Chapter 24: Chris's Mansion/ Tyron Sunshine

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Jacob told me and Chris that E. Madd (Son of E. Gadd who passed away a few years ago) told him "Please visit by my father's house so I can give you all some equipment." So after school we all went to E. Gadd's old house. When we got there E. Madd said "Ah yes finally you've all came now recently the Legendary Ghost Buster Luigi has quit his job for a restaurant owner. The Janitor known as Mario has also quit cleaning up Delfino Island and became a health teacher. So I called you all here so you can finish their jobs. Ever since King Boo has resigned being King for his long lost son who is yet to be known." I said "Yeah. Um can we have a moment?" I pushed Jacob and Chris across the room and told Jacob "How doesn't he know your prince?" Jacob said "I don't like being treated like royalty like Prince Shroom does." Chris said "He's got point." I said "Alright then, so we are the only ones who know your Prince?" Jacob nodded and we went back to E. Madd. He said "As I was saying, the ghost have gone crazy with no real leader. If only we knew who the prince was but we don't so it's up to you to suck them all up. Now there have been reports of paint all over town that someone has been painting marks all around Video Game town and boos are all around town too. Like that one right behind you!" He grabbed the Poltergust 5000 but we stopped him before he could suck up Jacob and explained that there are such things as good boos. Then E. Madd said "Ok then will you boys clean this town of these evil beings for me?" Me and Chris agreed on going but Jacob said "You guys know those things have killed my kind before right?" I said "No it killed the evil part of your kind." Jacob said "Those things will suck up my fellow boo's dreams and blow them right back out at them!" I said "Um can you repeat that again for me?" Jacob said "Ok, those things will suck up my fellow boo's dreams and bl-." He stopped mid way and said "Haha very mature I'm outta here see you later." I said "Well that was the funniest thing I have ever seen all day. Anyway let's get going." The next morning was Saturday so we went to town Jacob stopped us and said "Look a Goomba enemy in Super Mario Sunshine." I said "Look Jacob thanks for the offer but I know you can only find that through a hack or glitch, like that book level." Jacob sighed and said "Fine whatever." The. He floated back to his room and we kept going. I sprayed all the paint away and Chris sucked up all the boos that we found. It got annoying quick then I got a call from E. Madd he told us "Good your half way there!" I said "E. Madd, how much are we getting paid for this?" He said "Paid, I'm not paying you." I said "Your not well then call someone else I quit." Chris said "Come on we just have a few more houses, we'll be done in about another hour." I sighed and went with him then we found Bowser Jr and his goons shoving two things into a shed with his paintbrush. I said in a police officer like tone "Well well well what do we got here, a couple of kids shoving hostages into a shed, what's in the shed boy?" Bowser Jr said "Um, officer I can explain. We were just cleaning up the town and trying to find the vandal who put all those marks around town." Then he put the paintbrush behind his back. I said "You didn't answer my question, is there gonna be some problems here sir?" He said "No no officer of course not." A Lon Lon Milk bottle slipped out of his pocket. Chris said in a police officer tone "you've been drinking some Lon Lon Milk?" Bowser Jr said "No no of course not." I said "Stand aside, we got a double L I repeat a double L. Then Steven showed up with Broshi and they said "What seems to be the problem here?" I said "Double L." They said "Alright kids we are taking you home for questioning." They took Bowser Jr and his goons back to Bowser's Castle. Chris said "Well that was fun but why did Broshi and Steven show up?" I said "I don't know why were we acting like we actually had the authority to bring Bowser Jr back home for questioning?" Chris said "Touché." We walked to the shed and opened it and found a Big Boo and a giant Blooper inside of it! I said "Well I think I ate to many mushroom flakes this morning I'm out!" The blooper grabbed me and the Big Boo grabbed Chris. Big Boo said "We are sick and tired of you two erasing all the work that we've been doing around town so now we are going to erase you." I said "I always wanted to die with a pun like "How far do you think I'm gonna kick this bucket," but not like this!" Chris said "Oh no! He went in his shell and slipped through. He sucked up one of the tentacles and blew it back out at the Big Boo. I said "Good job, now instead of showing off. Save me!" He sucked up the cork in the blooper's mouth and blew it at the tentacle I was in." I dropped to the floor and sprayed both of the monsters but it wasn't doing anything. I kept saying "Why won't this thing work?" Then F.L.U.D.D ( the thing I was using ) said "Out of Water= You are both dead." I said "Wow thanks F.L.U.D.D very supportive." F.L.U.D.D said "What ever I'm not the one who is going to die in T minus 3 minutes. Me and Chris do everything we could but nothing! Then in about 3 minutes we were trapped again. I said "Well if we're about to die we have to admit something right?" Chris said "That's usually how it works. Ok this may be harsh but I had a crush on Goombella around the begging of the year!" I said "You what!? If we somehow survive this then I'm gonna kill you! Well um I erased your Luigi's Mansion profile and the guilt is killing me!" Chris said "You did what!? Then how did I get it back!?" I said "I snuck into your house one night and beat it all over again for you." Then we saw some water getting sprayed on the blooper and it dropped me. Jacob came out of nowhere and said "Let them go!" He sprayed the blooper and it yelled "No more please I'm going back into the ocean!" He rushed to the sea as fast as he could. Then Big Boo said "What will you do to me?" Jacob said "I'm the prince." Big Boo disappeared and dropped Chris. Jacob said "Aw man, that's gonna spread quick in the boo world." I said "Well at least you saved us. Come on let's return these things." We gave the Poltergust and F.L.U.D.D. Then I said "So what was that about Goombella you said back there?" Chris said "What was that about Luigi's Mansion and my GameCube?" I said "You know what let's just agree to disagree and call it even. We can't shake on it cause I have no hands." Chris said "Fine. But you owe me a GameCube." I said "Deal."

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