Chapter 4: Manliest Port

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Mgnn... Fwaaah... First day of school, huh.. No wait, I'm on the other side now... First day of work, I guess... And to monitor-"


"JESUS !! What the hell was that ?!"


Ruby: Gooood morning team RWBY !!

Weiss: What in the world is wrong with you ?!

Ruby: Now that you're awake, we can officially begin our first order of business.

Weiss: Excuse me ?

Yang: Decorating !

Blake: We still have to unpack.


Blake: ... And clean...

Ruby: Alright ! Weiss, Blake, Yang and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission. Banzai !!

Yang/Blake: Banzai !


"Would you kids mind knocking it down a notch ?! You're not alone in this dorm !!"

Ruby: EEEK !!

Blake: Hold on, you... You're staying in that dorm too ?

"To my great displeasure, and despite many complaints, Oz put me in the room right next door to yours. So try not to make too much of a ruckus, why don't you ?"

Yang: Hey, come on, don't be such a stick-in-the-mud. We can use this to get to know each others better !

"... Still married."

Yang: Still ma-... ... What ?

"Yes, I've been for a while, now. And by the way, this whole ordeal is about to make me miss out on our one-year anniversary, so I am understandably not in the best of moods. What are you even doing ?"

Ruby: Decorating !!

"... And you need to repeatedly blow into a whistle to decorate your room ?"

Ruby: Hehe... That's just to motivate the troops !

"Well it motivates me to throw a bed through the walls, so please refrain from doing that."

Blake: ... Wanna help us ?

Weiss: What ?!

"I guess I can watch..."

Ruby: Aaaand done !

Weiss: This, isn't going to work.

Blake: It is a bit cramped...

'You lot have no idea how homely all of this feels to me... Almost expecting Gray and Natsu to appear outta nowhere and start throwing hands...'

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff

Ruby: Ooor we could ditch the beds... And replace them with Bunk beds !

Weiss: Umm, that sounds incredibly dangerous.

Yang: And super awesome !

Blake: It does sound efficient.

Weiss: W- Well, we should put it to a vote !

Ruby: Ha, I think we just did.

Ruby: Objective, complete !

"... That looks incredibly promising."

Weiss: we could easily fall off ! Or have it collapse on top of us !

"And the very idea of this happening is incredibly hilarious to me, so please make that true. Anyhow, I need to get going now. Be sure not to be late for class."

Ruby: ... Oh, right... Our second order of business is... Classes. Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9 we've gotta be...

Weiss: What ?! Did you say 9 o'clock ?! It's 8:55 you dunce !

Ruby: Uhh, t- t- to, to class !

Jaune: Class ? Whaaaa !! We're gonna be late !

"I swear, kids these days have no idea what punctuality is anymore..."

Ozpin: Speaking of, shouldn't you be heading to class with them ?

"Oh, I've got about 30 seconds to spare. More than enough. But seriously, why did he ask me to go and capture that boar thing... Don't tell me he plans to use it in class as a subject ?"

Ozpin: You'll find that Professor Port, despite being undoubtedly talented, has... Something of an odd method of teaching.

"Huh. Well ain't that just an everyday occurrence now..."

Port: Monsters ! Demons ! Prowlers of the night. Yes the creatures of Grimm have many names. But I, merely refer to them as prey. Hu-hah ! Haha...

'... I like his Moustache.'

Port: Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three Kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman ! Huntresses... *Wink*

Yang: Uhh...

"Please, sir, could we maybe stay on topic there ?"

Port: Ur-hum, right. Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what you ask ? Why... The very world !

Student: Eyyy-yeah !

"Alright, fitting for the occasion, but please tone it down."

Student: Hehe...

Port: That is what you are training to become. But first, a story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me. When I was a boy, blah blah blah...

'Well, he sure likes throwing flowers to himself... And once more confirms that Oz really picks the oddest of people to work and study here...'

Port: ... Despite smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man. "Peter", he told me, blah blah blah...

Yang: Pffrrrrr...

"Hr- Hum !"

Port: ... In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity. And I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high. Celebrated, as a hero. The moral of this story ? A true Huntsman must be honorable. A true Huntsman must be dependable. A true Huntsman must be strategic... Well-educated... And wise ! So, why among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits ?

Weiss: I do sir !

Port: Well then, let's find out. Step forward, and face your opponent. Assistant, is everything ready ?

"Yes sir ! The Boartusk was a pain to catch and bring back alive, but everything's ready to go !"

Port: Wonderful !

Yang: Gooo Weiss !

Blake: Fight well !

Ruby: Yeah, represent teeeam RWBY !

Weiss: Ruby, i'm trying to focus !

Ruby: Oh, sorry...

Port: Alright. Let the match, begin !!

Port: So, what are your prognostics for this ?

"Hmm... A lot of fighting skills... And even more nasty attitude."

"Aaand my point exactly."

Port: Bravo ! Braa-vo ! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and stay vigilant. Class dismissed.

Weiss: ... Hmph.

Jaune: ... Sheesh, what's with her ?

"... Pampered little princess, that's what. Never could deal with that kind of person... Be it red or white... Bah."

Ruby: Weiss !

Weiss: What ?

Ruby: What's wrong with you ? Why are you being-

Weiss: What's wrong with me ?! What's wrong with you ? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far is a nuisance.

Ruby: What did I do ?

Weiss: that's just it ! You've done nothing to earn your position ! Back in the forest you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so !

"And apart from bitching and whining, what exactly did you do to earn the position ?"

Weiss: Grrrrrr !

Ruby: Weiss, where is all of this coming from ? What happened to all the talk about working together ? I thought you believed in acting as a team.

Weiss: Not a team led by you. I've studied, and trained, and quite frankly, I deserve better. Ozpin made a mistake.

"Haaaaaaa... Why are the skilled ones always with problematic personalities, I swear..."

Ozpin: Hmm. Now that didn't seem to go very well indeed.

Ruby: Is... Is she right ? Did you make a mistake ?

Ozpin: That remains to be seen.

"You're gonna have to be way more specific about that question, Ruby. What mistake are you referring to ?"

Weiss: Professor Port.

Port: Ah, Miss Schnee. And to what do I owe this fine pleasure ?

Weiss: I- I enjoyed your lecture.

Port: of course you did, child. You have the blood of a true Huntress in you.

Weiss: You really think so ?

Port: Surely. And so does Mr.Scarlet.

Weiss: ... He didn't seem to...

Port: Oh, goodness no. He was entirely confident in your ability to win this squabble. Your skills are top-notch, and he recognized it right away.

Weiss: ... ... ...

Port: Hmm, something's troubling you.

Weiss: ... Yes, sir.

Port: Dear girl, confess to me your strife.

Weiss: Well, I- I think I should've been the leader of team RWBY.

Port: ... That's preposterous.

Ruby: What do you mean ?

Ozpin: I mean, it's only been one day. Ruby, I've made more mistake than any man, woman, and child on this planet.

"Trust me, you couldn't believe how literal he is with that. Then again, who am I to talk..."

Ozpin: You do have quite the impressive resume for that matter.

"Tch. Sins of the father much ?"

Ozpin: My point being. At this moment, I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of these mistakes. Do you ?

"Well... in all honestly, I'd rather have someone a bit childish, but with a teamwork's spirit as leader, than a whining spoiled princess who wants to play it solo."

Weiss: Excuse me ?

Port: I've believed in Professor Ozpin for many years, and the man has never

Weiss: So you would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am ?

Port: With all due respect, your exceptional skill on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude.

"HAH !!"

Port: And yes, I do believe Mr.Scarlet shares that opinion.

Weiss: How dare you !

Port: Our point exactly. From what he told me, he has quite the experience dealing with people who spent their entire lives getting exactly what they wanted.

Weiss: That's not even remotely true.

Port: *Manly eyebrow raising*

Weiss: Well, not entirely true.

"If you truly think being a team leader only means being the best in battle, then you failed the very first step of being worthy of becoming one. You're to act as a leader at any and all time. Someone who constantly thinks of themselves first, and others second... Someone who can't accept things going their way and only their way... Someone who wants the world to revolve around them... How would you want to follow someone acting as such ?"

Port: So the outcome did not fall in your favor. Do you really believe that acting in such a manner would cause those in power to reconsider their decision ?

Weiss: ... ... ...

Port: So instead of fretting about what you don't have, savor what you do. Hone your skills, perfect every technique, and be not the best leader, but the best person you can be.

Ozpin: You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby. I advise you take some time, to think about how you will uphold it.

"I understand why you told me to keep an eye on them, Oz... They do have quite the potential, I just... Still don't really understand why such a focus on them... And what the big deal is with these Silver Eyes..."

Ozpin: These should be explained in due time. I mean, if you're still here when it is time... Or will Mr.Scarlet take some long vacation before the grand finale ?

"First, I told you my name was Ochita, Oz. Second... Well, I don't really know... It could be tomorrow, like it could be in a hundred years... That's not a quest you can accomplish so easily, after all. Or do you have some hints something's gonna happen soon ?"

Ozpin: ... ... *Sip*

"I know I touched a nerve, Oz, don't you dare ignore me like that !"

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