Chapter 16: Minion Football

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Ever since prom Goombario wasn't at school, I guess that's ok. As long as he doesn't mess with me or Goombella ever again. Coach DK came into class saying "Ok everyone listen up, today at gym we are having tryouts for the Minion football team. Here are the rules: 1. You must be some kind of minion like a Goomba, robot, monster, exct. 2. You must pass the barrel test, I throw wooden barrels at you and if you can jump over me or on a platform you win. 3. You must believe you're athletic, now look I'm not saying some of you aren't but if you think you aren't athletic then just don't come, everyone have a good day, see you at 10th period. At lunch we all talked about the football tryouts. Jacob said "I can so get on the team." Chris said "Yeah me too I mean have you seen me on the field?" Me and Jacob said "no we never really seen you play football at school yet." Chris rolled his eyes and said "Ok then DJGoomba why do you think you'll make the team?" I said "Well um... Do I really need a reason I just want to play with friends." Jacob said "But you can do that on weekends and after school." Then when I was about to say something the Drama club teachers "Jessie & James" ( Yep... I just did that ) and said "We are now doing cheerleading for the girls since its a known fact that a girls can't play football and boys can't cheerlead. I could tell Madison was gonna say something about that football statement and Jacob about the cheerleading statement but they didn't. So now a good percent of the boys were doing football after school and a good percent of the girls were doing cheerleading. So after school Coach DK said "Ok boys you have a new classmate/football player. His name is Charging Charlie (Yet again thank you KarateChris12 for this football idea) he will help put you ladies into shape!" I said "Um yeah he's looks like he can play Football and Baseball while clapping in the sky." Charging Charlie said "Yep I'm #1 when it comes to clapping for no apparent reason whenever plumbers come by me." Then Dr. Mario's kart passed and he started jumping. Coach said "He jumps so high he can play basketball too! Anyways he already beat the obstacle course in seconds! I wanna see you ladies do that!" First was me I beat it in 2 minutes and 34 seconds. Jacob beat it in 2 minutes and 48 seconds. Chris beat it in 1 minute and 53 seconds. Bowser Jr beat it in 3 minutes and 4 seconds. Steven ( You know that shy guy that I didn't use ever since like the first chapter.) he beat it in 5 minutes and 21 seconds. It took him a while to man up to do it. None of Bowser Jr's goons got in because they all followed Bowser Jr's orders and bailed on us. Broshi beat it in 59 seconds. Pac-Boy beat it in 3 minutes and 36 seconds. Goom beat it in 2 minutes and 47 seconds. Bomb-Boo beat it in 2 minutes and 7 seconds. Dark Justin beat it in 2 minutes and 47 seconds. Now the Cheerleading tryouts ehhhhh yeah. That was *sigh* something. You can guess what happened if you think about it. Goombella doesn't have hands. Bow has no hands. Madison was busy in her 3DS playing Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon. Princess Amanda well I can't say she was bad just meh. Carchi wasn't bad either yet again meh. Then someone new named Toadette joined and she was kinda short but could fit for the Pyrimid. There wasn't enough people to do any other position so that's all they could do. But at least they all got in. The Coach said "Ok our big game is in a week we'll be fighting the Atari Jaguars be there or be square!" I told Jacob "Have you noticed how mean Coach has been getting recently." Jacob said "Yeah I was talking to Chris about it earlier." I tried finding Chris but he was talking to Broshi. Steven walked by and said "G-g-guys I don't t-t-t-think that we shouldk-keep playing Minion F-f- Football. I said "Your right but we can't because the girls will be mad at us, even though they're terrible." I heard one of the girls yell "What did you say!?" I started running without hesitation. I finally got home but had to wait for Jacob which didn't take to long. Once we got inside well... Nothing really happened the rest of the day. The next day after school Coach said "Ok Ladies get ready to jump, run, catch." Then he whispered "And probably die." I said "Ok that sounds ea- Wait did he just say die!?" He blew his whistle and I was up first. Charging Charlie ran to me. I luckily dodged it. Next I had to jump. Now if you know what a Goomba is you know that we are good at running and the closes thing to jumping we get to is a head butt and I know that'll be a penalty so I just slide under. I don't think DK was happy but eh I kept going. Next was throwing now I have heard legends that his dad threw a ball so hard it made Mario lose a life! I know right! So once he threw it I don't know what to do so I did what Mario would've done, I jumped over the ball and onto Charging Charlie. The. Jumped on the top of the flag pole. Jacob floated over Charging Charlie,covered his eyes so the baseballs wouldn't hit him and floated over him again so he could get to the flag. Chris just went in his shell and dodged everything with ease. Everyone else passed too besides Steven he kept freezing up. The next week we had to play football with the Atari Jaguars. We easily one because they had, Bruce Lee, Zool, Soccer players, an annoying cat named Bubsy, and a few actual football players. Bubsy kept saying "What could possibly go wrong, then Charging Charlie ran over him. Bruce Lee kept kicking everyone and gave us tons of penalty points. The thing didn't like is Charging Charlie kept stealing the ball from us! I tried passing to Jacob and Chris but nope he ran and caught it! We won the couch said "Good Job today Charging Charlie, you guys work on your form! Pass to each other don't just let Charlie keep catching it! Look at him he's tuckered out!" Charlie said "Um except I'm not t-." Couch said "Yep I know your tired don't worry I'll put them into shape! Next week we are fighting the Playstation. The Playstation Bandicoots had Jax and Dakter, Smash Bandicoot, Rappa the Rapper, Quick Cooper, Bolt and Clank, and Sock boy. We easily won because of Charlie. Next was the Microsoft Gunners, I didn't even bother going then it was the PC punishers, none of us showed up that day. For two reasons, one the obvious reason Charging Charlie. Two the cheerleaders were terrible and they kept saying "This is for _____." So yeah. The next day DK said "Ok I ended the football course because none of you were showing up." The cheerleaders group also got cancelled because they were terrible. Charging Charlie said to everyone in the football team "I'm sorry that I kept stealing the ball, I kinda was forced to." We just nodded. Afterwards we all played football at his house because his backyard is literally a football field!

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