Chapter 10: Power Ups

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The next day some kid named Pac-Boy came to school. At Lunch he came to our table. We all just looked at him and he said "Um what?" I said "Ok I'm just gonna say it. Your dad is a power upholic." He sighed and said "You know why don't you make fun of Princess Amanda's Dad. She said "Because my family uses weapons totally different." Then he said "What about Joe he feeds his pokemon rare candy!" Jacob said "I'll speak for Joe. That's different! They're aloud to eat that stuff, your dad kills people that are already dead." Pac-Boy said "Well what about Tyrone's and Jacob's parents, Boos can use power ups and Goombas use them all the time!" We all gasped and I jumped on the table and said "How dare you say that! Bowser forces us to take power ups! That's why our families are good!" He said "Oh I'm sorry if I offended you guys in anyway but you did it first." Jacob just sighed and said "It's cool." But then when he opened his lunch box it was full of power pellets and those regular pellets. We were all in shock. He said "Um.. You guys ok?" Then Dr. Mario came and said "So how's are-a new student doing?" Pac-Boy said "Oh yeah I'm doing fine just eating lunch." Then when Mario looked down at his lunch box Dr. Mario yelled, "Once Lunch is over I want all of you going straight to Health class!" Then he marched to the Principal's office. We all looked at Pac-Boy and then Dark Justin said "We told you so." Later in Health Class Dr. Mario said "Ok enough about the red, yellow, and blue viruses spreading. We are now talking about Power Ups. Now these can be used as a helping hand but you must have a Nintendo, Capcom, Sega, exct, Copy Right Claim. Now let's take Super Mario for instance, he has a Nintendo Copy Right Claim so he's allowed to take Mushrooms, Super Stars, and Toonoki Leaves." Bow raised her hand and said "What about Poison like a Poison Mushroom or um... Yeah that's all I got." Dr. Mario said "That is a perfect example of my DO & DONT chart. DO Have a Copy Right Claim, DO eat/use power ups that help! DONT have a poison mushroom... Or something else. Don't use items in side games, ex. Golf, Sports, Battle Games." After that me and Jacob started talking to Pac-Boy a little more. We asked "So does your dad have a Copy Right Claim?" He said "Yeah to Capcom, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Atari at a weird point in his life." Jacob was writing this stuff down like it was a game genie. Then Pac-Boy said "Look guys school is about to end so ask me questions at my house. Here's my address. Pac Lane, Mushroom Kingdom, 1981." After school after we did our homework we went to his house. His dad answered the door and said "Are you two ghost?" Then he was about to go into his pocket and get what,we're guessing, a Power Pellet. Then Pac-Boy came and said "No dad these are our guests that wanted to know more about me." Pac-Man looked confused but he shrugged and went upstairs. We went into Pac-Boy's room and he said "Here it is our collection, my dad's birth date. His first game, my mom's, and my baby bro but I think his was Bootleg." We were gonna say that Bootleg was worst then Power Ups but we didn't say anything, I mean this is Pac-Man just but a maze a few dots, 4 squares and a pizza with a slice out. You got yourself Pac-Man, BETA! What you think it's way more complex then that? Yeah sure. After he showed us the Copy Right Claims and the fact that his dad was in Smash, we were done there. So we went on our way. We told everyone that we all have Copy Right Claims and we just didn't know, but all of us can only take certain Power Ups. I said "For example, I can use any power up I can even be a cat!" The next day me and Jacob found tons of Power Ups while in the Mushroom Kingdom castle while trying to save Amanda the other day, you know normal stuff we do. Me and Jacob tried them out after school. I turned into a raccoon and kept saying "Why do I have a tail, I mean does that even make since? You get it from a leaf, I mean a bell makes since for a cat and I guess a fire flower and Mushrooms but what's with the Leaf? Wait how do I get it off?!" I kept running everywhere yelling "Get it off get it off!" Then the next thing I noticed I was in the air flying. Jacob came up and said "Look I'm a cat, Meow! I said "Please stop talking." He kept saying "Meow I'm a flying cat boo thing!" I used my tail to hit him in the face but then the a power ups wore off! We were falling out of the air! Then we both pulled out Super Stars just in time! The next day neither of us could go to school, we both had headaches and didn't feel well. Dr. Mario came to our house and said "Don't ask why I'm here because I'm gonna tell you. I'm a real doctor. Anyways you both had to many Power Ups, you'll both be fine by tomorrow you'll just be sick for the rest of the day." I groaned and said "Is there another way we could get out of bed, were suppose to have a double date with Goombella and Bow. Dr. Mario smiled and said, "You could take Blue and Red pills." I sighed and said "Your bad at making references you might as well sing if your gonna do that, anyways sure why not?" After we felt better then ever! Surprisingly those things actually work! Then Pac-Boy came with some girl named Pinky. I asked him "I'm sorry but why are you on our dates." He said "Oh um Goombella asked me if I had a girlfriend because I could bring her to the date." Goombella shrugged and said "Sorry, I thought you guys were cool now." Me, Jacob, and Pac-Boy said "We all are cool." I said "I just didn't know he was coming with us that's all, anyways let's go sit." The date was... Interesting. Pac-Boy ate a lot of food and our Bill went through the roof, no seriously our bill was that long. All I got was Coco Nuggets, Goombella got some of the legendary Koop Soup. Jacob got Luigi's famous Speggeti. Bow got Mushroom Soup. Then Pinky got a few Cherries and Strawberries like the big ones! Then Pac-Boy got everything on the menu. None of us got dessert because Pac-Boy ate all of their dessert! His dad was world renowned so he paid for the whole thing like it was a gum ball! Then after dinner was done we all went home. So yeah nothing exciting happened today but I had a feeling something fun was gonna happen tomorrow.
Remember Winners Don't Do Power Ups

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