Chapter 7: Fangs bared

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Hnngh... Hnnngh... Like that ?!"

Shopkeeper: A bit higher !

Shopkeeper: Alright, perfect !

"Phew... Hey, didn't I meet you somewhere before... ?"

Shopkeeper: I don't think so...

"... Anyway, another thing to cross off my list... So, next, Oz told me... Banners and decorations, done... Food stalls ?"

Shopkeeper: They're on it !

"Great... Now all that's left for-"

Weiss: The Vytal festival ! Oh this is absolutely wonderful !

Ruby: I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out...

Weiss: How could you "not" smile ?A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world ! There will be dances, parades, a tournament ! Oh, the amount of organization that goes into this event is simply breath-taking !

Yang: You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring.

Weiss: Quiet you.

"She has a fair point. And speaking of organization, I'd rather not have you guys running around in the midst of all the preparations."

Ruby: Uhhh...

"Up there. Oz tasked me with supervising a few things, so I'd appreciate if you could stay out for... Maybe just a few hours ?"

Blake: Sounds like Ozpin is pushing quite a bit of work on you...

"Heh, I'll manage. But as a matter of fact, things are mostly done here. So, next stop for me... the docks."

Ruby: Oh, we're going there too !

Yang: Yeah, remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks ? They smell like fish...

Weiss: I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today. And, as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom.

"... You want to spy on them so you'll have the upper hand in the tournament."

Weiss: You can't prove that ! What, are you a psychic now ?

"No, that would be my tutor. But I do have quite the foresight to see through these kind of things."

Weiss: Then why are you here, then ?

"Well, oz also pushed the welcoming and gathering responsibilities onto me, so... yeah. Basically i'm doing your thing, only I'm officially mandated."

Blake: ... Why you specifically ? Couldn't Ozpin ask another teacher, if you're already busy with the festival in itself ?

"Well, Oobleck overdosed on caffeine again and ran off into the Emerald Forest, Port and Goodwitch went to run after him. No one has seen Professor peaches in who-knows how long, and Ozpin apparently has to worry about the officials and other directors. So that leaves only me."

Blake: Sounds... Harsh...

"Oh, trust me, if anything, it's rather relaxing compared to what I usually had to do... Managing a bunch of natural disasters makes this seem like a nice vacation..."

Ruby: Whoa...

"... And... What happened here ?"

Officer: Robbery. Second Dust shop to be hit this week; This place is turning into a jungle.

Yang: That's terrible...

Detective: They left all the money again.

Officer: yeah, just doesn't make a lick o' sense. Who needs that much Dust ?

Detective: I dunno, ya know what I mean ?

Officer: You thinking the uh, White Fang ?

Detective: Ya I'm thinking we don't get paid enough.

Weiss: Hmph. The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates.

Blake: What's your problem ?

Weiss: My problem ? I simply don't care for the criminally insane.

Blake: the White fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus.

"You do seem to know quite a bit about them to be so confident about that..."

Weiss: Misguided ?! They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet !

Blake: So then they're very misguided.

"... Blake, when your whole ideology implies and is centered around Genocide, me think it's a little beyond just being 'Misguided'."

Blake: Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of Downtown Vale.

Ruby: Hmm... Blake's got a point. Besides, the police never caught that Torchwick guy I ran into some time ago ago... Maybe it was him...

"Doesn't solve the 'Why'. And if was him, it makes even less sense, why only going after the Dust ? I mean, at this point, he'd want to mount a personal army that it wouldn't surprise me that much..."

Weiss: That also still doesn't change the fact that the White Fang are a bunch of scum. Those Faunus only know to lie, cheat, and steal.

Yang: That's not necessarily true...

"... Okay, so normally, this is where something happens that totally goes against what you just said-"

Sailor: Hey ! Stop that Faunus !

???: Thanks for the ride, guys !

Sailor: You no-good stowaway !!

???: Hey, a no-good stowaway would've been caught ! I'm a great stowaway !

"He has a point there."

Weiss: Don't encourage him !

Officer: hey. Get down from there this instant.

???: ... ... ...

Officer: Grrrrrr...

???: Hehehehe ! Sayonara !

"... Well. If my memory and notes serves me correctly... We just witnessed one of the students participating in the tournament..."

Yang: Weiss, you wanted to see the competition, annd there it goes.

Weiss: Quick ! We have to observe him !

Blake: ... ... ... ...

"Hey, Earth to Blake. Stop staring into the blank. What, are you falling for the lawless rapscallion ?"

Blake: Shut up.

"Right... Right... Sharp left ! Damn it, how is he this nimble ?!"

Ruby: Look out !!


"... Funny, I think I ran over something... Ooohhhh..."

Weiss: No ! He got away !

Yang: Weiss, I think We have something else on our hands...

Ruby: How did you run into someone and blast them to the ground without even realizing it ?!

???: ... Salutations !

Yang: Um... Hello. Are you okay... ?

???: i'm wonderful. Thank you for asking.

"... Saying that while you're still laying on the ground makes it lose some of its meaning... Do you want to get up ?"

???: ... Yes ! My name is Penny. It's a pleasure to meet you !

RWBY: Hi Penny. I'm Ruby/I'm Weiss/Blake/Are you sure you didn't hit your head ? Oh, i'm Yang.

Penny: It's a pleasure to meet you !

"You... Already said that."

Penny: ... So I did !

"... I think I was going too fast, I must've knocked a few braincells out of this girl..."

Weiss: Well, huh, we need to get going.

Ruby: Take care, friend.

Penny: ... ... ... What was that ?

"What was what ?"

Penny: What she just called me...

Yang: Well, she was... Weird..

Weiss: Now, where did that Faunus riff-raff run off to-

Penny: What did you call me... ?

Yang: O- Oh, I'm really sorry, I definitely didn't think you heard me.

Weiss: H- How did she get in front of us ?!

"Beats me."

Weiss: H- How did you get right next to us ?!

Penny: No, not you... You !

Ruby: Me ?! I- I don't know, I- what I, um, uh...

Penny: You called me "Friend". Am I really your friend ?

Ruby: Uuummmmmmmm...

Ruby: Y- yeah, sure ! Why not ?

Penny: Ahaha ! Sen-sational ! We can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys !

"Some kind of irony here is not lost on me..."

Ruby: Ooh, is this what it was like when you met me ?

Weiss: No, she seems far more coordinated.

Yang: ... So, what are you doing in Vale ?

Penny: i'm here to fight in the tournament.

"You... Do ? I have no recalling of a student named Penny registered to took part in it... Are you sure of it ?"

Penny: I'm Combat ready !

"That's not what I meant..."

Weiss: Forgive me, but you hardly look the part.

Blake: Says the girl wearing a dress.

Weiss: It's a "Combat Skirt".

Ruby: yeah.

"... Still seems highly impractical in a real battle situation, especially with how rigid it looks..."

Weiss: Hmph... ... Wait a minute. If you're here for the tournament, does that mean you know that monkey-tailed... Rapscallion ?

Penny: The who... ?

Weiss: the filthy Faunus from the boat !

Blake: Why do you keep saying that ? Stop calling him a rapscallion. Stop calling him a degenerate. he's a person !

"... Given how he apparently snuck onboard and was a stowaway on that boat, calling him somewhat of a delinquent doesn't seem that stretched to me..."

Weiss: Exactly. Would you like me to stop referring to the trashcan as a trashcan ? Or this lamppost as a lamppost ?

Blake: Stop it !

Weiss: Stop what ? He clearly broke the law. Give him time, he'll probably join up with those other Faunus in the White Fang.

"Everyone who got a speed ticket didn't end up in a terrorist organization, Weiss."

Blake: Yeah, you ignorant little brat !

Weiss: ... ... How dare you talk to me like that ! I am your teammate.

Blake: You are a judgmental little girl.

Weiss: What in the world makes you say that ?

Yang: Uhh, I think we should probably go...

"Agreed... It's getting late, and I have a bunch of things to look over..."

Penny: Where are we going ?

Blake: the mere fact that you would sort that Faunus boy with the terrorist group solely based on his species makes you just as much of a scoundrel as you believe him to be.

Weiss: So you admit it, the White Fang *Is* just a radical group of terrorists.

Blake: That's not what I meant and you know it.

"... They'll probably calm down in a bit..."

Weiss: I don't understand why this is causing such a problem.

Blake: That *is* the problem !

Weiss: You realize you're defending an organization that hates humanity, don't you ? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil.

Blake: there's no such thing as "Pure Evil" ! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much ? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures !

Weiss: people like me ?!

Blake: You're discriminatory !

Weiss: i'm a victim ! You want to know *why* I despise the White Fang , Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus ? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War. As in, actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear, board members executed, and entire train car full of Dust... Stolen.

Weiss: And every day, my father would come home furious, and that made for a very difficult childhood.

Ruby: ... Weiss, I-

Weiss: No ! You want to know why I despise the White Fang ?! It's because they're a bunch of liars ! Thieves ! And murderers !

Blake: Well MAYBE we were just tired of being pushed around !!

Weiss: ... ... ... ....

Ruby/Yang: ... ... ... ...

Blake: ... I- I...


Ruby: Blake ! Wait ! Come back !

Blake: ... ... ...

"I knew you'd come here."

Blake: Wh- What ? How did you-

"Did you forget my room is right next to yours ? Pretty hard not to hear you yelling your heart out at each others.

Blake: ... ... You can say it, you know. You can say that you think i'm a freak too. Like everyone else...

"... Blake, i'm gonna be honest with you. If there was a freak of nature in this yard right now, you're looking right at him. Why would I hate the Faunus ?"

Blake: ... For how long have you know ?

"Remember that time I was using a laser pointer in class and you almost pounced on your desk ? About there."

Blake: Very funny...

???: I knew you would look better without the bow.

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