listen to me.

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