Chapter 9: The New Boo

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On Tuesday there was another new kid named Bomb-Boo. Goom seemed like he really liked him so they became friends fairly quickly. This new kid had a Bomb-Bom like body and his fuse had Superman like hair. So me and him became friends quickly. By the time we got home I was out quickly. Jacob asked "Where are you going?" I told him "Me,Goombella,Bow, and Goom are going to grab a bite to eat with Bomb-Boo, you can come if you want." Then I left but I could tell he wanted to say something but I was already gone. When I got back I had a purple lamp thing that you usually see people wear after parties on T.V I tried sneaking by Jacob's room but when I got to the guest room the hall light turned on and Jacob said "I thought you would be back by 9:00!?" I told him, "Well the party lasted a few more hours then I thought." "Of course a few more hours, well I tried calling you guys." "Well we didn't pick up because our phones were on vibrate." "Ok that makes since but why are you taking and walking like that?" "Um... Soda lots of soda." He just looked at me like he didn't believe me. So I went into my room and laid down. The next day Bomb-Boo was talking to Bow on the bus, but Jacob seemed irritated at him. It was like me and Goom all over again. Then at lunch Jacob called us all over and said, "Ok here's another p-." I interrupted and said "Look when me and Goom were bickering over Goombella we became friends just by talking." Goom nodded. Jacob sighed and said "Your right I guess he might not be trying to steal her from m-." Then we looked at the girl table and Bomb-Boo said to Bow, "So wanna hang out one day?" Bow nodded. We all looked at Jacob. He was red in the face he was a red boo now and he didn't look like he was gonna take that without a fight. After school I went back to Bow's house with Goombella and Jacob. We all hung out and played on our 3DSs but then a knock came from the door. It was Bomb-Boo, he asked Jacob "Is it ok if I take your lady friend out to dinner." Jacob was gonna say something but me and Goombella covered his mouth and said "Sure it's fine, she would love that." We both knew Jacob was gonna say something that he shouldn't say. Bow and Bomb-Boo went and walked to a fancy restaurant. Me and Jacob went home and talked. I asked him "So are you gonna do something about this?" He said, "About what?" I said, "You know Bow and Bomb-Boo." "No not yet." "What do you have planned exactly?" "That's the thing I don't know yet." "Of course you don't that's the reason I was the planner in our plan." "True." "You do know their still not back?" "Yeah, so what." "They left at like 8:00 and it's like 9:48." He stood up put on a coat and went outside. I grabbed my coat and an umbrella then went outside. Once we got to the restaurant the koopa at the front said "Oh those two they left an hour and I'm guessing 10 minutes ago." Jacob was red again then we went outside. When we got to Bow's house we asked Goombella where Bow was she said "She hasn't came back yet I'm getting worried too." Jacob turned blue and told me "Go home I'm gonna keep looking." So that's what I did. When I woke up Jacob was there. He said "You gotta help me." When I looked out the window it was pitch black. I asked "What time is it?" He said "it's 12:00 in the morning get your stuff we're going to look for Bow." I grabbed my coat and umbrella then went outside. It felt like we were walking for hours. Then we came across one house with the lights still on. We knocked on the door. Then Bomb-Boo answerer. He said "Oh um... Hey guys." Jacob asked "Where is she?!" "Who?" "Bow!" "Oh her she's upstairs asleep." Jacob floated quickly upstairs then we saw her in bed asleep. Jacob picked her up and put her on my head. I said "Why my head?" He said "Because my arms are to stubby and you don't have arms." I agreed and we were out quickly. The next morning in the bus Bow was mad at Jacob, she said "So now you have trust issues like your friend?" I yelled "I heard that!" He said "No I have my reasons for hating him, he said he would bring you back." But I was to tired to walk." Me and Goombella secretly listened. By the time they were done we we're at school. I told Jacob "Just talk to him and you'll be frienemies after, like me and Goom." So that's what he did and it surprisingly worked. So yeah that all happened then we all went to a movie afterwards.

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