Chapter 2: Beacon of Hope

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Vomit Boy: Whoa... Mmmm... Bleeeeeh... Bleehh... Bleh... Uuuhhhh...

"There, take it easy, man. I know what motion sickness is, so adding in all that stress wouldn't be good for you."

Vomit boy: Urk... Thanks, man...

Yang/Ruby: Woaaaaaaaaah...

Yang: Well, the view from Vale got nothing on this !

Ruby: Ooh ! Ooh ! Sis ! That kid has a collapsible staff ! And she's got a fire sword ! Ow, ow...

Yang: Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons.

Ruby: "Just" weapons ?! They're an extension of ourselves ! They're a part of us ! They're so cooool !

Yang: Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon then ? Aren't you happy with it ?


Ruby: Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose ! I just, really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people... But better...

Yang: ... Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own ?

Ruby: But... Why would I need friends when I have you ?

Yang: Well.. Actually, my friends are here, now gotta go catch up 'kay see ya bye.

Ruby: Wait ! Where are you going ?! Aren't we supposed to go to our dorms ?! Where are our dorms ?! ... Do we have dorms ? I don't know what i'm doing...


???: What are you doing ?!

"So yeah, I know a lot of people who have motion sickness, and even at a way worse level than that. Trust me, they couldn't even stand up if they were on that plane."

Boy: Thank you, that's... Honestly a bit uplifting... Everyone keeps mocking me because I barf whenever I take a plane...

"So I guess 'Vomit Boy' isn't that occasional of a nickname, huh... Speaking of, where did she run off to... Hey, do you see anyone taking the Red Riding Hood stereotype way too seriously around here ?"

Boy: Umm... You mean like over there ?

"... What is she doing... ?"

???: Do you have any idea of the damage you could've caused ? Give me that ! This is Dust mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry.

Ruby: Huuuh...

???: What are you, brain-dead ? Dust ! Fire, water, lightning, energy ! Are you even listening to me ?! Is any of this even sinking in ? What do you have to say for yourself ?!

Ruby: Uuuhh... A- ACHOO !!


"... ... She'll be alright. I hope."

*Tink tink tink*

"If you're looking for the owner of this flask, just follow the angry shouting and smell of smoke."

???: Unbelievable ! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about !

Ruby: I'm really, really sorry !

???: Ugh, you complete dolt ! What are you even doing here, aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon ?

Ruby: W- Well, I...

???: This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice you know. We're here to fight monsters ! So watch where you're going !

Book: ... So are you gonna give it back to her ?

"Something tells me we're extremely incompatible, so I'd rather not try my luck at that..."

Ruby: Hey, I said I was sorry, Princess !

Book: It's "Heiress", actually. Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

Weiss: Finally, some recognition !

"So, stuck-up aristocratic girl, huh ? What were the odds ?"

Weiss: ... Excuse me ?!

Book: the same Company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.

Weiss: Wha- How dare ! The nerve of... Ugh !

"So, evil capitalist corporation, huh ? What were the odds ?"

Weiss: Okay, enough ! Who even are you ?!

"Just some guy you're probably gonna see a lot around here, so don't pay me too much attention."

Weiss: ... Tch ! Whatever !

Ruby: Uhh... I- I promise I'll make it up to you ! ... I guess i'm not the only one to have a rough first day... So, what's-

"The other one already left too. Welcome to Beacon. For the two of you."

Boy: H- Hey. I'm Jaune...

Ruby: ... Ruby... Hey, aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship ?

Jaune: Ah, come on !

Jaune: Listen, all i'm saying is that Motion Sickness is a much more common problem than people let on !

"I heard you the first time, Jaune, and I still agree with you on that take... 'Why does it feels like i'm doing something extremely cliché right now... ?'..."

Ruby: Look, I'm sorry Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind.

Jaune: Oh yeah ? What if I called you Crater face ?

Ruby: Hey, that Explosion was an accident !

Jaune: Well, the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it.

"... Do they now ?"

Jaune: Th- They will... Well, I hope they will... I mean, my mom always says that... Never mind.

Ruby: Heh... Sooo, I got this thing.

"Hey, watch where you unsheathing that thing, will you ?!"

Jaune: Whoa ! Is that a scythe ?!

Ruby: It's also a customizable, high-impact velocity sniper rifle.

Jaune: A wha...

"It's also a gun. And something tells me this is a reoccurring thing around these parts."

Jaune: Oohhhh... That's cool !

Ruby: So what do you guys got ?

Jaune: Oh, uh, I got this sword.

Ruby: Oooooh.

Jaune: yeah, I've got a shield, too !

Ruby: So, what do they do ?


Jaune: Wah ! Ugh... Gah ! Well, the... the shield gets smaller... So... When I get tired of carrying it... I can just, put it away.

Ruby: But, wouldn't it weight just the same ?

Jaune: Yeah, it does... Hey, what about you ? Do you have any special weapon ?

"Special weapon... ? Well, I do have something like that back home, but... I didn't take it with me..."

Ruby: Well, I'm kind of a dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I did go a little overboard designing it...

"You... Designed that thing yourself ?"

Ruby: of course ! All students at Signal forge their own weapons. Didn't you make yours ?

Jaune: It's a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war.

Ruby: Sounds more like a family heirloom to me. Well I like it ! Not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days.

Jaune: yeah. The classics...

"To be fair, I'd give way more credit to someone fighting these monsters with a regular sword and shield rather than hiding behind some technological behemoth of a weapon. Shows you're skills over wealth."

Ruby: Heh. So, why'd you help me out back there, in the courtyard ?

Jaune: Heh, why not ? My mom always says "Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet".

"...' ... Your mom would make an extraordinary addition to Fairy Tail, Jaune...' By the way, where are you heading ? Because as far as I could tell, we've just been walking around aimlessly, haven't we ?"

Jaune: Uhh, that's a good question... I was just following you... You think there might be a directory ? Maybe a food court ? Some sort of recognizable landmark ?

Ruby: pffrrr...

Jaune: Is... Is that a "no" ?

Ruby: That's a "no".

"Well, i'm gonna leave you two be. I've got places I need to go myself."

Ruby: Hey, wait ! Aren't the students supposed to go to some sort of meeting ?

"They sure are ! So you guys better hurry, I'll see you there !"

Ruby: ... I can't read that guy...

Jaune: Yeah... By the way, who's he ?

Ruby: Oh, well, he's... Uhh, he's... Uhhhhh... That's funny, I don't think he ever told me his name...

"Turn right after this, follow the hallway, ride the elevator, and finally..."


Ozpin: Ah, I see you could make it in time. How was the trip ?

"You should rethink the brand of coffee you serve on these rides, the current one's disgusting. I still can't believe you managed to convince me to come back to school after all this time..."

Ozpin: What better way for you to "Keep an eye on this whole situation", than staying here ? Don't worry, you'll blend in just fine.

"About that. I kinda noticed everyone here has some sort of customized weapon, don't they ?"

Ozpin: That would be considered the norm, yes.

"Well, since I can't really bring my 'personal stuff' here without screaming who or what I am, this is my condition to staying here. I need a new weapon."

Ozpin: ... Simple enough... Did you have anything in mind ?

"Oh, I think I know where i'm going with that..."

Yang: Ruby ! Over here, I saved you a spot !

Ruby: Oh ! Hey, I gotta go ! I'll see you after the ceremony !

Jaune: Hey, wait ! ... Great... Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to ?

Redhead: ... ... ...

Yang: How's your first day going, little sister ?

Ruby: You mean, since you ditched me, and I exploded ?!

Yang: ... Yikes, meldown already ?

Ruby: No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school... And there was a fire, and I think some ice... ?

Yang: Are you being sarcastic ?

Ruby: Ugh, I wish ! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage ! And then I sneezed, and then I exploded ! And then she yelled again ! And I felt really, really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me-

Weiss: YOU !

Ruby: Oh god, it's happening again !

Weiss: You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff !

Yang: Oh my god, you really exploded...

Ruby: It was an accident ! It was an accident ! What's this... ?

*Dust for dummies, and other inadequate individuals*

Weiss: the Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damage sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy-to-follow guide to Dust application and practice in the field.

Ruby: ... Uhhhhh...

Weiss: You really want to start making things up to me ? Read this and don't ever speak to me again.

Yang: Look, uh... It sounds like you two got off the wrong foot. Why don't you just start over and try to be friends, okay ?

Ruby: Y- Yeah ! Great idea, sis ! Hm-hm. Hello, Weiss ! I'm Ruby ! Want to hang out ? We can go shopping for school supplies !

Weiss: yeah, and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys, like tall, blonde and scraggly over there.

Jaune "Tall, blonde and scraggly over there" Arc: Hm ?

Ruby: Oh, wow, really ?!

Weiss: ... ... ... ... No.

Yang: ... Speaking of tall and scraggly, has anyone seen... Ah, what was his name again... ?

Ruby: That's the thing, he never told his name... And he just left us in the middle of the courtyard, saying he needed to go somewhere...

Ozpin: Ahem... I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy. In need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you out of this, but your time at this school will prove you that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you, to take the first step.

Glynda: You will gather at the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready.

Ozpin: Now, before you are dismissed, someone would like to add a word. Mr.Scarlet, if you may...

Yang: ... Scarlet ? I don't remember any professor here with that- H- Huh ?!

"Thank you. Hr-Hm. Alright, maggots. It's time for you to learn the pecking order. It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, the creatures of Grimm, Ozpin, then me. Any question ?"

Glynda: Get off the stage !

"Gah, let go ! Enjoy your passage through hell, all of you !!"

Yang: ... ... That was... odd. And Professor Ozpin seemed kind of off as well.

Ruby: It's almost like he wasn't even there.

Yang: Well, at least now we know of his name...

Jaune: i'm a natural blond, you know.

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