Chapter 19: Unexpected exit

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Void: ... The Vytal Festival ? The hell is that ?

Ozpin: I'm certain you can figure out quite a bit by the name alone, don't you ? But since you're apparently new around these parts... To make it simple, team of students from all Kingdoms have to compete in battle to bring glory to their school and-

Void: And it's a substitute for war in times of peace, gives you the opportunity to show off to other countries your latest and greatest child soldiers, re-ascertain your authority on them, blah blah blah... Been there, seen it, whatever. What do you want me to do about it ?

Ozpin: ... That's not the way I would've put it, but...

Void: And you want me to be what ? A security agent to make sure no one dies a horrible and avoidable death ? Another trophy for you to exhibit and go "Oh, look at my latest weapon Ironwood, suck on my coffee beans" ?

Ozpin: ... ... Alright, I see Mr.Scarlet has been sure to show you around, and even got you... Acquainted with some of the realities of this world...

Void: That's just experience speaking. I have no interest in involving myself into any of these events, nor do I intent on following your orders around. I'm just a traveler.

Ozpin: Well, I hope it isn't too much to ask you to keep an eye open at least. We expect some... Unwanted guests during the celebration.

Void: That sounds like a You problem, and not like it concerns me in the slightest.

Ozpin: Hmm...

Port: I must say, i'm properly astounded that all that ruckus about Grimm behavior was caused by a single person. Dare I say, it could probably even rival some of my most glorious achievements in my youth.

"Tell me about it... All these preparations about the festival drained me... I guess you guys will have it a bit easier, doing the commentary and all..."

Port: Oh, indeed. And speaking of, we should probably get ready before the opening ceremony, shouldn't we, professor ?

Oobleck: Dr. And yes, we should. Mr.Scarlet, I'd be be glad to work together with you in the future.


"... He really should lay off the coffee, it's bad for his system... Okay, I know you're trying to sneak up on me again, don't bother trying it, I can tell-"

Void: i'm literally standing right next to you, you're being way too paranoid, man. But after seeing just how scheming Ozpin is, I think I understand why.

"Let me guess, watch over the festival, welcome any unwanted guests with a foot up their ass, that kind of stuff ? As expected from the man... Can't wait to finally get out of here."

Void: Don't you have some sort of contract that you need to stay here as a teacher ?

"Not exactly. To be exact, I'm to stay here and monitor the situation, only really intervening if they wouldn't be able to deal with it on their own. And as far I'm concerned, that won't even be of any concern."

Void: ... ... How so, exactly ?

"Ozpin decided to keep things from me, so i'm not gonna tell him anything either, but asking the literal deity of knowledge to do some researches is more than handy when you need intel on something or someone. i'll spare the details, but Oz's ex is incredibly pissed off for some reason, made an army of darkness that despite everything apparently ends up below you on the food chain, and now is trying to end humanity altogether."

Void: Original. So, how does that not need your help ? Didn't you say some of the gods that you're part of were involved into this at some point ?

"Yeah, and that's the sole reason they had to send me over, but turns out it won't really be an issue in the end, because they were dumbass on what to use for power."

Void: ... being ? I'm not too familiar with your gods, I just ate a giant butterfly and beat up a self-proclaimed vampire twice, so...

"Oh, right, they decided taking in the cocoon of a deity that kills everything in a thousand miles when it wakes up, so honestly, we just have to wait a bit and the problem will most likely solve itself"

Void: Well, that's anticlimactic. And here I was looking forward to a full-blown war and all that shit, you gotta stop undermining my expectations like that, young man. There's only so much an old man like me can enjoy these days.

"... You enjoy beating the hell out of anything that looks at you wrong. Don't try to deny it."

Void: Oh, I'm not, believe me... Not trying to hide it, but also not being particularly proud of this one... It's a part of my life I'd like to-


Void: ... I mean, bombing it is an idea, not just my first thing in mind about it... Bit too extreme.

"I don't think that was the world randomly narrating and backing you up... That sounded more like some sort of attack on the city... Like, using the festival to sneak into town and wreak havoc there... That's something that bad guys would usually do..."

Void: i'm not complaining, saves us the trouble to look for them. Shall we put them through some of the Beacon hospitality ?

"With pleasure. It's all we have to- Huh ?"

???: ... ... ... ... !!

"... What was that ?"

Void: What was what ?

"I think I heard a voice just now... But it wasn't coming from the city..."

???: ... Help !

"There ! Just there..."

Void: ... I didn't hear anything... Are you sure you got enough sleep last night ? I heard stretches and warm milk before no less than 8 hours of sleep is the best.

"No, no, it's not... Wait, that voice... Don't tell me..."

Erza: Help !!

"... ... ... I'm leaving. i'm leaving right now."

Void: What ? Hey, I don't think now's a good time to leave ! The city is under attack !

"They can deal with it ! i've got other priorities ! Something I actually really cares about is under attack !"

Void: What, what ?! Hey, slow down there, what is going on ?!

"My family ! My family is under attack !!"

Natsu: ... What did you do to everyone ?

???: I tainted them all white.

Erza: ... White ?

???: Yes. Fairy Tail is opposed to our doctrine. Since it's a guild with a way too big magic power. Hence I have to keep an eye on them.

Natsu: I don't get what you say...

???: That's fine. You'll understand once you end up white as well.

Natsu: Urk- That's...

Lucy: Magic is being drained...

Happy: Power is going away...

Erza: H... Help !!


"The Gate has opened, the Distortion is widening. And so I politely ask you what the fuck are you trying to pull there ?!"

???: Oh, so that was the one they said was away on another mission, I take it. Forgive me, I should introduce myself. You can call me Touka, a recently joined member of Fairy Tail.

"... Brawls between guild members are an everyday occurrence, but I don't remember it being turned into some sort of cult ! What happened ?!"

Touka: It's futile to repeat myself, it will not change anything. You all will be tainted white under my control. With no exception.

Natsu: We need to run ! I don't know how she does it, but she can drain all your magic, and I guess it brainwashes you ? I'm not too sure about that last part.

Lucy: Now's not the time to ask these questions !!

Wendy: Body anomaly reversal magic ! Raise !!

Natsu: Wendy !

Gray: Ice make, WALL !!

"Gray too ? Hold on, I'm more and more lost there !"

Juvia: Everyone ! Let's first step back !

Carla: They're all controlled !

Erza: We'll explain things later. For now, we need to run away !

Gray: With that kind of thick wall, it won't easily be...

Touka: Laxus.

Laxus: Yes.

Gray: Are you serious ?!

"You really did forget about that monster, did you... Well, if run away is what we need, then run away we should ! But you guys better explain what I came back to !"

Natsu: Shit !

Gajeel: Let's follow them !

Touka: No... It doesn't matter... They'll come back at us another time. Moreover, I'll return to the original plan that has been slightly changed. We'll turn Aldoron white, with all of our power.

"Th- The 100 years old quest ? 5 dragon Gods as strong as Acnologia ?! What the hell did I miss ?!"

Natsu: Everyone's magic power has been removed ? Everyone from the guild's ?!!

Erza: Impossible, for that one girl to have that much power...

Juvia: It's also that we might have underestimated her. There're two personalities on that White Mage, Touka. The White Mage one from earlier that says to turn everything to white and remove every wizard's magic power... And Touka-san, who has a genuine pure heart and an affection for Natsu-san. Juvia also got controlled once before, but Touka-san was able to free Juvia alone without being noticed by the White Mage.

Lucy: Affection for Natsu... Huh.

"Jealous much ? That Natsu became such a seducer ?"

Natsu: I don't even know that person...

Juvia: And then... Juvia went to everyone to tell all the known information.

Erza: Anything else ?

Juvia: The White Mage's plan is to "White Out" the five Dragon Gods.

"... White out ?"

juvia: She said it was basically making them white. On a white-out condition, all of their magic power will be controlled by the White mage. From nothing to max capacity, it would be to the White mage's will... And she could even control their own selves. 5 Dragon Gods white out plan, the first step was the Water Dragon God, Merkphobia.

"... I'm lost on that one... Did you already defeat some of these guys ?"

Lucy: I think it's better if we talk about that a bit later...

Juvia: the White mage planned to use the power of the Water Dragon God to white out the remaining four. But, due to the defeat of the Water Dragon God, she had to change her plan. As for the power needed to white out the five Dragon Gods, Fairy Tail has been chosen in the stead of the Water Dragon God. Was it good or bad luck... Originally, once the White mage would have whited out everyone from Fairy tail, she planned to literally remove... Kill everyone. They are kept alive because of the Water Dragon God's defeat. At this point... The guild's people's lives are in the hands of the White mage.

"... ... Why did I have to be gone at that very time..."

Erza: If you weren't, then maybe she could have gotten you as well. Laxus, Jellal, the master, Mira, those are all monsters, so adding you to that group would just make things even more desperate...

Juvia: You might be a target for the White Mage too. One of the first thing the White Mage asked about at the guild was about you, the "Chaos dragon God who defeated Acnologia". Juvia can only guess she puts you on the same category as all the other Dragon Gods she aims to white out.

"For a change, huh..."

Natsu: isn't there any way to save them ?

Juvia: We might be able if we defeat her but-

Natsu: then it's possible !

"Weren't you listening ? She literally has everyone's lives in her hands. Just a word from her, and everyone, the entire guild..."

Wendy: No way...

"An Earthquake ?!"

Erza: the Dragon God... But wasn't it supposed to be at specific times ?!

"Hold on, what about a Dragon God so suddenly ?"

Touka: This is the orb of the right hand

Juvia: "This is the orb of the right hand. Left hand... Right shoulder... Left shoulder... if you destroy all of these remaining 4 orbs, Aldoron will lose his power."

Touka: My powers cannot destroy these orbs. We will destroy all of the orbs with all of your powers.

Juvia: "Now go ! Fairy Tail !" H- Huh...

Lucy: Are you all right, Juvia ?!

Juvia: that was... Those were the words of the White Mage !! Touka-san shared them with us !!

Erza: She is going to break this town's orbs using our friends ?!

Wendy: I won't let her do such a thing !

Gray: So that means that they will go to the other 4 towns.

"... Why would they... if the Dragon God is nearby, why would they need to spread to five different towns just to fight it ? Where even is that Dragon God to begin with ?"

Erza: Look to your left.

"What do you mean, my left ? What is there to... Aga ?"

"... A- Abu... ? Agabah... Babaganabu ? Agaga..."

Happy: Yeah, it was a surprise for us too.

Lucy: Wait a minute !! This could be a good opportunity... Even if we can't defeat the White Mage, we might be able to save each person individually. With Wendy's healing magic...

Wendy: It won't work if they are being controlled... If they are passed out, it might be a different story...

Natsu: Passed out ? I see. So we fight our friends so we can save them... BATTLE OF FAIRY TAIL IN DRASEEL !! I'M ALL FIRED UP !!

Lucy: N- No, no, no...

Erza: in that case, we might be able to do something... But, no...

Gray: Laxus, Mira-chan, Jellal and Gajeel are going to be a pain.

"You're forgetting the master, not looking forward to that one..."

Wendy: At least Gildarts isn't there.

"Don't tempt the devil, you !"

Natsu: That doesn't matter. I will defeat all of them !! It doesn't matter if they are controlled !!

"... Well I guess it's Battle of Fairy Tail, Round 2... What kind of chaos did I return to, seriously..."

Touka: Haaah, things keep just keep being annoying to deal with... But with all pieces in places by now, none of them have the ability to stop me.

Void: ...' I only followed him through that portal because he seemed in such a hurry... Guess I stumbled into another crazy place once again...'

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