Chapter 3: Nevermore ? Never more...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Yang: It's like a biiig slumber party !

Ruby: I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though.

Yang: I know I do~.

Jaune: Hmhmhm... Hm ?

Yang: Uuuuh... Hey, what's that you got, sis ?

Ruby: A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going...

Yang: Aww, that's so cuuuuuute !

Ruby: Shut up ! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here.

Yang: What about Jaune ? He's... Nice ! There you go, plus one friend ! That's a 100% increase !

Ruby: pretty sure Weiss counts as a "Negative friend". Back to zero...

yang: There's no such things as "Negative friends" ! You only made one friend and one enemy ! Well, I guess maybe, two friends if we count that Scarlet guy... I mean, he's weird, but he's a friend-

"Who exactly are you calling 'weird' young lady ?"

Yang: Holly mo- Stop appearing from nowhere like that, you're scary ! How do you even do that ?!

"I'm pretty good at sneaking through the shadows. So, is Beacon to your liking ?"

Ruby: Well, we haven't seen much of it yet... We didn't even got to meet the professor, besides Ozpin and miss Goodwitch...

"Well, you have one right in front of you, so I guess that makes three."

Yang: Yeah, it would... Hold on. You... Teach here...

"i'm in my early twenties. What, did you think Ozpin made me enroll here as a student ? No thank you. But as a teacher, I get to see you guys fail, and that brings me immense joy..."

Yang: ... Why did Ozpin hire you ?

"Well, he accepted Ruby here two years too early, so I think by this point it's pretty obvious he has a weird way to get people of talents under his wing."

Yang: ... ... Look, Ruby, it's only been one day. Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet...

Ruby: That girl...

"... Well, you have fun with the friends you haven't met yet, and the negative friends you sure already met... 'Meanwhile, I need to find why I've been sent here in the first place... The fuck is *Stay put and keep your eyes open* supposed to be of a brief, old man... ?'... Why me, even..."

Ruby: Your book. Does it have a name ?

Blake: well... It's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body.

Yang: Oh yeah... That's real lovely...

'... And oddly nostalgic... This world feels nice. So let's at least try to keep it that way, while I'm at it.'

Weiss: -She's a hazard to my health !

'Boy, that's high...'

Ozpin: For years, you have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

Glynda: Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... Today.

Ruby: 'What ? Aww...'

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well.

Ruby: 'Aww...'

Ozpin: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next 4 years.

Ruby: What ?!

Girl: See ? I told you !

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern part of the forest. And just to be clear, you will meet opposition along the way, so don't hesitate to go absolutely bananas over there, or you'll definitely die."

Jaune: Hehe... *Glups*

Ozpin: You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation. But our... Instructors... Will not intervene.

"And trust me, it's not that they're not willing to..."

Glynda: Will you keep quiet ?!

Ozpin: You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any question ?

Jaune: Yeah, um, sir-

Ozpin: Good ! Now, take your positions.

Jaune: Uh, sir ? I've got, um, a question. So, this landing strategy thing, uh, w- what is it ? You're like, dropping us off or something ?

Ozpin: No. You will be falling.

Jaune: Oh, I see. So, like, did you hand out parachutes for us ?

Ozpin: No. You will be using your own landing strategy.

Jaune: Uhhuh... yeah... So, what exactly is a landing-

"Jaune ?"

Jaune: Y- yeah... ?

"... Pecking order~"


Jaune: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh...

Ozpin: ... ... ... *Sip*

"... Man, these Grimm things are seriously unsettling... But they seem to have it under control. Kids these days are quite amazing, aren't they ?"

Ozpin: They wouldn't be here if they couldn't. How are thing going ?

Glynda: Our last pair has been formed, sir. Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy, I can't imagine these two getting along... Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos...

Ozpin: Hmm...

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat.

"Then that just means he'll have to get to everyone else's level, and fast."

Glynda: ... I guess we'll find out soon enough "Combat instructor".

"in your mouth, it has a derogatory taste. Buut, they should be reaching the temple fairly soon, so I'll overlook that. Speaking of, what did you use as relics, Oz ?"

Glynda: ... 'Oz ?!'

Ozpin: ... ... Hmmm...

Weiss: It's definitely this way. I mean... This way ! It's definitely this way. Alright, it's official, we passed it.

Ruby: Why can't you just admit that you have no idea where we're going ?

Weiss: Because I know exactly where we're going !

"HAH !"

Ruby: ... His voice does have quite the range..."

Yang: Think this is it ?

Blake: ... Chess pieces... ?

Yang: Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first ones here.

Blake: Well... I guess we should pick one.

Jaune: ... ... ...

Jaune: ... Think this is it ?

Pyrrha: ... I don't think this is it...

Jaune: *sigh* Pyrrha, made the torch. Could you at least humor me for maybe, 5 more feet- Woah !!


Jaune: Oww...

Pyrrha: ... Do you feel that ?

Jaune: Soul-crushing regret ?

Pyrrha: No, it's... Warm.

"Okay, so they have the bear thing..."

Ozpin: Ursa.

"One of them got chased by a giant Scorpion..."

Ozpin: Deathstalker.

"And two of them had the bright idea to hitch a ride on... is that some kind of bird..."

Ozpin: Nevermore.

"Well, I sure hope they won't get more, this already looks like enough trouble as it is."

Ozpin: Hm. Well, it shouldn't be long before they manage to get back, so when they do, be sure to direct them to the general hall.

"Roger that, Oz."

Glynda: ... Professor Ozpin, I still don't understand why you would allow someone like him to work at beacon. With all due respect, he doesn't know the first thing about Grimm, and addresses you in such a casual way, why is that ?

Ozpin: Well... I met his... I suppose it would be his father...

"No no, definitely father. Maybe foster, but I still consider the old man as my father."

Ozpin: Right. I met his father a couple of years back.

Glynda: So you're repaying a favor ?

Ozpin: Not exactly... But let's just say he is someone you definitely want on your side rather than against you...

Jaune: ... Wow...

*Clap clap clap clap*

"Impressive, very impressive ! Not gonna lie, I was about to jump in myself to help you guys, but you had it in the bag ! You all pass the initiation with flying colors !"

Yang: Woohoo ! Phew... well, that was a thing... What now ?

"Now ? Well, I do believe it's time for you to get to know who exactly will be sharing your time at school, and even after... Follow me."

Ozpin: Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the Black Bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together, as team CRDL (Cardinal), led by Cardin Winchester.

Ozpin: Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the White Rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together, as Team JNPR (Juniper), led by, Jaune Arc !

Jaune: Huh ? L- Led by... ?

"Congratulations. You deserve it."

Ozpin: And finally. Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. And Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the White Knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together, as Team RWBY (Ruby). Let by... Ruby Rose.

Yang: I'm so proud of you !!

"... Well, if things aren't shaping up to be interesting around here..."

Torchwick: *Sigh*... Got the goods ?

Henchman: ... ... ...

Torchwick: Open it.

Torchwick: ... We're gonna need more men...

"So, Oz, now that the teams are formed... Which ones do I need to keep my eyes on ?"

Ozpin: Hm ? Well, all of them of course. As an instructor, it is-

"Don't give me that teacher-y stuff now, you know what I meant. Which one of these child soldiers of yours do I need to watch out for ?

Ozpin: ... Well, since you seem to have been briefed...

"Not really. But someone who's an acquaintance to the old man is bound to have a few skeletons in their closet."

Ozpin: ... Both Team RWBY and JNPR will have a large role to play in the upcoming events...

"Especially Ruby, won't she ? The first thing you said meeting her was something about her eyes... What is that about silver eyes that makes them so interesting to you ?"

Ozpin: ... Shouldn't everyone try to keep the skeletons in their closet as a secret ?

"... I'll probably have to tell you that again, Oz, but... I didn't come all the way here to help you. The old man sent me here because he thought something much more troublesome than simply a few monsters was at work here. So, just... Keep that in mind, if you don't want things to end badly."

Ozpin: ... Gods truly are a mysterious bunch, aren't they...

"And they can be quite the pain to deal with, I know. But enough talking about that, do I need to take a room in town to stay here ?"

Ozpin: Ah, of course. Don't worry about that matter, teachers at Beacon have their own quarters in a separate building, so a room should be prepared shortly.

"Thank goodness. At some point, I was afraid you'd make me stay with the rest of the students. What cliché would that be..."

Ozpin: ... Actually, that doesn't sounds that bad of an idea...

"... Oz, no..."

Ozpin: You do need to keep a close eye on them, and Teams JNPR and RWBY are both being dormmates...

"Oz, don't you dare..."

Ozpin: So I think it'd be better...

"Oz, I swear to dad, I will make you regret saying these words."

Ozpin: If you stayed in the same building as them until your room is ready

"Dad fucking damn it !!"

Yang: ... i'm in a really good mood, for some reason...

Ruby: Yeah, me too. You think it's because we're gonna get our dorm ?

Weiss: I'm angry, and I don't know why...

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