Chapter 28: The Race

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Today was International Paper Day where we all turn into Paper. Last night the Sticker Comet fell from the sky and tons of Goomba stickers, Mushroom stickers, Boo stickers, Princess stickers, Plumber stickers fell from the sky and went to everyone in Video Game Land! When I woke up I was slim and could roll up into a crumbled piece of paper and turn into a paper plane. That's how I got to school! Who needs a bus if you can just fly, it was like having wings! When I got to school I heard Goombella down the hall talking to someone. She said "And this is the gigabytes class and that's the art room and this is where we have health." When he walked into the class he was a Koopa with a blue jacket and a bandage on his nose. I said "Hey Goombella, who is this?" She said "This is my old friend Koops, he joined me and Mario on our adventure in the thousand year door." Then she whispered "He's kind of a wimp so don't be to hard on the guy." He said "H-hey I'm Koops." When Broshi and Billy Dee walked in they were both made of yarn. I said "Hey I'm Tyrone but my friends call me DJGoomba." He said "Ok then DJGoomba-." He stopped midway through and was looking at Madison. I said "Um buddy listen there's something you need to know about that gi-." Goombella tapped me and told me to "look over there." When I looked I saw Madison and Koops talking. I heard Jacob and Chris down the hall so I tried districting Chris. But Koops kept talking and talking and eventually after running out of things to say I accidentally mentioned Koops & Madison. He pushed me out of the way but luckily they were still just talking. Chris walked over and said "Hi I'm Chris and you are?" Koops said "I'm Koops." Koops went to his seat and so did Chris. Dr. Mario said "As you all know by now we have a n-. Tyrone why are you against the wall." I said "I can't get off." He pulled me off and continued. He said "Right as I was saying, we have a new student here today. Would you like to come introduce yourself?" Koops hid in his shell. Goombella said "That's a no." Dr. Mario said "Well he'll get use to the school eventually." Koops went out of his shell eventually. Chris kept squinting at him. Jacob said "Dr. Tyrone what do you think Chris has a case of?" I said "Hmmm yes indeed I would say it is jelofermia. I've studied this many times before. It's when someone's girlfriend is talking to another person who said boy or girl is dating." Koops said "That's a lie." I said "I'm sorry but who is the doctor here?" Chris said "Not you obviously." Jacob said "Dr what are some side effects?" I said "hmmm jealousy, stalking, not trusting, and overall wierdness." Jacob said "What are steps to be cured?" I said "1. Stalking the person who is talking to that person. 2. Battling that person. 3. Somehow dragging your friends into it. 4. Forgiveness." Chris was gone and then he walked back and said "We are now battling Goom, Bomb-Boo, and Koops for our girlfriends." I said "Looks like he passed step one f- WHAT!?" Jacob said "You bet on ours too?!" Chris said "You said I would eventually drag my friends into this." I said "Yes but not like this! I made a plan, Jacob skipped a few steps but it still worked, you went to far!" Chris said "Well it's to late to wimp out." I said "Fine what are we battling them in?"
After school we were at a race track. I said "We don't have kart licenses!" Chris said "I made us fake ones." I said "How did you get pictures of me and Jacob?" Chris said "Um... Oh look it's our opponents." I said to Jacob "He's at the rare stage 5 insanity." Goom said "Are you losers ready to lose?" I said "Ha! In your dreams, prepare for a red shell in your gas tank." Goom said "So your saying I'm gonna be in first place, thanks." I said "It's on now." Jacob said "Your going down like the Goombas in the mushroom kingdom war!" I said "Buddy two things. One, this is not the place for school. Second, to soon." I walked to the kart and got on the back part. Bomb-Boo said "Well at least we don't have that standard kart." Jacob said "Actually it's a triple dasher! The newest model!" Koops said "Your going down." Chris said "I don't think so, I have professional karters on my team." I yelled "We are not pro karters, you didn't even tell us about this so we could at least become good at this!" Chris said "You played the game, you can do it in real life." Chris got in the driver seat and Jacob got in the second item seat. Then a lakitut came and said "Ok guys I wanna fair race, no crashes or oil slicks. Ready? 3, 2, 1. GO!" Bot our karts blasted so fast lakitut fell off his cloud. We were matched and matched. Koops crashed into our kart. I said "Hey no crashes!" Goom said "I'm sorry we can't hear you over us smoking you." Jacob said "What?" Then they raced in front of us using a triple mushroom, and we only had a banna. I gave it to Jacob and he threw it... in front of us. We started spinning out but got back on track. I said "Fine if they're gonna cheat then we are too. Jacob call some of your minions to steal their stuff." Jacob said "You know I hate doing that." I said "You live Bow more don't you..." Then 3 boos came out of the road and went to the other kart. When they came back they gave us a blue bomb, a golden mushroom, and a red shell. Th blue bomb started shaking and Bomb-Boo's face was on it and he said "Later Losers" and it blew up spinning us out for a few second but we got back on track. I said "Ok Chris get out, I'm driving. Here take this." I gave him the golden mushroom and he used it right away. I took a few risks by going on the grass but we were still pulling through. Then we were right behind them. Goom said "Ok guys it's almost time." We threw our Red Shell and it spun them out and we were almost there. We saw the finish line but then when I looked in the mirror I said "Oh Arceus no..." Chris said "What?" When he looked behind he saw what was behind us and hid in his shell. Jacob said "What are you guys talking abou-." Then he saw it... A blue shell. We were so close but it hit us! We spun off the course. We hit the wall and the kart was broken we couldn't move it. Before they could cross the finish line a pink streak went by the finish line. Everyone gasped. So now our rivals didn't win but who did? Lakitut crawled back to his cloud and said "Photo finish." When he grabbed the photo he said "The winner is them." I said "Who?" Lakitut said "Madison, Goombella, and Bow." Me, Chris, and Jacob said "What!?" Then Jacob and Chris got slapped and Goombella threw her helmet at me. Goombella said "You bet on us?!" I said "Well technically Chris bet on you and me and Jacob followed through with it. Wait how did you find out?" Bow said "We used Jacob's computer to find out what Game and Watch Jr was saying and he told us everything." Chris said "Haha well I guess I'm cured. So now Koops is my official rival?" I said "Well, you raced him, got slapped, and forgave him so I would say yes." We all went home after that. When we got home I said "Hey Jacob, do you think the police will ever find out that we made fake licenses?" Jacob said "Most likely not." Then we heard a loud knock at the door and the guy said "OPEN UP! WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID!" We panicked and Jacob said "What are we gonna do?!" I said "I don't know!? I have to go hide some stuff in my room!" "Wait what!?" When Jacob opened the door slowly it was just Goombella, Bow, and Game and Watch Jr. I said "How did you get your voices so deep?" Goombella said "We didn't Game Jr did." Game Jr said in a deep voice "Yep and Bow made me a necklace so I can speck normally." I said "Oh good. I really thought we were going to jail."

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