Chapter 6: Forever Rising

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Nora: How come Jaune gets home so late ?

Ren: He's become rather scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin.

Nora: That's weird. Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow ? We need our rest !

Pyrrha: I'm suuure our leader knows exactly what he's doing.

Nora: Hmm... I guess so...

Jaune: ... ... ...

Ruby: Hey Jaune. Long time no see. Did you lock yourself out again ?

Jaune! Oh ! Uh, nope. Heh, got it. The key...

Ruby: ... So, where have you been lately ?

Jaune: I, uh... I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin's got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me... i'm starting coming to this school was a bad idea... I'm a failure.

Ruby: ... Nope.

Jaune: ... Nope ?

Ruby: Nope. You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: But, what if I'm a failure at being a leader ?

Ruby: Hmm... Nope.

Jaune: heh. You know, you're not the easiest person to talk to about this kind of stuff.

Ruby: Nope. Jaune, maybe you were a failure when you were a kid, and you might've even been a failure the first day we met...

Jaune: Urrh...

Ruby: But, you can't be one now. You know why ?

Jaune: Uhhh, because-

Ruby: Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now, Jaune. We both do. And if we fail, then we'll just be bringing them down with us. We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second. You team deserves a great leader, Jaune. And I think that can be you. Have a good night, jaune.

Jaune: ... ... ...

*Beep beep beep beep beep beep*

Cardin: Hey ! It's your buddy Cardin. I know you're probably busy with that Dust project I gave you, buuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of rapier wasps. And make sure they've got some reaaaally big stingers. It's important, so don't screw this up.

Jaune: ... Huuuuh...

Your POV:

"Some say it's a meteorological phenomenon, some say it's the blood of ancient soldiers, the result is that the forest of Forever Fall is constantly covered with these crimson-red leaves. Quite the entrancing spectacle, if I may, but this is not while we're here today. Professor Peaches asked you to collect samples from the trees deep inside the forest, so please try not to die while you do so, it'd be a mess to explain to Oz."

Jaune: Gh... Oh ! Uh, heh...

"Now, please remember. You each need to collect a full jar of sap from the trees, while trying to not be eaten alive or mauled to death by the Creatures of Grimm inhabiting the area. So don't wander off on your own, always stick close to your teammates, and scream if you ever encounter something and engage in combat. You are to come back here at four O'clock. Now run along."

Cardin: C'mon, buddy. Let's go.

Jaune: Uwaaaah !

Pyrrha: ... Haah...

"... He really need to realize he has allies who can help him with all that..."

Pyrrha: ... Do you know what happened with him ?

"I... Happened to listen to a conversation he had with Ruby the other night... Turns out Cardin was probably eavesdropping the whole conversation on that roof... And now he's using that to blackmail Jaune into doing his bidding, threatening to spill all the beans to Glynda and Oz if he refuses being his personal valet..."

Pyrrha: Can't you do anything about that, as a teacher ?

"I wish it were that easy... All I can do is reject Cardin's assignments when it's Jaune writing them for now... I'm trying to find a way that wouldn't cause the whole story to spread throughout the school..."

Jaune: Uhh... Agh... urg...

Cardin: hey, great work, Jauney boy. Now that wasn't too hard, was it ?

Jaune: I think I might be allergic to this stuff...

Cardin: Greaaat, great great. So, Jaune, I bet you're asking yourself, "Why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us ?".

Jaune: That is one of the many questions that I have asked myself today, yes.

Cardin: Well, come with me and you'll find out.

Jaune: Oh...

"For the last time Miss Valkyrie, these are sample, not for eating ! I'll give you a jar for personal consumption, now focus on the assignment !"

Jaune: ... Cardin, what's going on ?

Cardin: Payback.

Jaune: ... ... Mr.Scarlet ? What are you-

Cardin: That's that smartass. Thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he's a teach here... he's been on my back since day one, and now he'll learn it the hard way. Alright boys, last night ol' Jaune here managed to round up an entire box of rapier wasps. And now, we're gonna put 'em to work.

Jaune: Hehe... H- hehehe...

Cardin: Now, according to one of the essays he wrote for me last week, before that asshole tore it up and made me do it all over again in detention, these nasty things loooove sweets. I'm thinking it's time we teach that teach a thing or two. And you're gonna do it.

Jaune: D- Do what ?

Cardin: Hit him with the sap ! Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon. And while you're at hit, try and hit that red-haired knows-it-all too. She pisses me off. Now, be sure you aim right. Don't hesitate to get close.

Jaune: ... ... ... ...

Jaune: ... ... ... ...

"... Are you certain this is what you want to do, Jaune ?"

Jaune: H- Huh ?

"Think about it... There's only one person you should be up against... What would a real hero do, in that situation ? What makes a real hero ? Do you think it's school diplomas ? Does a piece of paper with a stamp on it makes you a hero ? What do *you* want ?"

Jaune: ... ... ...

Cardin: Come on, what's the matter , just throw that already !

Jaune: ... ... No.

Cardin: ... What did you say ?

Jaune: I said... No !


Cardin: ... ... Ohoho... You've done it now.

Jaune: Hehe... Urg !

Cardin: You know that wasn't very smart, Jauney boy. I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny, tiny pieces.

Jaune: ... I don't care what you do to me. But you are not messing with any of them.

Cardin: What, you think talk like that makes you tough ? You think you're a big strong man now ?

Jaune: ... Heh.

Cardin: Hrahh !


Cardin: Gah ! You little... Fine. Let's see how much of a man you really are.

"More than any of you will ever will be, that's for sure."

Cardin: What the- ?! H- How long have you been standing here ?!

"The entire time. You really think I wouldn't notice someone trying to cover me in sap ? You've been using Jaune here as a lackey for quite the long time, and frankly, I don't like that one bit."

Cardin: ... I couldn't care less about what you think ! So just stay there and wait for your turn ! Unless you want to play it tough like him ?!

"Heh. You see, that's the difference between us. You feel like you need to play it tough to reassure yourself. But Jaune doesn't need to, and you'll see why soon. Oh, and, by the way, you don't need to worry about fighting me... However..."

???: *Groooooooooooo*

"You might want to take a stand if you don't want to end up mauled to death by an Ursa. No one wants to see that... well, speak for yourself."

Russel: Th- That's a big Ursa !!

"Oh, and by the way... Just like Rapier wasps... These things love sweets."

Cardin: What ?! UARGH !!


Ruby: Did you guys hear that ?

Russel: Ursa ! Ursa !

Yang: What ? Where ?!

Russel: Back there ! It's got Cardin !

Pyrrha: ... Jaune !

Ruby: Yang ! You and Blake, go get the teachers !

Pyrrha: You two, go with them ! There could be more.

Cardin: Urk !


Cardin: Crap crap crap !

Pyrrha: Oh no... !


Weiss: gh...

Pyrrha: wait !

"Don't you lot dare interfere. This is Jaune proving that he can be a hero too."

Jaune: Hraaaaaahh !!

Pyrrha: ... ...

"... I said not to interfere, Miss Nikos."

Pyrrha: I- I know, but...

"Ignoring orders, and still coming to the rescue of your team Captain... All of you, get out of here before I give you all a medal."

Ruby: ... Uh, what.

Weiss: How did you...

Pyrrha: Well, Ruby has her speed, you have your glyphs... My semblance, is Polarity.

Ruby: Ah, you can't control poles...

Weiss: No, you dunce ! It means she has control over magnetism !

Ruby: Magnets are cool too... Wait, where are you going ? We gotta tell them what happened.

Pyrrha: We could. Or perhaps, we could just keep it our little secret. Right professor ?

"Hm ? What did something happen ? I wasn't looking; Anyway, you lot better go back to gathering the samples, it's gonna be late."

Cardin: ... ... ... Holy crap, Jaune ?

Jaune: Don't ever mess with my team, my... Friends, ever again. Got it ?

"Well then... While it is funny to see them trip and fall... I suppose there is some kind of... Satisfaction, to see them overcome themselves and prove what they can do... This is a new feeling. Pride in someone else..."

Ursa: *Grooooooooooo...*

"Oh. I suppose all that ruckus would attract another one of you. But i'm in a really good mood right now, so I'll let you off. Now, run along."


"Ahhh... A mindless beast, and nothing more... No, even lower..."


"Even a beast would have some sort of self-preservation instincts when facing a predator."

Ruby: ... .... 'What the hell was that...'

"What, not hanging out with your best buddy Cardin tonight ? What made you change ?"

Jaune: ... Mr.Scarlet, I... I'm sorry.

"I'm only a teacher by day, and in class. Just call me Ochita."

Jaune: I was a jerk. You and Pyrrha were only trying to be nice and... I- I had all this stupid prideful, macho stuff in my head-

"Jaune. No one will or is holding this against you. I'm sure Team JNPR really misses their leader by now. Maybe you should visit once in a while, I heard Ren makes some killer pancakes. Though, pretty sure Miss Valkyrie already gulped down all the syrup."

Jaune: W- Wait ! I know I don't deserve it after all that happened, but... Would you still be willing to help me ? To help me become a better fighter.

"... Why do you think I came all the way here ? Also, who are you asking ? The combat instructor... Or the friend ?"

Jaune: Well, hum... Both, I guess ?



Jaune: Gah ! Hey, what the hell ?!

"You weren't ready."

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