Chapter 29: Murder Mystery

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Today Bow and Jacob floated to me and Goombella quickly. I said "What's up?" Jacob said "We all won a free train ride to Rougeport!" Goombella said "Wait what? Everyone in the class?" Jacob said "Yeah! We entered everyone!" I said "Awesome, I'm gonna tell Chris." So I told Chris and Chris told Broshi and Broshi told Bowser Jr and, well you get the point. After school we all went on the ride, it was gonna take us all 3 days to get there. In the morning when I woke up I went to the kitchen. The cook said "Oh no, zis is very bad bad bad!" I said "Hey what's wrong? Where's breakfast?" The cook said "Someone stole zee pans and pots!" I said "Oh no! Don't worry Detective Goomba is on the case. So I woke up Jacob and he said "What time is it?" I said "8:53, come on apprentice we're on another case!" I grabbed my shroomlock hat and a fake pipe. The thing you see detectives smoking in movies or T.V shows. Jacob grabbed a fedora and a striped tie and now we were ready. We went to someone who loves food. I shined a flashlight in Broshi's eyes and he said "Ah my eyes! Ah all I can see is white! I think I just got flash banged. Agh, Arceus is that you?" I said "Well this flashlight is more of a weapon then anything. Come on let's investigate someone else and come back later." We went to Billy Dee's room but the door was locked. I tried opening the door but it wouldn't work so we went to the toad who was blocking the storage room. I said "Do you have keys to the other rooms?" He said "No that would be the conductor of the train, why?" Jacob said "We're trying to find out who stole the pot in the kitchen." The toad said "So your detectives? Then I'll give you a hint, I saw someone orange leaving the kitchen last night. Talk to me again if you need any help." So we knew it was someone orange that loved eating food. So now we knew it was Billy Dee. We tried finding some opening points but non. Then we saw an air vent. Nick wasn't awake yet so we had to find another way to break the vent. We grabbed a mushroom and split it. We kicked down the door and shrunk back to normal size. We climbed in the vent and looked everywhere for the right room. Then I couldn't breathe! When I looked behind me there was a poison shroom fume machine. I kicked the closes vent opening we could find and grabbed Jacob so we wouldn't die. Well for Jacob he wouldn't die again. I said "Ugh... Where are we?" Then I saw a pot of stew and put it on my head. I opened the door and a man in a cloak said "Your not from around here are you?" I said "Who are you?" Jacob was knocked out on the floor still. The man said "I want you to answer me first boy." I said "No we are not." The man laughed and dropped a black smoke Bomb-Bom. It blew up in my face and the soup spilled everywhere. When I woke up it was sunset and the stew was on the ground still. No one was in the room still, this was getting weird. When we walked out with the stew pot Jacob handed the chef the pot. The chef said "Ah yes very good! I shall get working on lunch immediately!" He made mini sandwiches and yelled "Order Up!" The waitress toad went to all the rooms and gave each of our classmates sandwiches. We saw Dr. Mario walk by and I said "Dr? Why are you here?" Dr. Mario spat out the mini sandwiches all over Jacob. Jacob said "Nice to see you too doc." Dr. Mario said "Oh no not a today. Look kids I'm not Dr. Mario today. Here I'm just Mario with my son Prince Shroom and loving wife Queen Peach." I said "So your a king working at a school?" Mario said "Go to your room Tyrone." I said "You said your not my teacher here. Out of school you have no power over me." Mario said "Just beware, there have been reports of murder." I said "Sorry but I don't think that will ever happen." Me and Jacob went to our rooms and then while talking about the shadowy figure and Mario's statement. We heard someone yell "Oh no it's terrible!" When we came to look I gasped! Jacob yelled "Who killed Prince Shroom?!" Goombella said "Well we don't know if he's dead, but he's not on the train." I said "Who, who done it?" Everyone said "Not me." Then when I looked behind the crowd I saw the shadowy figure. He started laughing and said "Meet me in my cabin at midnight alone." Then he disappeared. Everyone was saying "What happen? What were you looking at?" I said "Ehh nothing." I couldn't sleep that night because of fright and because of that shadow. Jacob kept saying "Are you awake? Are you awake? Do you have some cake?" I said "No. No. No." When it was 11:59 I made sure Jacob was asleep and snuck to the next room that was empty all day." When I walked in the door slammed close and then I felt a hand on my head. I yelled "No not like this! I still have so many more adventures to have." The figure dragged me underground and said "It's me." I said "I can't see, are we inside the train?!" Then I saw a light like a fire flower. I saw Jacob and he said "It's me fool! I couldn't sleep so I followed you in this weird room." I said "No! You shouldn't have c-." The light on his tail thing turned out and we heard more creepy laughter and then the train started shaking again! Then me and Jacob flew out of the ground and on the floor. The creepy voice said "Hello all passengers. As you all know there is a murder on this train. I will posses one of you and kill anyone who isn't the murder. Please meet each other at the lunch room in 5 minutes." I said "You don't think we disturbed his rest do you?" Then a voice said "Noooooo it is not yooour faults." Then a ghost toad came out the ground. I yelled "Nooooooooooo!" Then Jacob said "Oh n- Wait Toadly? Is that you? It's been years!" I guess Toadly was Jacob friend. Toadly coughed a few times and said "Oh hey sorry I got a cold. Me and Jacob go far back when we were kids." I said "Ok then, how did you die?" He said "The same fate you will all meet soon. That same dark shadowy figure killed me as well." I said "Oh no we have to get to the lunch hall in one minute!" I opened the door and ran to the lunch hall. Everyone was already in there and the doors started closing. Jacob slid under cutting his tail off. I said "Oh no Jacob your tail." He said "Don't worry it grows back eventually." Everyone was looking at me and Jacob and Bowser Jr said "So it was you two idiots that got us in this mess!" I said "No way! That ghost killed tons of other people before! You know what I wouldn't be surprised if you were the one that was possessed!" Then Bowser Jr disappeared! I said "W-what the?" Then the creepy voice said "You have 3 days before you all meet your friend's fate. Get it wrong I kill that person." Billy Dee said "Really? Mega Alex did it!" Then Mega Alex disappeared and only his mega buster remained. So did Bowser Jr's Painbrush. Nick said "I think we need to test a little further, Joe did it." I said "Ok guys now we know that it's working." Then a few empty pokeballs fell from the sky. I said "So who could've done it?" Game Jr said "Look guys it's obvious that Nick did it." Nick said "Why me?" I said "Wait let the flat man speck." Game Jr said "Well he killed Joe and the only reason I'm not pinning Billy Dee is because that was just a test at first." I said "Well Nick isn't dead yet so it had to be h-." Then he disappeared too. I said "Well this is just great."
Day 2 time: 9:47 am
"Dear Journal, it's been 1 whole day. I don't know how long we can take of this. 3 people have died with their things remaining. Nick's sword, Alex's Mega Buster, and Bowser Jr's Paintbrush, no sign of Prince Shroom anywhere. We are still stuck in the lunch hall until we can figure this out." I said "Ok guys what are we gonna do?" Jacob said "A time lapse." I said "What?" He said "There are so many people on this train we may have to do it!" I said "Ok then."
Day 3 Final Day Time: 10:00 pm
"Dear Journal, Now all that remains is me, Chris, Bow, Jacob, and Goombella. Madison died minutes ago. We shall not forget her sacrifice. So now one of us is the murderer." Jacob said "What now?" I said "I'm not sure." Goombella said "Well it's obviously one of us." Bow said "That's it! I'm sick of this it was Goombella!" Then they both disappeared. Then 3 guns dropped and the voice said "Let's play elimination. One of you are the murderers as you know, so who will you k-." Then Jacob shot Chris. The voice said "Wow... That happen quicker then I thought." Chris's sunglasses fell when he disappeared and the voice said "Well then what shall you two do?" I was trying to shot but I said "I can't do it Jacob!" Then he kept trying to shot me and said "I can't either, I'm out of bullets!" Then I realized "Wait your already dead right?" Jacob said "Yeah so that means neither of us are the murderer?" We went to the conductor's room and we saw a toad driving the train and a curtain. I kept tapping the toad and saying "Hey... Um hello? You know it's considered rude not to respond!" Jacob went to the curtains and pulled them down. He said "Um Goomba?" I said "Not now Jacob I'm trying to talk to this guy. Hey buddy, I paid for the ticket, except not really I won a contest so come on man!" Jacob said "But there's this guy behind the curtains." I said "Jacob just w- what?!" I went to the curtains and said "Who are you?" The guy stood up and spun around. He looked like that shadowy figure but then, it was Poppy Bro Jr! I said "You?! But why?" He said "It was a game! Pretty fun right? Oh and look we're at the location." The train stopped at Rougeport station and we saw all our friends. We have them all back their stuff. Poppy Bro Jr said "See I was pranking all of you!" Game Jr said "I got pranked? But I'm usually the prankster? You will regret this, you will regret this." He went into the shadows and I said "You know we can still see you. I mean you may be use a black 2-D outline but we still know your there!" He said "No you don't." So we enjoyed our weekend vacation with ease.

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