Chapter 25: R.O.B.inator

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It seemed like an ordinary day but little did we know what would happen. I said during school "No Psyduck would totally destroy Bulbasaur and Charmander!" Jacob said "No way! Charmander would destroy both of them!" Chris said "Your both are wrong! Bulbasaur is the best starter Pokemon!" The halls went silent for a few seconds. I said "Really? Did you just say that?" Chris said "Good point." After school we went to Jacob's house to play Pokemon red together. Then we heard something in the snow outside. When I looked outside it was just Goombella and everyone else. Bow said "We call next game." Chris said "Yeah right, it's a known fact that girls are worst then boys at everything." Bow turned red and Jacob said "You shouldn't have said that." Bow yelled "We could beat all of you! Come in get your 3DS so we can pawn all of you!" Jacob gulped and Chris said "Challenge excepted!" When we all battled they all beat us with ease. I said "Good g-." Chris interrupted me and said "That doesn't prove anything!" Then we heard a knock at the door and it had a note on it. It said "Dear 3 heroes, please meet me at the end of World 1." I said "You will have to excuse me and my friends for a moment. We have to take care of something." I to,d Jacob and Chris what the note said and Chris said "Do you actually think that this won't be a trick?" I said "Of course not, I mean when do we ever get tricked?" Jacob said "On a usual daily basis unless it's a special chapter or a preview of a special chapter." I said "What ever look we're already here." Then we met a robot, he said "Hello humanoids my name is R.O.B now that you are here let me tell you my short comings. You are all still here and I can't build my world while you are all still here. I just need you to agree of me freezing you," I said 'No way!" Chris said "Why would we let you do that?!" Jacob said "Being frozen means that I would be able to sell my boom for millions of dollars, deal!" R,O.B said "Perfect." He started freezing us all in a solid ice block. I said "Jacob what the heck did you d-?" I was frozen we couldn't move but then I heard R.O.B say "You will be frozen here until my plans are completed." I don't know what happen to us or the world after those few words but then one day the ice block started melting. When we woke up Chris said "W-w-what?" I said "What the heck happen? Why is everything so High Tech?!" We saw a sign that said "Welcome to Video Game Land." I said "Well at least we know where we are." We went back into town and checked out all the new Buildings. I said "Wow this place is amazing now! Why would R,O.B even think we would stop him from making this happen?" Jacob said "I don't know but I'm gonna sell my book, let's go to my house." When we got to where his house use to be it was gone. I said "Where is your house? Wait a minute where are we and when are we?" Jacob said "Well we are in Video Game Land and we are in-." Then he stopped when I turned around Jacob was gone. Chris said "Where's Jacob?" I said "I'm not sure, Jacob?" Chris said "I'll look over here for Jaco-." I said "Chris? Guys? Hey wait a minute why did it get dark all of a sudde-." Then when I woke up I breathed in deep and saw Jacob and Chris next to me. I said "What the heck why is it so d-?" Then huge lights turned on and a Goomba Ninja with long blond hair said "Who are you and what do you want?" I said "Um we are the 3 heroes of Video Game Land." Then he said "Guys?" Then he took off his mask and he turned out to be a she and she turned out to be Goombella! I said "Goombella? What year is it?" She hit me and said "Where the heck have you 3 been? It's 20XX now!" I said "We were in solid ice for that long?!" Then Bow came in and said "Goombella we have reports that more robots are being spawned-. Jacob? Guys!? Why are you all still alive? How are you guys to alive?" Then Madison came is and said "I heard everything! I can't believe you all ditched us in this world!" I said "We didn't have a choice. Actually it was up to us but SOMEONE! Wanted to agree to freeing us in something years when R.O.B's plans were complete!" Jacob said "It was worth it!" Bow said "They're not gonna take that you'll be lucky if you get a few rings." Jacob said "Not even a coin? Nooooo! I doomed us all for nothing." Goombella said "Because you 3 left us all stranded R.O.B made all of our friends into robots well... A percent of them. Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr and us are the only ones who survived his attacks. We caught one of his R.O.Bots, it's Pac-Boy." I said "Well I'm nicknaming all the R.O.Bots we come across so let's call Pac-Boy, Pac-Bot!" Bow said "Good one." Goombella said "This is not the time for jokes and you aren't going anywhere just to make things worst!" I said "How can things get any worst then they've gotten!? It's been something years and me and Chris forgave Jacob easily so you should forgive us!" Chris said "Yeah come on we can figure this out together!" Goombella said "No we've been doing this for a couple of years now and survived without your help!" I said "Only we can save this world! Chris, Jacob! Maneuver girlfriend over load alpha!" Jacob covered his eyes to try getting thorough the seat and he did. Chris went in his shell and hit Madison into the chair he was in and Jacob grabbed Bow and put her in the chair he was in. I started nibbling at the rope with the sharp part of my teeth and broke free! I said To Goombella "Ok listen, your gonna tell me what you know about these R.O.Bots and R.O.B in genral!" She said "Fine. After you 3 went missing R.O.B has been re building the town and fixing every problem. He was a good leader at first but he went into madness and made everyone and thing into Robots or R.O.Bots, luckily we saved ourselves without you. The R.O.Bots started taking over so we hid near Jacob's house hoping no one would notice us." I fell asleep half way through, Chris nudged me and I said "Huh, oh yeah um Robots." Goombella said "You think this is a joke?" I said "Well if I'm gonna die I wanted to die by technology so pretty much." She pushed me to the floor and said "We have lost a good percent of our friends to this fiend and you are just going to be relaxed about this?" I said "Pretty much." She said "Fine." She pushed all of us into the room with contained Pac-Bot. I said "Um we don't have our weapons." Goombella said "I know, you couldn't get them robots." I said "Exactl- wait did you just call us robots?" Goombella said "We know it's not possible for the real 3 heroes to be alive after that long!" I said "Ok guys she's gone crazy this isn't Goombella and I should know." Chris said "You have a point but I think we have to fight that thing." I said "Your right because she let him out and he's beating up Jacob as we speak." Jacob said "Get this thing off me!" I said "Popcorn Chris?" Chris said "Sure, Soda?" I said "Of course." Jacob said "Come on guys, you gotta save me!" I said "Uuuum don't you have a wand or something?" He said "No that was a customization! Now I can't use it!" I said "Ok then let's use what's around us, Chris I don't want to jump on you so can I kick you?" He said "Sure, let's do this." He got in his shell and I kicked him to Oac-Bit and that didn't do anything! It somehow taught him more! Pac-Bot rolled everywhere like Chris was. I said "We can't do this without our weapons! Smoke bomb! Let's go through this vent." Chris kicked the vent down and we climbed in to the back. We heard Goombella say "Send Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr to get them." We ran after that comment and got there quickly. I said "Wait a minute where's my sword? Where's your stuff?" Then a sword came down from the sky and someone said "Your sword seemed dull so we gave it more power. Pull it to see what we mean." I said "Did you guys hear that too?" Chris and Jacob nodded. I pulled out the sword and then I could feel the new powers. Then Chris's shell and Jacob's ice hair came down from the sky. Jacob put his Ice Hair on and said "One,Two,Three,Four I got ice hair. One,Two,Three,Four I'm a snowman. Everybody wing the song of ice h-. Then his Ice hair turned red, I said "Um buddy I think now you have fire hair." He said "Noooo it can't be!" Chris said "Try changing it somehow. Try thinking cold thoughts." So that's what he did and his Fire Hair turned back into Ice Hair. Chris said "This is the best upgrade ever I mean I feel like I am the wind!" I said "I can shoot lasers with my sword of I'm at full health!" Then Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr came in and said "Stop Right there criminal scum!" I said "Boom lasers!" I shot a laser from the sword but they deflected it and said "Ha you still need much work." I slashed my sword against Billy Dee's staff and we were slashing a way. Chris went in his shell and spun and Jacob hit him to Poppy Bro Jr and kicked a bomb to Jacob but Jacob covered his eyes so the bomb could go threw him. Chris hit Poppy Bro Jr and Jacob three the bomb to me and Billy Dee. Then I hit it at Billy Dee and it blew up. He grunted and said "You R.O.Bots are smart." I said "For the last time we are not R.O.Bots." Billy Dee said "Ok we can believe you now." He pushed a button on his staff and said "They're with us now." When we got back to the base Goombella hugged me and said "Oh thank Arceus your back! Where were you for all this time!?" I said "We were stuck in solid ice like I told you. So R.O.B made Video Game Land a robotic land now?" Goombella said "And most of our friends but now that you guys have your weapons now right?" I said "Yeah why?" She said "Ok then you can take care of Pac-Boy now?" I said "Weeell." She pushed us all into where Pac-Bot was. I said "What the heck!?" She said "Good Luck sweetie I have faith in you not dying within 15 minutes!" I said "Oh my Arceus." Pac-Bot pulled out a Power Pellet. Chris said "Well known of us are ghost." Jacob turned Blue and said "Well I guess it's my time." Pac-Bot tried eating him but he shot water at him. He said "I can shot water too?" I said "Yeah I guess so." Oac-Bot rushed at me I put my sword in his mouth and he tried eating it but failed he spat it out and I slashed t at him and Chris blew him back to me so o could slash at him. We did that for a few minutes then Jacob yelled "Kamehamaha!" He shot a ball of water and it went right threw Pac-Bot and a yellow blob came out. Chris said "someone poke it." I grabbed my sword and started poking it and then it giggled I said "Pac-Boy?" He said "Oh thank goodness I'm free! Thank you! Wait guys?" I said "Your Heroes have arrived!" Jacob said "You know your on the exoskeleton right?" I said "Wait what? Oh nope nope nope!" I jumped off and Poppy Bro Jr said "Intresting... I've never seen something like this, I'll take it to the sciences." I said "Scientists?" Poppy Bro Jr said "Yeah, Goombella." Everyone looked at me I said "Um what?" Chris said "Well aren't you gonna see what she's doing to that exoskeleton?" I said "Sure, but only to get more info about these R.O.Bots." When I got in I saw Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr's old exoskeletons. I thought "Whoa... Cool." Goombella said "Another one down, just a couple more." I said "Your a scientist now?" She said "How did you get in here?" I said "Um the door was cracked." She said "Oh, well I kept this for you if you ever came back." She gave me my Red heroes clothing. I said "Aw so you do still love me?" She said "You still don't get it even after fighting one of those things yourself! We are in an apocalypse!" I said "Well I mean Pac-Bot wasn't so easy I mean he almost ate Jacob." Goombella sighed and said "I'll meet you in 15 minutes so I can tell you about the apocalypse." I put on my hero's clothes and met Goombella. She said "These R.O.Bots have some kind of chip in them that can do something. My theory is they can take a certain numb R of people back in time. With calculations and time I've figured out..." I'm guessing she noticed I was asleep because she threw her helmet at me. I said "Yeah chips and dips Yep I got it. So we feed the R.O.Bots Chips and Dips? Perfect! 10/10!" She said "Ugh, no there is a chip in them. Not editable! But I can make a whole new chip using all the R.O.Bot's data and putting it all into this chip." I said "Ok then, well if me, Jacob, and Chris are suppose to beat all of them then bring them all back here?" Goombella said "Just use this." She gave me a necklace. I said "Look I don't think this is the time to give me a present I mean it's not even our 5 month anniversary yet sooo?" She sighed and said "Oh my Arceus. That's not what it's for! Where that and it will scan it back here!" I said "Wow your really good with electronics, I guess that's why we are electric." She said "Get serious for once." When I walked outside back to where Jacob and Chris were Jacob asked "What's wrong?" I said "Well Goombella isn't very fond of my fun attitude anymore and she told me to get serious for once. So I guess that's code for "Just go save the world already and stop this from ever happening." Chris said "That's what it sounds like to me." I said "Well I guess we better hop on Mighty an- Wait where's Mighty?!" Bow came in and said "King Bowser got her." Jacob and I yelled "Noooooooooooo!" Bow said "Both of you!" She slapped both of us and said "Man up and save the world!" Then she floated away. Jacob said "I'll go talk to her." When he came back he had red marks on his face. I said "You made her feel better?" He said "Nope she just slapped me constantly, all I can feel is a stinging sensation." I said "Yeah Goombella threw her helmet at me and she didn't seem to happy with me." I put the helmet on and said "Well let's get going." Jacob and Chris walked out and I left a photo of me and Goombella and left a note that said "If we don't return I want you to know I'll always love you." Then Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr came and said "We are coming with you!" I said "Ok then let's go!" We walked forever then we finally found a small little spec that wasn't metal. I said "Aw it's like a little spec of d-." Then 3 R.O.Bots fell from the sky. They all said "Come with us." I got out my sword and Jacob and Chris got ready to battle. I said "Wait a minute is that Steven, Riley, and Nick? Wait Nickname time. OH ITS STEVIE WONDER! ITS METAL RILEY! OH ITS N.I.C.K (New intelligent correcting komputer)! Jacob said "Stevie wonder?" I said "I just came up with it. Now that they have their nicknames let's go!" I slashed at metal Riley and he punched my sword and it made a cling noise. Chris blew wind at N.I.C.K but he didn't move an inch. I said while slashing "Just Attack, they're made out of metal they aren't gonna move!" Chris got in his shell and spun into N.I.C.K but it didn't do much. Jacob said "I guess I got Stevie Wonder." He tried freezing him but Stevie broke out and grabbed Jacob. Jacob tried burning him but it didn't do anything. I yelled "Hagasikaku! Nagasaki!" I slashed Metal Riley and Stevie. Jacob said "What did you say?" I said "I don't know it just sounds like something people say with swords." Chris tried slashing N.I.C.K but it didn't do much. Then he went in his shell again and tried blowing him away. Then he spun at N.I.C.K again but N.I.C.K slashed his sword at Chris. It was a critical hit. Chris landed on the floor and I tried cutting N.I.C.K but it didn't do much because he slashed when I slashed. I kept slashing but it was like he was a mirror, he copied my exact movement! I stopped and waited, it didn't feel like I really was though, like time stopped. Then I noticed something, my necklace and my sword started glowing blue then orange. I slashed with one blow and I worked! Chris said "Whoa, how did you do that?" I said "I guess that's my new power, laser beams and time stop/charge up powers, I can get use to this." Chris said "Yeah that makes sense." Then a few robot red Koopa troopas came from the sky and said "You have destroyed our robots, Lord Bowser has sent us to destroy you." I said "Good luck with that." The necklace started glowing again and it absorbed our friends and the metal pieces that we didn't break. The R.O.Botic Koops said "The necklace! It will lead us to the base!" They charged at us then Billy Dee said "We'll take it from here! Let's go Poppy Bro Jr!" Billy Dee got out his spear and started spinning it around and charged at the koopas. Poppy Bro Jr jumped on his spear and started running while it was spinning. Poppy Bro Jr threw one of his bombs at one of the Koopas. One of them crashed landed and I said "Ok then, you guys can take the air and we'll take the ground." The Koopa went in his shell and spun at us. He hit me but since Jacob and Chris were flying he didn't hit them. I kicked the koopa shell off me and Chris caught it. It popped out of it's shell and kick Chris into Jacob. Jacob shot a water ball at the Koopa but it didn't do anything. The Koopa landed on its feet and chuckled it said "We are much more advanced! We work for Bowser not R.O.B!" Then he short circuited. Then we heard a voice that said "Fool all beings work for me now." Then the two other Koopas said "Oh no it's him! Let's bail!" Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr landed and then a R.O.B came down from the sky. I said "R.O.B stop this now!" He said "Ha I am more officiant then a R.O.B now I am The R.O.Bimator. I take care of people like you who try to stop me." Then a red scanner scanned all of us and R.O.B said "Scan complete copying 3 now." R.O.Binator said "I must be going now. So long." My necklace scanned the scraps where the Koopa lied but it didn't pick up the Koopa. Oh well I guess it doesn't scan enemies of the Mushroom Kingdom. I said "Onward!" We walked into a small sand village, well it use to be sand now it's just metal. There were robots there but they weren't really being controlled by R.O.B. We went in a shop and the sales robot said "Hello! I sell many many items! Do you need Deku Nuts?" I said "No." He said "We got em! Want a weird mask that will whisper dark secrets to you at night?!" Jacob said "No, I already do that." He kept going and said "Do you need a fairy in a bottle?" I said "Why did you imprison that poor thing?" The fairy said "Please help me." I said "Ok,how much?" The man said "500 rupees." I said "I have 500 coins." The man said "Get out..." I said "Look I'm not leaving without that fairy!" The man said "Well you will have to work for them!" Then the man turned into a girl? A small green girl for that matter. She said "My name is Mimi! You shall work for me in my mansion!" I said "Really?" Then the next thing I knew we were in a mansion. I said "How do you keep doing that?" She said "Doing what?" "Making things disappear?" "Oh, it's my magic, I'm a crumbled piece of paper." Jacob said "Wait your the Mimi? I thought you quit your dirty deeds and became good?!" She chuckled and said "I did but that doesn't mean I have to stop being rich!" I mumbled a few things and she said "What was that?!" I said "Oh nothing it's just that you have handcuffs on my head because I don't have any arms." She said "Well then next time I'll put it on your neck-. She stopped and noticed my necklace. She said "That looks fancy! I'll give you the fairy fairy that!" I said "No way! We need this!" She said "Fine then, follow me to your work stations. Here you'll work yourselves until you fall." I said "Wait where's Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr?" Jacob said "They must still be in town getting food." Then we got on one of the ma Hines that power the mansion and started running. Then one of the guards went to Jacob and said "Why aren't you running?" Jacob said "In don't have any legs." The guard said "Ah back sass eh? We have know exactly what to do with you." He shoved Jacob with a staff into a different room. I said "*huff puff* Lets follow him." I jumped off the machine and so did Chris. We found Jacob in a jail cell with the fairy. I opened the jail cell and then the guard came in and said "What are ya'll doing?" I said "Um eh..." I gave Chris the red shell and said "He was just putting me in the cell. Oh no please don't lock the door and drop the key "by accident." Chris didn't lock the door and slipped the key under the cell. I grabbed it and unlocked the bottle to the fairy bottle. The guard walked out and said "Good luck soldier, teach them a lesson." Chris said "Yes sir!" When the guard left I unlocked the door and escaped. Chris said "I'm gonna keep this shell on." We jumped out of a window and went back into town. The fairy said "Look thanks for saving me. But listen my name is Navi." I said "Ok then, Billy Dee, Poppy Bro Jr come on." They had no food. Chris said "Where is the food?!" Billy Dee said "I spent it all on this new spear! It is electric!" Everyone face palmed besides me because... No hands. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I made that joke to many times. While walking trying to find R.O.Binator then Navi said "Over there, that's a good place to find your friends." I said "Wait... You knew where our friends were all along?" Navi said "A good percent of them are in there and you were going the right way so why stop you?" We went in and battled a few more robots. I'm going to save you guys the details and just say this, Chris's new shell is much better. It slashed trough the R.O.Bots and blew them all away. We solved a few more puzzles then when he pushed the last brick the ground started shaking p. Billy Dee said "I'm out!" Poppy Bro Jr said "Me too, later!" They ran before the door closed then a voice said "Well well well if it isn't my old enemies." Then Lord Bowser said "Hello!" I said "Principle Bowser what do you mean?" He said "Haha Principle Bowser is my dad I'm his son!" We all gasped I said "Bowser Jr? What happen, to you!?" Bowser Jr said "That's right! What happen to you fools? Why aren't you R.O.Bots yet?!" I said "What happen to your father? Why are you teaming up with R.O.Binator? You don't even like teaming up when it comes to P.E!" Bowser Jr said "Silence! Enough of these questions!" He breathed fire at us and we all went different ways. Chris went up, I went left, and Jacob went right. He shot 3 separate fire balls at each of us and they hit each of us. We landed in the middle and I said "Guys were gonna have to team up for real this time!" Jacob and Chris nodded and we all stood up. Bowser Jr said "Oh finally fighting me huh Tyrone?" I said "Not just me but my friends too. You've bullied the school for to long." Bowser Jr said "Not just the school now, Video Game Land it's self!" Navi said "How are you guys suppose to get all the way back there?" I looked at Chris and Jacob and they said "What?" I jumped on Jacob and said "Ok guys you both have to fly each other there so I can slash him." Jacob said "I can stop his fire with my water." Chris said "I can make us get a boost with my wings." We flew there avoiding fireballs and boosting threw. Then we finally got up there Jacob had Chris said "Ok it's up to you now." Jacob threw me to the platform Bowser Jr was on he said "Fine then, good luck!" I jumped when he tried kicking me. I jumped on his arm and he shot a fireball at me. I jumped again and jumped on his head. He let out a roar and I stabbed him with my sword. A white glow appeared then I toke the sword out and jumped on Jacob and said "We gotta go!" The door started opening and Billy Dee yelled "This way!" We dashed straight there and crash landed. Then we heard a huge explosion. We were flying in the air I said "Well it was nice knowing all of you." Jacob said "Well I can fly and I'm already dead." Chris said "Yeah I have wings so I'm good." Billy Dee spun his spear and Poppy Bro Jr started running on it. I said "I hate all of you." I started falling from the sky and face planted on the ground. Navi said "Hey look, listen!" I said "What!?" She said "Look Bowser Jr is in the ground." Everyone started floating down while I was trying to pull Bowser Jr out. He popped out and said "Grrr how do you always ruin my plans!? Now I lost my powers!" I said "So your not actually that powerful without R.O.B's help Huh?" He said "I don't need him to-." Then someone said "So your turning on me now? I thought we were friends." Navi said "We can escape! Just jump on his head and we can run safely!" Jacob jumped on R.O.B and Navi said "Ok now run!" We all ran and Bowser air followed us. Once we escaped I said "So you try killing us then you want to go with us?" Bowser Jr said "Yeah, basically. By the way I noticed that your necklace absorbed all the metal that my castle had in it. How about I take it off your non existence hands." I said "Yeah- no. Goombella gave this to me and I'm not giving it up to any one." Navi said "We are getting close to the R.O.Bot's base. Just one more place." When we got to the place it was a metal temple. We solved a few puzzles, beat a few R.O.Bots and went to an empty room. I said "Well this is nice, there's nothing here!" Then the door started to close, Bowser Jr went in his shell and Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr accidentally kicked him and slipped under the door. So now it was up to us to take care of whatever comes at us. Then 3 holes opened in the ground. We all looked in the holes then 3 metal figures came up. We backed up slowly and it was us! They said "Give us the necklace and the fairy!" Navi hid behind me and I said "Sorry uh... Me? But this necklace is mine and this fairy is my friend!" Then a winged Koopa shell, a ice crown, and a sword came out of the ground too. They all grabbed the weapons. I said "Ok then let's do this!" I slashed but my R.O.Bot clone mirrored me! I kept slashing as fast as I could but it kept copying me so I used my technique. I stopped and tried doing my slash attack but while my necklace started glowing so did the R.O.Bot's eyes. When my sword turned orange and the R.O.Bot's eyes. Then when I slashed so did he it made a strange boom sound and we both dropped to the floor and dropped our swords. I couldn't move and he couldn't either. I saw Chris slashing with his robot self and Jacob blowing fire while the robot was blowing ice. I stood up and so did the R.O.Bot. I said "I won't let this go without a fight, faker!" He laughed and said "I am not the fake here. Let our swords decide who is the real one then hm?" I said "Ok then!" I slashed and so did he! He jumped and threw his sword in the air and jumped on my head. I'm guessing to try and stomp on me but luckily I'm a good Goomba. I grabbed my sword and he looked up. Then his sword hit me on the head and it landed near his feet. I fell to the ground and then saw a bright light. I said "Am I dead? Am I in the Over world yet?" Then I landed on my face and saw me meeting Jacob then Chris. I said "Why am I being showed this again? I remember this day like it was 25 days ago, which it wasn't." Then the ground started to rumble and I was back in the base. Goombella was picking up the present and said "He just has to be serious sometimes. I hope he makes it back ok." I said "Now I know why I was sent back here. Just so I could know that Goombella still loves me... I won't let this world come to a end." Tons of memories came back to me. My first day, my first friend, my first kiss, my first girlfriend, my first rival, my first party, my first football game, my first genie, my first Koopsmas that I enjoyed in a long time, and my first adventure. I returned back to the temple and stood up. I felt my eyes turn fire red and I didn't know what I was doing but I remember only thinking about Goombella. When I finally became contusion of what I was doing I woke up to scraps of metal on the floor. The necklace started glowing and it absorbed all the metal scrap pieces. Navi went out of my hat and said "Wow that was amazing! How did you move that fast! Your clone couldn't even keep up!" I said "Um... I don't know?" Chris said "You took care of all of them!" Then we left the temple to a battlefield and Navi said "This is it." Then R.O.B came from the sky and said "Well if you think that I'm done here's a old friend of your's. Then he dropped a capsule and it opened slowly. When it finally did fully open, it was the villager! I said "H-how I cut you in half!?" He said "So you do remember me after all these years. R.O.B here found me stranded and in need of help. So we made a deal. If he rebuilt me to kill all 3 of you then I would help him make an army of R.O.Bs." I said "This is madness!" The villager laughed and said "This time I will cut you all down but with some help." He snapped and Master Hand and Crazy Hand came. R.O.B said "This want apart of the plan!" Villager said "Shut it robot!" He threw his axe at R.O.B's wire and he malfunctioned and fell to the floor. I said "So you used R.O.B just to find us?" Villager said "No I used R.O.B to learn from my mistakes. All the R.O.Bots you've destroyed, the battles you've won, all your strategies have been given to my hard drive and your robotic clones." I said "Either way we always find a new advantage." The villager chuckled and said "You really think that boy?" Bowser Jr said "I may be bad and hate your Goomba guts but this is a serious battle." Billy Dee got out his spear and Poppy Bro Jr got out his bombs. I got out my sword. Jacob's Ice hair turned from Red, Blue, and Snow White quickly! Chris started flying and I said "Alright guys lets do this!" I slashed at the Villager but he countered with his axe and flipped me then kicked me to the ground. Chris tackled him before he could hurt me. Jacob froze the Villager for the time being but he broke out. The Villager said "I told you everything you've done, I learned." Bowser Jr breathed fire balls at the Villager but the Villager planted a tree and blocked them. Billy Dee threw his spear at the Villager but the Villager cut them all in half. The Villager laughed and walked towards all of us. Poppy Bro Jr threw his bombs at the villager but he caught them all and threw them and threw them near R.O.B. The Villager said "All your attacks have failed now it's my turn." He threw his axe at us all but luckily we all dodged. He kicked Bowser Jr to the ground and punched Billy Dee into a boulder! Poppy Bro Jr kept backing up and throwing bombs but the villager kept catching them and catching them and catching them! Then he threw them all at Poppy Bro Jr and he crashed into Billy Dee. Now it was just me,Chris and Jacob. Jacob covered his eyes and Chris hid in his shell. I just stood there. The Villager punched Chris's shell and one of his wings snapped. Then when Jacob peeked to see if the Villager was still there he knocked Jacob's crown off with a punch! The villager said "Wow a clipped wing and a lost prince's crown... So familiar Huh?" I couldn't move, I was to afraid this time. He punched me into the ground and said "I'm glad I shall take care of you last. The other Koopa, Boo, or Goomba weren't to important to the plan." I said "Wait a minute, what did you do to Goombella?" He chuckled and said "That's non of your business." I said "How did you find them?" He said "I told you every R.O.Bot I learned your moves from." I realized that when we defeated Pac-Bot that was the moment when he knew where the base was located. I said "You can't do this. I won't let you." He said "Your just a Goomba! A weak enemy in the Mushroom Kingdom! Who is friends with a Koopa who is to much of a coward to fight but instead hide in a shell and a boo who covers his eyes when stared at! You are the lowest of the low when it comes to minions!" He stepped on me and said "I'm gonna enjoy this!" He got out his axe but before he could swing something grabbed him. It was R.O.B! R.O.B said "Listen 3 heroes, you must go back to save this world from the madness that I have made... Please stop what I have started." The Villager said "Let go of me fool!" But it was to late R.O.B said "Good bye." He powered down then it went white. When I woke up I heard Goombella say "Place the necklace in the key hole." Chris and Jacob were next to me so I did. Navi came out of my hat and said "Hey, you still have her hat right?" I said "Her helmet yeah why?" She said "No reason. Good bye for now heroes, I'm sure we will meet again soon." Then she floated away. Then the key stone started shining. All of our friends started to appear as holograms then I heard Goombella say "See you soon." Then I woke up with R.O.B in front of us. He said "So what do you say?" I told R.O.B everything and he said "I understand now why this world exists as it is. It's beautiful the way it is. The different Worlds and people. Thank you for opening my eyes to this world. Then he was off. When me, Jacob, and Chris got to Jacob's house I said "Well that was a crazy no longer existing day." Jacob said "Yep." Goombella said "Um guys, the pokemon battle?" I said "Oh yeah I almost forgot, here you go." I gave her back her helmet and she said "You got me a new helmet?" I said "Yeah, I got it from someone who thinks just like you."

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