Chapter 2: The Sleep Hangout?

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That same night when I went over Jacob's house and I was about to open the door but he was on the phone with someone. So I just listened all I could here was mumbling then once Chris came we started listening listening then we heard a name, Bow? Eventually the door cracked opened without us noticing then it flipped open and we were on his floor. Jacob face said everything, shock, anger, sadness, happiness, and I didn't know why he was happy. Maybe just because we came. Soon we all went to his WII and started playing Mario Kart. After that we all were just silent for some reason then I said, "Hey um who were you talking t-?" Then Jacob interrupted and said "Let's play New Super Mario bros U!" Then he floated to his WII U quickly. Me and Chris looked at each other in a confused way. So we ran after him. Once we caught up he slammed a door on us. His phone was ringing and he answered. He was talking to someone, we could barley hear a thing he was saying. Yet again we heard the name Bow, but then we heard the word love?! I said,"Who do you think he's talking to?" Chris said "Isn't it obvious he's talking to Bow but they were enemies in class so I'm not sure." Then he hung up. We ran away from the door so he won't think we were listening. Then he opened the door. "Sup" I said. "Um hi?" Jacob was obviously confused why I was on his shelf with his games on there and probably why Chris was hiding in his shell. We all just stood there for a few seconds then my phone rang, it was Chris. I guess we had to come up with something to get out of this I "Accidentally" hit his shell and slide out of there into the guest room. I said "Phew that was to close!" But he was looking out the window. I jumped on him so he can go into his shell. I was looking out the window while on his shell and I think I saw what he was looking at! Bow was across the street! I fell off his shell and he stood up. "She's on the phone with someone, I wonder who?" said Chris. But I was already gone. I knew she had to be on the phone with Jacob. I slammed the door open and found Jacob on the phone! His jaw dropped and so did his phone. Chris yelled "Bow just hung up!" Me and Jacob kept looking at each other in pure shock. Then we heard a knock on the door. Jacob floated downstairs. Then me and Chris heard, "Hey, glad you made it." Then there was so many different voices. Then we looked downstairs and we saw a dark angel, a girl in a dress, Goombella, and Bow. I heard one of their names was Dark Justin and Princess Amanda. So we went down and introduced ourselves. When we all got upstairs it took a while for things to start happening. Dark Justin told us "He was the son of Dark Pit and Medusa, so his bow can turn people into stone." Then he shot Jacob with his arrow and Jacob was turned into stone. While we were trying to chisel Jacob out Amanda introduced her self. She said "She was the daughter of Link and Zelda and the next air to the thrown." Once Jacob was chiseled out we started playing Twister but I couldn't play cause I don't have any hands. So I just spun the dial telling people where to go. Then another knock came from the door. Then when Jacob opened it, it was a Pokemon trainer and a warrior or some kind. The warrior told us his name was Nick and the Trainer told us his name was Joe. Then a waddle dee was behind them and his name was Billy. Ok so let me sum things up for you, Nick is the son of Ike. Joe is the son of the Red. And Billy Dee, the son of Bandana Dee which would explain the bandana. When everyone was upstairs on their phones I noticed Bow and Jacob weren't there. I was gonna tell everyone but I just went any way. I checked every single room and yet still nothing! Then I went back into the guest room with a chair. I jumped on the chair and looked through the window. I saw Bow and Jacob in there. I didn't know how to react yet they looked over here and I ducked and waited until it was ok for me to look back. About a minute passed and I looked again. Then I saw something I couldn't tell anyone, blackmail fuel. They were kissing and I knew it was a better time then any, I grabbed my phone and took a picture. I ran into the room again, but everyone was waiting for me! Now I wanna make something clear here, when your the shortest person in a group and everyone in your group is giving you had faces, it feels like the 3 goddess are staring you down because you broke the triforce pieces across the seas. Then Chris asked "Where was I." I backed up then I found Jacob and Bow behind me. I wasn't sure where to go from this point I was pretty much dead.

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