Chapter 30: Are you ready for Freddy?

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Today when we got back from vacation it was minion appreciation week! No school for minions! That means me, Chris, Jacob and our other friends had the day off. Unless they weren't minions and like a mini boss or something. To bad for Jr, he's not ruining this day. Then when I woke up I heard Jacob opening the door. He said "What is this?!" I said "What is what?" "THIS! You haven't payed your side of the bill ever since you got here!" "I'll do it tomorrow." "You don't have a job! I'm a prince I'm naturally rich but you have to get a job!" "Im not getting up unless you make me." He pulled me out of bed and tossed me down the stairs. I said "Fine I'll find a job, but your working with me!" He said "Fine it never hurts to make an extra coin." We looked everywhere. The pizza place and spaghetti place weren't hiring so we had to work out side of the mushroom kingdom. We went to dreamland but nothing. Billy Dee said "Sorry guys King Dedede only allows waddle dees to work for him." King Dedede said "That's right! So scram!" We went to Hyrule but there were still no opening spots! Amanda said "Sorry guys my parents only let trained warriors fight for our kingdom." I said "We saved the whole Video Game Land once!" She said "That aren't under aged." She slammed the door and we kept going. I said "We've been everywhere in Nintendo Land isn't there somewhere else we could go?" Jacob said "Well there is one place outside of Nintendo Land." I said "Where?" He pointed to a blue barrier that had a huge sign that said "PC Land." I said "Jacob your not thinking of going Turbo right?" He said "What no of course not. But we have to earn a few coins!" I said "Fine let's go." Jacob went through the barrier and so did I. Then a big guy introduced us to this world and said "Hi my name is Ralph, now look don't just go crazy while in here. You have responsibilities. Don't get a game over or else you won't spawn back in your world, Game Over." I said "Yeah good idea to come here Huh?" Jacob said "Look it's easy, were still in Video Game World just a different part of it. Just don't die and we'll be fine." I said "You better be right about this." Then Ralph said "Good Luck." He disappeared so me and Jacob went to different places. We went to an alien battlefield but Jacob bailed. We went to a kid game named Putt Putt but I bailed. Then we went to a Pizzaria named "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza." When we went in there were tons of kids messing with the animatronics. Jacob said "Ok let's go find the offi- hey where are you going?!" I said "Haha look at this bear's dumb hat! Let's Eat? Hahaha sorry buddy but they aren't you feeding you enough. But the bunny is... Well what ever. Awww look at its floppy ears!" Jacob said "Come on these things are giving me that Boo feel." I said "Yeah I'm getting sick, they smell weird." I got off the bunny and went to the office. The guy in there had tons of coffee cups everywhere and said "Hey why would you kids be here?" I said "Um we need jobs." He dropped his coffee cup and said "Um yes well we only have one opening but I can fit you two in. It's the nightshift but-." Jacob said "Look I don't think we'll take that openi-." I interrupted him and said "We'll take it." Jacob said "Give us one moment please." He pushed me to the wall and said "Look buddy I know that you need some money but we should keep looking. I have one of those feelings again." I said "Buddy look you wanted me to pay the bill come on we can take it. It's only 6 hours for $120.50 we can take it!" The man interrupted and said "Yes you get paid after today, something happen to the man who use to work here yesterday night... He must've quit." Jacob said "I don't think he quit." I said "He said he quit, we don't even have to work a full week here!" Jacob said "Good point." We both said "We'll do it." Later that night Jacob had his flashlight on his head that Riley gave him and he said "We have to take off our headgear." He placed his hat on the ground in the front entrance so I put my headphones on the ground and said "You better hope nothing happens, Goombella got me those." I put on the flashlight headgear and we went in. I shined my light at the animatronics and I laughed a little and Jacob said "No, no, no don't you d-." I ran and said "Oh that hat! That dumb cane! Hey bunny can you get any dumber? Duh I'm a dumb bunny a hoppy hoppy hoppy! Baka! Baka! I'm a chicken! Baka!" Jacob said "Come on I feel like we're being watched." I said "Ok hold on. This guy,the oh so big and bad Freddy Fazbear! That last name! Who came up with it. Ah ok let's go I'm board with these idiots." When we got in our office it turned 12:00. Jacob checked the manual and said "Ok it says here the bunny's name is Bonnie. The chicken's name is Chica. Last and not least the Fox's name is Foxy... Fox? I don't remember you making fun of a fox." I said "Keep reading the manual." Jacob said "Foxy is out of order so he's in the curtains out there." Then I said "Wow first off who reads the manual." Jacob said "This is a job. We have to!" I said "Whatever. Hey look cameras!" I checked the cameras and I saw the curtains and I saw the bunny and chicken. I said "Oh no they're gonna move!" Jacob said "Um... T-T-Tyrone..." When I looked at the cameras again they were looking at us!" I said "Hahaha it must j-just be a glitch in their systems. That's a thing right?" I checked all the other cameras and it got staticky. I looked again once it cleared up and Bonnie and Chica were gone! I said "Oh great there's someone here still messing with the animatronics. Come on let's split up and find them." So I went left and he went right. When I left I saw a Bonnie and it just stared at me. I said "Ok you dumb bunny let's get you back to your spot. Man your heavy to push. Having no hands sure is a pain, you know what I mean?" His head started twitching and grabbed me. I said "W-what the?!" I shined my light in his eyes and he dropped me. I got up and ran to the entrance! I yelled "Jacob! YOU WERE RIGHT!" Jacob yelled "Tyrone! I WAS RIGHT!" We bumped into each other and our lights went out. I said "Well that's just great." Then Bonnie and Chica surrounded us and I said "Run!" We both ran to the right. Then I noticed the curtains and I said "Wait I have to make fun of this one!" Jacob stopped and said "Not the best time for your jokes!" I said "Just one mean comment!" I was about to say something and then the curtains gutted open and a fox came out. I turned white and couldn't move. Jacob grabbed me and floated us back to the room! The fox was chasing after us to fast! We just made it! Jacob threw my frozen with fear body at the button and the door closed just in time!" We closed the other door and I said "O-ok Jacob i believe you now but it's 3:00 now, we have enough time right?!" Jacob said Probably-." He stopped and pointed at the seat. When I looked behind me there was a golden Freddy! He breathed out and Jacob just looked at it. I backed up a little more and hit my flashlight and it shined on the Freddy then he disappeared. Jacob did a double take and said "Ugh, my head. Darkness. 5 kids?" I said "What are you talking about?" He said "N-nothing." I looked at a book in the corner covered in red. It said "Day 6 Freddy is acting stranger then yesterday. Chica and Bonnie are much more energized then ever before. Foxy won't stop looking at me. Wait what is that? Two eyes is that Fr-." Then it was red with a drawing of a F." I said "Buddy what's going on?" Jacob said "I don't know... I think we aren't going to see sunlight again." We heard laughing and knocking at the door. Then Bonnie and Chica were at the left side of us. I said "Let's get out this way!" Jacob said "No don't!" I opened the right door and Foxy and Freddy were there. We were surrounded! Me and Jacob yelled "Heeeeelp!"
Else Where
Chris said "Where do you guys think Tyrone and Jacoboo are?" Billy Dee said "I'm not sure. Let's go around town looking for them." Poppy Bro Jr came from upstairs and said "I'm going too!" They all left Chris's house and went to Hyrule. Chris asked on the way "Why didn't we check DreamLand?" Billy Dee said "I already told Jacob and Tyrone why, King Deedeedee only excepts Waddle dees." Then he muttered "And that one jerky Waddle Doo." Chris said "What?" Billy Dee said "Oh nothing, look let's go inside already." Two guards stood in front of them and Princess Amanda said "Hey guys what's up? Ignore these guys." Chris said "Do you know where Tyrone and Jacob are?" Amanda said "Yeah they went to the PC world." So they went to the PC world and met Riley. Riley said "Oh hey guys. I'm just looking for some PC Gems." Chris said "We might need your help, will you came with us?" Riley said "Sure lets go." He jumped out his pit and walked to the PC barrier. They all went in and saw our headgear. Chris grabbed my headphones and Jacob's hat and went in. Everyone else went in with him.
Back with our heroes
Me and Jacob yelled "Heeeeelp!" Then Freddy grabbed me and Bonnie grabbed Jacob. They tied us up on a chair and put duck tape over our mouths. Jacob eyes went red and he said "Any last words?"Bonnie took the duck tape off our mouths. I said "Jacob buddy? You ok?" He said "I am Freddy, I am using your friends dead spirit to communicate with you." I said "Oh ok then... Well. I guess my last words would have to be. Haha look at that hook! And that dumb ripped eye patch! I know you might chop me into pieces and eat me but I had to! Ah but just tell Goombella-." Bonnie covered my mouth and Jacob said "You made fun of your friends for long enough! Now boy what are your last words?" Jacob eyes turned back to black and he said "More darkness? Bite of 87? Huh, what?" Then I was in a dark place I heard a voice echo through where I was. "Any last words?" "Tyrone? You feeling ok?" "Like I told him, i possessed his body and I am communicating with you." I said "Let me out! Where am I!? Where did you take me?!" Then 3 kids appeared in front of me. One had on bunny ears. One had on a fake chicken beak. The last one had on a eye patch and a pirate hook. I said "Who are you?" The bunny kid said "You made fun of us. Out of all the people we have met you are the worst." I said "What do you mean?" The pirate kid said "We are the animatronics who died in 1987. Now we haunt the 5 animatronics, your friend was the only one that was nice to us." The chicken kid said "Now prepare to be eaten." Then a kid with a top hat and cane came down and said "You shall pay for your disrespectful ness towards us." Then I woke up in the seat with duck tape over my mouth again. Then Bonnie came up to us and then a spear went through him. Another spear hit the ropes and me and Jacob ran different ways. Freddy pointed at us then he pointed at Chris, Billy Dee, Poppy Bro Jr and Riley. Riley said "Go!" Chica was right behind me and then a bomb blew up in his face. Bonnie was chasing Jacob and another spear went threw Bonnie. Foxy started chasing Chris and Riley so Riley kicked Chris into Foxy to make him trip. I went to the stage and hid behind the curtains. I waited until 5:57 and I checked again. Everyone was tied up and I heard Jacob say "Now your friend has put you into this mess." I opened the curtains and the lights shined on me. I sang "I'm sorry that I upset your souls. Don't become possessed or cold. Sure I can be a jerk sometimes. But you just haven't taken the time, to meet me or greet me into your non exciting lives. I saved the Land from impending doom. By the way that also includes you too! And I have a sword. So now bless your souls to the lord! Known as Arceus. Your smart for this! So I am sorry! Please forgive meeeeeee! Shada do bada Dee doo! Yeah!" They just looked at me, everyone was. Then blue souls came out of the animatronics. Then the golden Freddy appeared again. A yellow soul came out of it, a kid with a yellow shirt, top hat and cane. He said "Thank you kind sir. All we needed was an apology." He went up with his friends and it turned 6:00. The sun rose and I let out all my friends. They all helped me put the animatronics back to their places. When the guy came in he said "Wow your still alive. Well here's your pay checks." He gave me and Jacob $120.50 each! We walked out and said "Well I guess thank you." When we got home Chris said "Well I'm going home." Billy Dee and Poppy Bro Jr went home too. Riley did too. I went to sleep and then Goombella and Bow came in and said "Guys? Why are you asleep?" I said "Looong night." I slammed my door and Jacob slammed his. The next day I payed the bill and played Smash Bros a little more. Jacob said while we were Smashing "I've been having weird dreams about my kingdom recently, do you think that's bad?" I said "Come on you stupid plumber jump! Huh, oh uh no not at all." Jacob said "Yeah your probably right."

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