Chapter 14: Tyrone and Jacob's Treasure Tracker

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At Lunch Riley came up to me and Jacob yelling, "Oh it's terrible!" I yelled "Oh great Goomba in the sky it sounds like you swallowed a cat that's nearly dead because he swallowed a broken alarm clock!" Jacob agreed and Riley looked irritated. He said "You done yet." Me and Jacob nodded. Riley said "Ok then now then where was I? Oh yeah!" He took a deep breath and yelled "The Princess is kidnaped! Oh wait no that's for the prince umm oh here it is." Yeah he had little flash cards of what to yell to who. He took another deep breath and yelled "I lost all of my Red Stars!" Jacob and I looked at each other because we were so confused. I said "Um Red Stars? Don't you mean Green Stars?" Riley said "No that was my dad's game this is my stars, look you heard of the legend of the red and green ones." Dr. Mario backed up and so did our Lunch Man, Green Mario no was his name Weegee no! His name is Luigi! Anyways Riley said "Bowser Jr took them I was gonna bring them to lunch to show you guys but he stole them from my lunch box!" I said "Well I can't because my doctor says if I fight Bowser Jr again then I may never be able to drink water again." Riley said "Why's that?" Jacob said "Because he gets burnt each time." Riley said "Please I'll do anything, do you know how rare those things are! My dad will kill me! They're worth 100 coins, 10 blue coins, and 8 red coins!" Me and Jacob's eyes looked like dollar signs now! I said "Fine we'll help but we may need some help. Here's the plan. Me and Jacob will go through the castle to make sure there are no guards and if there is some guards Goombella, Bow, and Madison will flirt with them so we can get by with ease. Chris and Nick will go through the vents to meet us at Bowser Jr's Thrown room. Amanda, Carchi, and Justin will scout the outside. While Joe and his Charizard will go scout the skies." Jacob said "Wow you have this whole thing planned out huh?" I said "I know right come on let's go get those Stars! So yeah we did the plan. No interruptions until we finally got there and Bowser Jr was crying. He was yelling, "I could've had it all, money, power, anything but those stats are to powerful! We pushed Riley outside and I said "What does he mean why can you only have them?" He said "Oh you need this special box that I found in the forest in World 5. Me and Jacob grunted and took the box.t We said "How about we find the stars and give them back to you later. Sure as long as you give me all 10 back to me. I was twitching a little bit and I yelled "What do you mean 10?! I thought there were hundreds!? He laughed and I said "What's so funny?! You thought there were hundreds I told you about the story of red and green right?" Me and Jacob said "I think we fell asleep during that." Riley sighed and said "The Green Brother is known to be utterly useless (Actually Luigi is my favorite of the Mario and Wario brothers!). So the green kind of Green Stars are utterly useless!while the Red a brother is the strongest and best of them all! Jacob struggled me because I was dozing off. I woke up and said "huh oh yeah um green eggs and red ham I got it. So shouldn't there be Yellow and Purple stars?" Riley said "Well there are Yellow Stars but no purple stars the closes thing to that is Purple Star coins which most people find very annoying and unnecessary." Jacob said "Well I guess I'll call off the hunt for the stars and we'll just go without our friends." So we left with that note. I had one more question for Riley but when I turned around he was gone? So the first out of 10 stars was on a green plain area. It was shaped like a item block cube like structure. It was easy to get so we just eat a few bad guys got a few coins and power ups and got the "rare" star. The next level was a cave. We were falling from the air but luckily Jacob had a Tonooki rail from the last level so we landed safely on our feet. Well mainly me then Jacob because I actually have feet. Then Jacob said "Well that was fun huh? But it's so dark!" I said "Yeah hold on." I ate a fire flower and turned into a glowing red Goomba. Then there was a boo behind me. I said "Oh finally some help. Hey man I-." He covered his eyes and didn't look at me. I said "Hey dude it's kinda rude to do that. Seriously look at me when I'm talking to you!" Jacob said "Uh D-DJGoomba. I ignored him and said "Just hold on I gotta talk to this punk! Yeah that's right I'm talking to you! Now listen where is my Red Star?! Seriously now this is more annoying then rude!" Jacob yelled "Dude!" I turned around. And there was red glowing Big Boo! I gulped and said "Can't you communicate with him or something?" Jacob said "Dude I'm a good Boo I don't talk to these kind of guys." We both backed up and ran down the mysterious road! Then we felt op nothing under us. I said "We are gonna fall to our horrible demise aren't we?" Jacob just nodded. Then we fell but then a hook shot came from the ceiling and I Riley was attached it! He saved us just in time! He said "Hey guys look I found a Red Star inside that Big Boo. I went on my way quickly sorry." I shrugged and we were on our way. We got all the Red Stars and put them back in the chest. Riley said "Well um thanks guys I'm glad you did this out of the kindness in your hearts." Me and Jacob nodded and just stood there. Riley said "Well bye... See you tomorrow at school... You want a few coins don't you? Me and Jacob acted like we had no idea what he was taking about and said "Wow coins! Thanks buddy!" We both got 4 red coins each. I said "Wow what a rip off, we should've sold those while we had the chance. Jacob shrugged and said "I don't care really I mean I'm just glad that we got a reward. I guess but still we should've got more money. Meh." We finally got home and I was in bed quickly.

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