Chapter 44: Doodle

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Today's chapter of Video Game High shall be replaced by an amazing drawing show. Look at the way he moves that pencil. Oh no it seems that he has dropped it in a toy Mario Bros pipe. It also seems that he has no more pencils, it is a dark day indeed.
Now to our regular program
I said "Yeah! Winter Vacation for a whole week! Winter balimpa falama banana! Now I'm board." He said "Then read a book." "What is this book you speak of?" "Ok I understand that, drink a glass of water." "Glass of water?" He put his book down and said "You've never drank a glass of water?" I said "I never got around to it." We went outside to see what Chris was up to but then something crashed in front of our house! We hid behind a bush. I said "Is that a giant pencil?" Jacob said "Well this isn't a T.V show, it's a Video Game so we're gonna need a giant note pad."
Sorry for the interruption now then, what shall this man do without his pencil. He is throwing it and that also landed in the pipe! What are the odds?
Back to our regular program (again)
I said "Well from everything that we've experienced, anything can happen." A giant notepad landed on Jacob and I said "Ha, sucker." When it landed the pencil flipped up and landed on me. I said "Don't say it! You don't say it either commenters!" Me and Jacob lifted the pencil and notepad and threw them on the ground. I said "Let me test something." I wrote down food. Then tons of coins appeared! I said "Whoa! Ok let's try something stronger!" I wrote down more food. Then even more coins appeared! I said "This is the best! What are you gonna wright?" Jacob wrote down zipper. A zipper appeared and I said "What are y-." He put it on my mouth and zipped it up. I said a few things and Jacob said "Watch the language please. We are a rated PG game after all." I wrote down vacuum and Jacob started running, but I sucked him up. He said "Hahaha so funny, now let me out!" I wrote down nails and Jacob said "What are you doing?" I sucked the nails and Jacob said "Ow Ah! Help!" I wrote down bees then beehives then sucked in all those. Jacob said "The vacuum is getting to big!" I wrote down bigger vacuum and the vacuum grew. I wrote down more painful things like sharks, swords, Rareware 2002-present games, exc. Jacob said "Let me out of here! These games suck!" I let him and all the other things I made out. He ripped off the zipper off my mouth and I said "Ow! This is the worst pain I've ever felt!" Jacob said "This will be worst." He wrote down shoe and placed it on my head. I said "I hate you." He threw it somewhere and said "Ok, so what are we gonna do with this thing?" I said "First, let's fix our clothes and selves." We fixed ourselves up then I said "Lets prank a few people. Like Chris!" When we got there I said "Now, let's summon ourselves." I wrote down Tyrone and Jacoboo then we came out of the notepad, just a little bit less programmed. I said "Wow, what a handsome fellow. Hello sir." My draw self said "Meoivoi!" I said "Uh, what?" Jacob said "I tried talking to drawn Jacoboo but he's a little." Drawn Jacob said "Hj noihch!" Jacob said "Strange?" I said "Where's DJDoodle?" Jacob said "DJDoodle?" "Yeah, what did you name your's?" "I guess Jacodoodle?" "Ok then, there they are, at Chris's house! Wait, where's the notepad?" "Over there!" DJDoodle had it and when Chris opened the door he drew him using the notepad. Chris said "Guys? You look different? What's that?" When Doodle Chris came out he punched Chris and they all ran away. Me and Jacob helped Chris up and told him everything. We chased after them and I snatched the pencil back. I said "Guys I g-!" Something grabbed me and when I woke up I was in a chair. I said "Ok Doodle, where am I?" He said "Moi hama soi fo." "I'm English please." "Moi hama soi fo..." "Uhhhh." "Tor ture." "Torture! What are you gonna do?! Erase my face?! Draw an army of clones?!" "Knock, knock." "Knock knock jokes? Doodle, I can do these all day." "Knock, knock." I sighed and said "Who's there?" He said "Jimmy." "Jimmy who?" "Jimmy back me pencil!" "... Well that's stupid but how is that torture?" He put earmuffs on and I noticed Jacodoodle was next to me and he said "Jimmy, back me pencil? Hm, oh moi fama! Naahahaha!" I started yelling and said "Make it stop doodle! Please!" He just stood there and he was still laughing! I said "Noooo!" I took out the pencil and cut through the ropes then ran out. When I got out of there I was in a doodle version of Jacob's house? I said "Well that's weird. But I have the pencil and now the notepad. Time to call it a day." DJDoodle tackled me and I kicked him off then started running back into the kingdom. I hopped on Mighty but I think I dropped the pencil and notepad. After a few seconds I knew I was because DJDoodle was riding a doodle Mighty! I rode into town yelling "The doodles are coming! The doodles are coming!" Mighty stopped when she saw Jacob and Chris then I said "Guys we gotta warn each w-." Jacob said "We think we know where the pencil and notepad came from." I tripped doodle Mighty and grabbed the pencil and notepad and said "Lead the way." Jacob drew a hole and said "Look down there." I looked down then Chris kicked me in. When I face planted on the ground Chris and Jacob jumped down and Jacob said "That part was for revenge and fun." I said "Why are we in giant world?" Jacob said "Well it may have been a giant pencil and notepad in this world but when it came to our world it could've shrunk like we do when we come here." I said "That is possible." We all ran in side the giant's house through the window again. I said "Then wouldn't the notepad have grew when we came in this world?" Jacob said "I think a giant has to touch it first." I threw it at the desk and said "That should fix everything right?" Chris said "I'm pretty sure, look there's a pipe." We all jumped in and landed in front of Jacob's front lawn. I said "Well that was e-." DJDoodle tackled me and I said "Oh right you guys are still here." Doodle Chris and Jacodoodle talked them and I said "Great, are we really doing this doodle?" Doodle noddes and I pushed him off and started running to the lake, Jacob and Chris were behind me. We all jumped into the Hyrulian Lake and the doodles jumped in and melted away. Amanda said "What are you 3 doing in my lake?" I said "There was a pencil, notepad, and clones! They tried killing us so we went to a world filled with Giants to return the pencil and notepad, but we forgot all about the doodles so we led them here!" She said "Right, guards!" We all jumped out and started running out of the Hyrule Gates. When we got back home I put Mighty back in her gate and went to sleep. What I didn't know is DJDoodle was still alive. One of his feet survived the lake and hunted me down. He went to the real world and got an eraser. When I woke up it was late and I opened the window and said "Mighty, are you still awake?" Mighty grunted and I said "Ok good, did anyone come through the windows?" She did a soft nay and I said "Ok good, thanks." She grunted and I closed the window. When I got back into bed something touched me I said "Ah! Who is that?!" Then someone jumped on me! I said "DJDoodle? How? It doesn't even matter, you don't have a pencil!" He grabbed one of my pencils and drew himself back to normal. I said "Ah! Doodle what are you gonna do with that eraser?!" He said "You Doodle, me Tyrone." I started yelling and ran downstairs. He was chasing after me and we broke a lot of stuff. I threw the book Jacob was reading at him and his foot got stuck he said "Huh?" I said "Of course. Hey doodle!" He looked at me and I said "Put bandage on that paper cut." I threw all of Jacob's books at him and when I couldn't see him I looked at all the books and put them together and it formed a picture of him. I ripped out all the pages and connected them, then framed the picture. When I laid back down it was morning but I still tried going to sleep. I heard Jacob yell "What happen to the living room?! What happen to all my books!?"

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