Chapter 8: Dusting off

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Ruby: She's been gone all week-end...

Weiss: Blake's a big girl, i'm sure she can handle herself.

Yang: Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates.

Weiss: Is she ? We all heard what she said.

Ruby: Weiss.

Yang: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing, and we need to find her.

Weiss: A member of the White fang. Right underneath our noses !

Ruby: ... I just hope she's okay...

Your POV:

Blake: ... Haaah... So... You want to know more about me.

???: Finally, she speaks ! Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks.

Blake: ... ... ...

???: Ya ! Like that.

"You're also not acting with the most tact here, I hope you know that."

Blake: ... Sun, Mr.Scarlet... Are you familiar with the White Fang ?

Sun: Of course ! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me

"... Well, I did look through Beacon's library for a bit... Apparently, they were once a peaceful movement that asked for Faunus rights, but... Over the years, they slowly shifted to violence, until they became one of the biggest criminal organizations out there..."

Blake: I was... Once a member of the White Fang.

Sun: Urk- Gurf- *Cough cough*... Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang ?!

Blake: That's right. I was a member for most of my life, actually. You could almost say I was born into it.

"Well, I can tell why you decided to leave, then..."

Blake: There's more to it, too... Back then, things were different. Like you said, in the ashes of war, the White Dang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate... Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. And I actually though we were making a difference... But I was just a youthful optimist...

Blake: Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us. Hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor... And the worst part was ? It was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... Out of fear.

Blake: So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a huntress. So here I am. A criminal, hiding in plain view. All with the help of a little, black bow.

Sun: ... So... have you told your friends any of this ?

"... From what I heard, they probably connected some of the dots by now..."

Ruby: Blaaaaake !

Yang: Blaaaake ?!

Ruby: Blaaaaake ! Where are youuuuu ?! Weiss, you're not helping !

Weiss: Oh, you know who might be able to help ? The police.

Ruby: Ugh, Weiss...

Weiss: It was just an idea.

Ruby: Yeah, a bad one... If we could at least find a teacher, but even Mr.Scarlet just disappeared...

Yang: Weiss, I think we should at least hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.

Weiss: I think when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right.

Penny: And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today !

Ruby: Agh ! Penny ! Where did you come from ?!

Penny: Hey guys. What are you up to ?

Ruby: Uuuhhhhh...

Yang: We're looking for our friend Blake. And eventually the guy that was with us the other day.

Penny: Oooh ! You mean the Faunus girl !

All: ... ... ... ... ...

Ruby: Wait... How did you know that ?

Penny: Uh... The cat ears ?

Yang: What cat ears ? She wears a ... Bow...

Ruby: ... ... She does like tuna a lot...

Penny: So, where is she ?

Ruby: We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.

Penny: *Gasp* That's terrible ! Well don't you worry Ruby my friend ! I won't rest until we find your teammate.

Ruby: Uh, that's really nice of you Penny, uh, but we're, we're okay; really. Right guys ?

Penny: ... There sure are a lot of tumbleweeds passing by today.

Sun: So, what's the plan now ?

Blake: I still don't believe the White fang is behind these robberies. they've never needed that much Dust before.

"If anything, that Torchwick guys seems a good candidate;.. It wouldn't be the first time he went after only Dust... "

Sun: ... But what if the White Fang did ? I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there... Right ?

"... I can't tell if you're a genius or an absolute moron... There's no in-between here."

Blake: The only thing is, I have no idea where that would be.

"Yeah... There are a lot of Dust shops around here... We can't know which one would be targeted, or when..."

Sun: Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a "Huge" shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas.

Blake: How huge ?

Sun: "Huge". Big Schnee Company freighter.

"... Well, doesn't hurt to try."

Yang: Thanks anyway... This is hopeless. You really don't care if we find her, do you ?

Weiss: Don't be stupid. Of course I do. i'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her. The innocent never run, Yang.

Penny: So, Blake is your friend ?

Ruby: Yes Penny...

Penny: But you're mad at her ?

Ruby: yes ! W- well, I'm not, Weiss is.

Penny: Is "she" friends with Blake ?

Ruby: Well, that's kind of up in the air right now.

Penny: But, why ?

Ruby: Well you see, Blake might not be who we thought she was.

Penny: *Gasp* Is she a man ?!

Ruby: No, no, Penny, she's n-... I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off.

Penny: I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things.

Ruby: ... ... Me too.

"Any movement so far ?"

Blake: Not really. they've offloaded all the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there.

Sun: Cool. I stole you some food.

Blake: Do you always break the law without a second thought ?

Sun: Hey, weren't you in a cult or something ?

Blake: ... ... ...


Sun: Yeah, okay, too soon.


"How do we never notice these things until they're right above us ? With the noise they make, you'd think we could hear them from miles away..."

Blake: Oh no...

Sun: Is that them ?

Blake: Yes... It's them...

Sun: You really didn't think they were behind it, did you ?

Blake: No. I think deep down I knew... I just didn't want to be right.

"Shh... I think there's someone else..."

Roman: Hey ! What's the hold up ? We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, sooo why don't you animals try to pick up the pace.

"Well, isn't that a familiar face..."

Blake: This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a human. Especially not one like that.

"Think what you want, the facts are under our eyes... What do you plan on- Hey, where are you going ?!"

Roman: No, you idiot ! This isn't a leash !

Roman: What the- ?! Oh for f-...

Blake: Nobody moves !

Roman: Woh ho ! Take it easy there, little lady.

Blake: ... Brothers of the White Fang ! Why are you aiding this scum ?

Roman: Heh, oh kid, didn't you get the memo ?

Blake: What are you talking about ?

Roman: the White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together.

Blake: Tell me what it is, or I'll put an end to both your little operation, and your life.


Roman: I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation.


Ruby: Oh no...

Roman: Here, kitty kitty kitty...

Roman: Grrr... GAH !!

Sun: Woohoo ! Leave her alone !

Roman: ... You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are ya kid ?

"Maybe not, but he definitely packs the most punch. So let's leave the kids play by themselves, and discuss this like adults !"

Roman: Huh ?! GAAAAAAAaaaaaahh... !!"

"Sun, I am not your teacher. Blake, you deal with the grunts and secure the cargo !"

Roman: Urk... yeah, definitely remember that feeling... You never wear gloves for these, do you ?

"Not when i'm in a hurry. And sadly for you, I happen to be. So why don't we recreate our encounter from last time and blast you to Kingdom Come again ?"

Roman: Gh... Don't mock me !


"That again ? Seriously ? *Tink* I'll give you credit, fighting on equal footing *Tink* against Huntsman-in-training without a semblance of you own *Tink* is no small feat."

Roman: W- What kind of monster are you ?!

"The kind you really, really don't want to piss off. It's all a question of perspectives, really. Where i'm from, while being notable, this isn't really too extraordinary. So, I believe we were at... Plexus."

Roman: GUARF !!

"Diaphragm, 3rd rib, Sternum..."

Roman: Aaaack... Garg... Stop... That !


"What are you even aiming... At ?"

"Oh... Clever motherfu-"


Roman: Guh... I swear, it's not even the kids that keep getting weirder...

Blake: He's getting away ! Mr.Scarlet, are you-


"COLD ! Cold cold cold ! I swear, from every single crate, the one he hits me with has to be the Ice Dust ! that's just my luck... A-CHOO !!"

Blake: Are... You okay ?

"Well, he managed to slip right past my fingers, so I am understandably pissed right about now. But at the very least, they couldn't take anything back with them, so I'll take it. Round everyone and keep guard over the goons, the police should be arriving soon."

"I still can't believe Penny was the one to unleash all that devastation..."

Penny: I told you, i'm combat ready !

"I can definitely see that, yes..."

Ruby: Ah ! L- Look Weiss it's not what you think she explained the whole thing you see she doesn't actually wear a bow she has kitty ears and their actually kinda cute-


Ruby: Awawawaaaa...

"Sorry about that, but I really felt like there was no need for it..."

Blake: ... Weiss. I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with-

Weiss: Stop. Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you ? Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours I've decided... I don't care !

Blake: You... Don't care ?

Weiss: You said you're not one of them anymore, right ?

Blake: No, I- I haven't been since I was younger-

Weiss: Upupupupup ! I don't wanna hear it. All I want to know, is that the next time something this big comes up, you'll come to your teammates, and not some... Someone else.

Blake: ... ... Of course.

Ruby: Yeah ! Team RWBY is back together !

"How are you awake so soon ?!"

Weiss: ... i'm still not quite sure how I feel about you !

Sun: Hehehe... He...

"By the way, Sun... I got a message that some teachers from Haven Academy wants to have a word or two with you about that whole Stowaway thing."

Sun: *Glups*

Ruby: hey, speaking of... Where's Penny ?

???: You should know better than go running around in a strange city.

Penny: ... I know, sir.

???: Penny. Your time will come.

Blake: Ruby, did you do what I asked you to ?

Ruby: Why did you ask me to check Mr.Scarlet's aura levels ?

Blake: Did you do it ? What did it look like ?

Ruby: Well, yes, I did it... But he barely got scratched. He isn't the combat instructor for nothing.

Blake: ... That doesn't make any sense... he took bullets, and even got crushed by a freight container... How did he sustain no damage whatsoever... ?

*Queen has Pawns*

Ozpin: Hm. I guess a joker is welcome in this kind of situation...

Roman: Haah... Haah... Haah...

???: How very disappointing, Roman.

Roman: Whoah ! Haha... Wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon.

???: We were expecting... More, from you.

Roman: Hehe, hey, you were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang.

???: And you will continue to do so.

Roman: ... then you're probably already aware of the pain in the ass that already made his duty to be as annoying as possible, right ?

???: He will be dealt with in due time. You do not have to worry on something like that. We have big plans for you, Roman. All we ask is a little... Cooperation.

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