Chapter 15: The Prom

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When me and Jacob got into school Dr. Mario was handing out flyers. Dr. Mario said "So this is for the prom coming up. Be sure to bring a date but if you don't and just come for the food, I won't make fun of you... Out loud." Jacob said "I already know who I'm taking my special lady Bow." I rolled my eyes and said "Well yeah who else would you bring Goombella? Speaking of Goombella, she wasn't on the bus do you know where she is?" Jacob shrugged and said "If you don't know how would I?" I shrugged and sarted asking all of her and my friends. But all if them said what Jacob said. Then she came in yelling, "No it can't be he's back! I thought it was just a rumor!" She ran behind me. I asked "Um what's going on exactly? My old boyfriend is back, I told Chris about him on the first day of school.(To know more go to his Wattpad account KarateChris12 )Wait what, why did you tell Chris and not me!?" I looked at Chris and he backed away slowly. I yelled "What do you know about 'him?!" He stuck his hands up like I was about to shot him and said "I don't know, she didn't go into much detail about him." Goombella said "I told him because I didn't know you at the time!" Before I could say something another Goomba walked in he said "Sup losers I'm Goombario, named after the best hero ever, Mario! Then a purple hedgehog named Sonia said "What about Sonic the hed-?" Then Goombario yelled "My family doesn't speck of that rodent!" Dr. Mario face palmed and said "Hello... Goombario." Goombario yelled like a girl and said "Mario! You hear that losers I use to- no! I'm still friends with Mario! Goombario listen I was launched from a giant floating castle in space and landed in a forest, where your sister dragged me to your house so you could drag me to a toad house!" Goombario rolled his eyes and went to Goombella and said "Oh hey bab-." I interrupted and said "Back up bub! She's my player 2 now!" He said "Ha that's cheesy! Yeah right, listen bub I'm taking her to prom! Prom ha I didn't even know prom was already here, sorry but I already asked her! What whe-." He pushed me and said "Goombella will you go with me to prom?" Goombella blushed and started stuttering. Then I pushed him and said "That's taking it to far! She broke up with you for a reason!" Goombella nodded and said "Sorry but I'm going with Tyrone once he asks me." I nodded then she nudged me. I said "huh oh right! Will you go to the prom with me?" She nodded and we were off to class. As soon as I thought I had no more rivals besides Bowser Jr this guy pops up, and during prom! *sigh* Anyways eventually me and Goombella got our Prom tickets and went a week later. What's that did any new kids show up out of the blue? No. Did Goombario try to kill me like pretty much all my friends in the begging of the story? No. Pretty average. The night of the prom me and Goombella were dancing and so was everyone else. Bowser Jr was putting salt in the fruit punch. Game Jr was making funny noises with the music player. Then Goom came and said "Sup losers." I said in an irritating like voice "Hello Goom. Yep that's right suckers, my girlfriend is Goombaria who doesn't go to our school. So she shouldn't be allowed here right? What do you mean? Only kids who go to our school are allowed here." Then he gasped and ran in fear. Jacob said "You should be the DJ, you know because of your name." I ignored his comment and kept dancing. Then Chris said "Yeah me and Madison are making the best out of this. When we get home we're playing Luigi's Mansion." Then Goombario bumped into me and said "Bro step away from the living breathing gold!" I said "Really where? All I see is an idiot who came here just to annoy me. He looked offended and he yelled "I challenge you to Smash!" The music stopped and everyone was waiting for my answer I said "Um look you weren't here so I'll inform you I beat all my classmates and even master hand,crazy hand, and that weird orb thing. He yelled "Do you accept the challenge?!" I nodded then I heard a familiar voice that said "3,2,1 GO!" Then we found ourselves in a Platforming section. He was off and I was right behind him. He beat me and said "Ha your to slow!" Then we were in a baseball field and the voice said "Home run contest! 3,2,1 Go!" I swung the bat and it flew far across the field. Goombario was next but he was to cocky so he kept bragging saying "Yeah that's right I'm gonna w-." Then the voice said "TIME, winner is DJGoomba! Final battle Go!" I had to fight Goombario but because he was with Mario for a small part of his life he had skills. I nearly was knocked out but I still won luckily. He looked at me afterwards like he wanted to shot me, hide my body, and feed me to big cheep cheeps. That same night me and my friends went to the arcade and then home.

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