Chapter 1: A New Level

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I was just walking out of my door getting ready to start a new day on a new difficulty setting. My name is Tyron 'Shroom' Goomba, but everyone here just calls me DJGoomba. When I walked out the door I had headphones on listening to some music while eating my Koop & Goom candy. When I got on the bus all the heroes just looked at funny I didn't know if I should introduce myself or something so I just sat in an empty seat. Somebody whispered to me, "Hey you don't want to sit there." I questioned and asked "Why not, no one else is sitting here." Then the kid said "you'll find out soon enough." I was so confused, it's an empty seat, no one else is gonna sit here, I might as well right? Then when the bust stopped I noticed that we weren't in World 1 anymore we were already in world 8. Everyone either looked down or turned words the window to avoid eye contact. So I did the same and looked out my window. But it was hard seeing heat and lava no matter where you look. Then someone said "Kid your in my seat." When I turned around I saw a koopa with spikes on his shell and a bib and paint brush. I asked "I'm sorry your seat? I sat here first and I don't see your name on it." Then he slashed his paint brush on the seat and said "there now it is." When I looked to see his name, in red it said "Bowser Jr." I was shocked that I was in the presence of a mini-boss. I may be a good Goomba but I must say I respect his form of evil. I jumped of and started walking towards the back of the bus. Everyone was looking at me but differently like they were questioning me. When I finally found a seat that was open a boo said "Hey why would you stand up to Jr like that? Your like my hero!" I asked him "Why exactly I was his hero?" He told me everything he said "You must be new huh? Let me introduce myself I'm Jacob, I've been bullied for years because I'm one of the only good boos in my class. He's burnt,painted,stolen, and hurt me many times before." I didn't know how to react every second I was on this bus things just get weirder. Once the Bus stopped we walked off and kept talking about Bowser jr. Then I met the principle. He stopped me dead in my tracks, it was King Koopa or Lord Bowser but here we just call him principle Bowser. He asked us "Why are you talking about my son." Then I figured it out the reason Jr bullies everyone in the school is because he can without getting in trouble. So I explained everything to Bowser but he just laughed and said your new here you wouldn't know what my son has done here unless you spied on him. I looked at Jacob and he just covered his eyes and turned invisible. So I kept walking. When I got into school Jacob said he would show me around the school. He showed me the art room, and warned me never to yell paint off in there. Then he showed me the P.E room or Platforming education class. Gigabytes class where we learn how to count gigabytes and codes. Manual class where we read manuals and all the other classes. We didn't have to go to classes today because it was still the first day. Our Teacher, Dr. Mario asked us to introduce ourselves. I introduced myself the same way as I did in the beginning. Then Jr yelled, "then I guess no one calls you DJGoomba then huh?" I just ignored him and sat back down in my seat. Jacob introduced himself and said"I'm having a small hangout at my house this weekend, so if you wanna come you can." Then he floated over his seat. Then a Yoshi named Broshi said "I'm Broshi I wear sunglasses all the time because my future is so bright. I'm the coolest kid in the school so yeah." Then he sat back down. Then a Shy Guy stood up and said "Hi my name is S-s-s-Steven, I'm kinda shy and don't really talk that much. Then he sat down quicker then any one else in the class. Then one of Bowser jr's friends stood up and said"Sup my name is RK or Red Kemek if you would, I'm one of Bowser Jr's best friends so that makes me cooler then all of you!" Then he sat back down. I asked him "Why would you have a broom? Don't only Witches have brooms?" His face turned red with anger and you could see it too. I said "Wow you really live up to your name huh?" The next guy calmed his down and said "I'm Goomshroom, I'll eat anything you give me and still be hungry!" Then he sat down. I nudged at Jacob and said "I can tell he eats anything that comes at him, I mean just look at him, he has a sucker for lunch. It's huge too!" Jacob just looked at me like I was acting like a kid. So I just looked at the next guy. He said "I'm Koopa. M! What does the M stand for?! Well it stands for Magic I can make anyone or thing disappear for example, Abarakappear! Then an Abra appeared, I was stunned! But before I could say anything the Abra used teleport. Next Bowser jr presented himself, he said "I'm Bowser jr, I'm the coolest one here, sorry but I'm takin." I rolled my eyes along with all the girls in our class. I'm pretty sure he noticed so he sat down with steam coming out his nostrils. Then the girls started introducing themselves. A girl named Goombella said "Hi my name is Goombella, I love reading and researching on things like fossils or any person or town with my lucky book." The she sat down. Then another girl stood up and said "Hi my name is bow, I'm extremely rich and I'm having a sleepover as well but only girls are aloud!" Then Jacob stood up and said "then my hang out is for boys only!" They were fighting for one or two minutes. Then Dr. Mario walked over and said, "that's more than enough! Your lucky I don't report you two to the principle!"Then they both sat down. Then another boy named Chris stood up and said "Hi my name is Chris I wear sunglasses as well that's why me and Broshi are friends." Then they both high fived. He kept going on though. I'm a green koopa troopa who doesn't walk off cliffs!" Everyone in the class was amazed but I said "isn't that just called will power?" He kept going on though and said "So you probably noticed I'm not any ordinary koopa troopa, I have a neon green shell and basketball sneakers." Everyone was still shocked but I wasn't impressed in my mind I was saying "so your a flashy koopa troopa I don't see why that makes you cool." But I didn't want to fight anyone else or make any more enemies. Then a girl stood up and said "Hi I'm shy girl, but I'm different I'm not that shy, I am shy though." Then another koopa troopa said "Hi everyone my name is Kylie Koopa, I love taking pictures! Then she backed up and took a picture of the class. Then she sat down. Then a Pink Yoshi stood up and said,"Hi my name is Pinky, I love fruit and fun. I'm incredibly peppy and happy always." Then she sat down. Another girl sat up and said, "Hi my name is Kemey, I am a magic koopa, I use my magic for good,"then she used her magic to make a watermelon appear over Pinky and it landed in her mouth. The she sat down. That was it the day wasn't even half way over so we all played together on our devices playing, "Mario meets Tetris, Dr. Mario 2" Goombella beat everyone! But then the day ended and we all got on the bus. The only friend I made today was Jacob and I even made an enemy.

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