Chapter 45: The Savior

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At Mushroom Kingdom Castle
Riley yelled "The princess has been captured! Shroom, get up!" Shroom said "What is it?! It better be important this time!" "Go and save princess Amanda!" Shroom jumped back into bed and Riley started kicking the bed and said "Shroom! Go and save your girlfriend!" Shroom said "No way! I'm tired and it's vacation! I'm not doing anything! Why don't you go and do it?!" "Oh no no no! I'm going on an adventure with my dad. Just go and save her!" Prince Shroom jumped back into bed and Riley said "Hey Shroom, it's the day that Amanda usually backs you a cake. It would be a shame if she wasn't her to do it." Prince Shroom's eyes widened and he jumped out of bed and got on his clothes and crown and ran out the door. Riley said "Wow... He really likes cake. I don't even think that was true."
At Bowser's Castle
Prince Shroom yelled "Jr! Give me back my cake baking girlfriend!" There was no response and he started yelling "Jr!" His dad opened the door and said "What do you want with my son?" Shroom said "I'm here to get back Amanda!" "Look, we only kidnap Mushroom Kingdom residence. We don't usually do Hyrulians." "Oh... Wait, oh no it can't be him."
At ?'s House
Shroom looked through the window and saw him with Amanda. Shroom said "Why is Zoom with Amanda again!?" Shroom opened the door and said "Ok Zoom! Give me back Amanda!" Zoom said "Wah!? Oh, your to late!" Zoom pushed a button and said "So long hero, your about to fly like a kite!" Shroom said "What do you mean a k-." A panel under him launched him through roof, literally! Zoom said "Wow, I thought it was gonna malfunction. So how do you make a Hyrulian cake again?"
Now to our normal point of view
I said "Man Jacob, nothing could possibly go wrong today, the sun is shining bright and there's not a care in the world."
Then Prince Shroom broke through the roof! Jacob said "Come on! I can't keep paying for this roof payment." I said "Wait we have to pay for stuff?" Jacob said "What do you mean you haven't been paying your side of the bill?" I said "Uhhhh." Jacob said "I'm going to kill you!" Shroom said "Darn it! I can't let him even get a slice of that cake!" I said "Cake!? I'm listening." Jacob said "Are we just gonna ignore the giant hole in my roof!?" Shroom said "Zoom, the son of Wario, has stolen Amanda! On cake day!" I said "Not cake day! Oh and uh, Amanda is important too." Shroom said "Its like a daily thing now! Whenever someone gets kidnapped it's up to me to save them! Sonia, I have to save her! Goombella, I have to save her!" I said "Wait, when did this happen exactly?" "I even saved Jacob one time!" I looked at Jacob and he said "I'm gonna be honest, I was wearing a wig that day. It's not easy not having hair." Shroom said "Now I! Have to go back and save her!" I said "We've saved her before." Shroom said "You what?" Jacob said "Oh yeah, crystal swimming pool, Dark Carchi, tons of things happened that day." Shroom said "Ok then, "heroes" YOU SAVE HER!" I said "No way! I was planning on doing nothing today! So that's what I'm doing!" I jumped on the couch and Shroom started kicking it and said "I have to deal with this everyday! Your doing this!" He gave me my green link clothes and I said "No way! I'm not putting these on today!" "Yes you are!" "No I'm n-." Jacob grabbed me and gave me my link clothes and I put them on. Jacob said "Lets go, I'm not listening you 2 fight all day." He dragged me outside and said "We'll be back later." Shroom said "Ok, I'll watch over your place while your gone." He threw me on Mighty and we were off. We went to Zoom's house but then I realized "Jacob, where are we going. I mean neither of us have ever met this Zoom guy." Prince Shroom said "We're going to amy friend Twinkle's house." I said "Where did you come from?!" He said "I'm here because I knew you two would have no idea where your going." We arrived at a house and Shroom said "Lets get going inside." Someone said "I'm up here like a star!" Shroom said "Oh no, hey Twinkle." Me and Jacob looked up and there was an elf thing hanging from a ballon! I said "Why is he up there?!" Shroom said "He's the son of Tingle, from Ocarina of Time and other 3D zelda games." I said "Oh him, I know how to get him down." I went in his house and grabbed a bow and arrow then shot him down. Shroom said "Oh no! You shouldn't have done that!" I said "Why?" Twinkle face planted into the ground and his clothes turned red. He said "That ballon was impenetrable! How dare you pop it!" Shroom said "Listen, calm down Twinkle. Can you help us for a little bit?" Twinkle gave him a map and he stomped into his house. We followed the map and we were outside of Bowser Jr's castle. I said "Oh great! Why are we in front of this Mushroom muncher's house?" Bowser Jr came out and said "Why are you 3 here? I didn't kidnap Princess Amanda this time! I kidnapped Chris!" I said "Why did you do that?" "Because... I felt like it!" Jacob said "I saved Chris." Bowser Jr said "How did you already get pass all the traps!?" Jacob said "Um... Part ghost?" "Oh... Wait a minuet! The princess has been kidnapped and it wasn't by me?! There's only one bad guy in town! And that's me!" I said "Oh well... See ya shroom sucker." Bowser Jr ran to me and said "Oh no! It's not that easy! I'm going with you guys!" I said "Fine." Chris said "He just kidnapped me! Your just gonna let that slid!" I threw a brick at him but he went in his shell. I said "Yes I am." I jumped on Mighty and so did everyone else. We rode to Zoom's house and when we got there I opened the door and said "Alright! Let's d-." They weren't there and Shroom said "Oh no! Where could that fiend have taken her?" I said "Meh, I'm going to get something to eat." When I walked in there they were baking a cake. Zoom said "Oh great a goomba! Let's go princess!" Bowser Jr said "I'm out, this is way to boring." Zoom ran away and we all chased after her, besides Jr. We chased them down to a giant tower. Jacob tried opening the door and it was locked. Jacob said "I can't open it, I think it's locked." We heard someone yell "Did somebody say locked door?!" I said "Look out!" Everyone jumped out of the way and Jr slammed down the door! I said "Jr?! Why did you break down that door?!" He said "Its a tradition in my family! If a door won't open I break it down with my shell!" "That's the stupidest tradition I've ever heard!" "What ever! By the way, I'm not joining back on your stupid team!" "Ok, perfect!" "That's right, for me! I wouldn't even join back if you begged!" Jacob said "Ok, see ya!" He said "That's right! See ya losers! I'm not joining no matter what!" Chris said "Ok, we get it!" Jr said "Really? Fine, you draw a hard bargain but fine!" We all yelled "What?!" He said "I guess I'll change my ways of evil doings to save the princess and help my former worst enemy." I said "I think you got the wrong id-." He said "Whatever! You can stop your begging! Let's go!" He rushed inside and we all sighed. There were a few Green Snifits and Bowser Jr said "Where is she?!" One of them said "Who?!" "Where is the princess!?" "I don't know!" I said "Jr! If you wanna be a hero you can't hearse the innoce-." He yelled "Shut it! Where is the princess?! And don't you lie to me!" He picked him up and the Snifits started screaming and said "They're up those stairs! Please let me go!" He threw him to the wall and said "Lets go!" We started going up the stairs and the Snifits were mumbling stuff like "He's insane. What would Zoom do? I hope he trips on all those stairs." Jr yelled "What are you looking at?!" They all started running while yelling! I said "Wait, I forgot! This is Boster's tower! One of Wario's cousins! From Mario RPG!" We started Platforming and Platforming and Platforming until we collapsed. I said "I'm... To... Tired... I... Can't... Go... On." Jr said "Yeah, how does Shroom always do this?" Jacob said "Guys look! I think I found the door!" I said "You mean?" Chris said "Finally!" We went inside the door but there were more platforms! We all yelled said "What?!" I said "More platforms?!" Bowser Jr had a throb and he yelled "Zooooooom!"
At the top of Zoom's Tower
Snifit 1 said "Ok so let's try this one more time, Zoom. Do you take Princess Amanda to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Zoom said "What about my bride?" Snifit 2 said "That would be your wife. Now you say I do." "Wait!" They all groaned and Snifit 3 said "Uuugh, now what?!" Zoom said "I can't find my Prince Shroom doll!" "What do you need it for anyway?!" "I need it for my collection. See I've got F-Zero, Pikmin, Pokémon-." Snifit 2 said "Can we look later we need to do this befo-." Bowser Jr crashed through the door and I said "Jr calm down with the door slamming!" Snifit 1 said "Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?" Jr said "Silence! Do you know how many blocks we had to climb up just to get here!" We all ran to the back of the room and Zoom said "About? 5 or 6 levels?" Jr said "Silence! You will pay dearly for what you have done!" I said "I don't know how much longer I can work with this guy." Chris said "He's an even worst hero then he was as a villan!" Jacob said "I don't want to save the princess anymore! I want to go home!" Someone said "Guys? Guys, I'm in here!" She was on the balcony! Prince Shroom said "Horray! Ok let's open this door." He tried and said "I can't. I think the door is l-." Chris covered his mouth and shushed him. I said "If you use the L O C K E D work then Jr will launch the princess all the way to Mushroom Castle." We all looked at Jr and Zoom said "Can you help me find my Prince Shroom doll!" Bowser Jr said "Its right up there!" Zoom said "... Snifits, look behind those curtains." Snifit 2 said "Um, sir. I think Jr might be r-." Zoom said "Just look!" They all kept saying "Not here, not here, not here, not here." Jr said "Oh my Arceus! Why is everyone in this game so stupid!? Everyone is stupid!" I said "Yeah, he can't be much help right now." Amanda said "Guys, what's going on out there? Hey I think the door is." I said "Oh no!" Amanda said "I think this door is." Shroom said "Don't say it!" "I think this door is locked!" Jr yelled "Did somebody say, locked door?!" I said "Look out!" Jacob yelled "Incoming!" We all jumped out of the way and the door broke down. Jr said "Uhhhh what was out here?" I said "Oh no! You did it!" "Did what?" Jacob cried "You killed the princess!" Jr said "Wait, she was out here?!" Shroom cried "Noooo! My Cake!" Chris said "Well, I'm not going down all those platforms again, no way." Jr said "Good! Then take the short way!" "Wait wait wait no!" He threw Chris off the balcony and said "Your next Tyrone!" He threw me down the balcony and Jacob and Shroom tried holding him back from throwing them but they all tumbled off. When we all landed the princess magically appeared. Jr said "Why didn't you just do that before?!" She said "Because um... I don't know." "W-what?!" Zoom walked out and said "What's going on out h-Hey?! What happen to my door?! Which one of you heroes busted it down!?" Jr said "Uh... Um." We all pointed at him and Jr said "What?! Ugh, you heroes will pay for this!" Zoom said "For busting down my door, I'm gonna marry your princess!" He grabbed Amanda and ran off. Shroom said "Lets go after them!" We ran up a hill to catch up to them but we ran out of breath and had to slow down. Eventually we got into town. Prince Shroom said "Lets take, a long break." I said "What? No we have to go and save her from getting married!" Shroom said "Meh." Jacob said "But she's gonna get married! Doesn't that mean anything to y-." "Nope." "Prince Shroom! I never thought you could be so mean!" "Look! If I don't save her then it's up to Zoom to save her! If he marries her then I'll be as free as a Parakoopa!" We heard 2 people yell "Heeeelp!" We ran to the sound and toad and Yoshi got kicked out of a wedding place. The toad cried "Noooo! We're never gonna get married!" The Yoshi said "You can't just kick us out this is our wedding!" One of the Snifits came out and said "Not anymore! This wedding ceremony is now owned by Zoom! We've barricaded the front door and I think the back door!" He closed the door and we went up to them. The toad said "Nooooo! Why!?" The Yoshi said "Don't worry honey, we'll get it back. Wait a minuet? Prince Shroom?! Prince Shroom from Mushroom Kingdom!?" Shroom said "Yep, it's a me." The toad said "Horray! Prince Shroom will save us with his 3 other heroes!" Jacob said "3 heroes, where's Jr?" I said "You mean the zero." Chris said "Who cares, as long as he's gone we can get through easily." He Toad said "They barricaded the door so we can't get in!" The Yoshi said "Don't worry Raz, they'll find a way." Raz said "Your right Rose. I need to calm down." I tried opening the door and said "They're right. It won't open." Shroom said "Good! Now we can go home!" Jacob said "Hey, I got the back door open!" Shroom said "Aw man." We tried opening the doors to the wedding room but they wouldn't open! I said "Man, it's locked!" Jacob said "What can we do?! Who can we call?" Chris said "Ghost Busters! Also known as Luigi and a couple of toads." Shroom said "No. There is one person we can call." We were all thinking of one person. Shroom said "Oh man Tyrone, I can't wait for the wedding." I said "Yeah, let's go... Inside. Oh no, I can't open this locked door." "You can't open this locked door?" "No I can't open this locked door." Jack and Chris walked in and Jacob said "Hey guys, why aren't you inside?" I said "We can't open this locked door." Chris said "You can't open this locked door?" Shroom said "No we can't open this locked door. If only we knew someone mean, lean, and green to open this locked door... I said! If only we knew someone mean, lean, and green who can open this locked door! BOWSER JR!?" I said "Ugh, where is he?!" Shroom said "Lets go." We went into the hotel and went into Bowser Jr's room. He said "Man this food is delicious!" I went in and said "Jr! What are you doing here at a time like this?!" "I'm here because I got board of you 4! I also got hungry!" I said "How did you even afford all of this?! Do you know how much this place costs!?" Jacob kept ringing the bell and said "Can I have a juice box?" Chris said "Stop ringing the bell Jacob." Jr said "I have my ways to afford this." I said "You threatened the bellhop didn't you?" "No way! I paid for my food!" The bellhop toad came in and said "H-Here's your extra spicy drumsticks, only the best for our Prince Bowser!" Jr said "About time!" "D-Did I do good?" "You did perfect!" "Thank you! Hahahahaahhahaha! DONT HURT ME!" He ran out quickly and I said "Jr, just help u-." He said "No! All you've done is stop me from being a hero! Bowser what's wrong with you we already have the key! No gratitude! Not even a thank you!" Jacob said "But J-." "I HAVE SPOKEN!" We all started to walk out but then Chris stopped and told us a plan. Chris said "You know what, your right." Jr said "Of course I'm right!" "But if they get married your reputation as a villain will be over." Jr said "Over!?" He did a double take and said "So what! I'm a hero now, so it doesn't matter." "That may be so, but can you imagine them being together?" His mouth opened and said "Amanda and Zoom? I never thought?" "Bowser, you made a commitment, are you gonna be a hero or just keep being a villain?" "Grrrr, your right! I vowed to be a hero and by Arceus! That's what I'm gonna do! We will save you princess, because we are! Super heroes and make World Peace!!" I said "Super Heroes?!" Jacob said "World Peace?!" Chris said "But we never asked you t-!" Jr said "Your right! Don't worry princess! We're coming to save you!" He charged out and we followed I said "Chris, that was one of the best plans I've ever heard." We went back to the wedding ceremony and Raz said "Noooo! We're never gonna get married!" Rose said "Don't w- Wait is that, Prince Bowser?!" Everyone started freaking out and running everywhere! Jr said "People of Marrymore Town, I come in peace." Everyone stopped running and Rose said to me "Um... Is he on shrooms?" I nodded and started walking to the front doors. Jacob said "Ok everyone, if you will kindly move out of the way so Bowser can slowly open th-." I said "Locked Door." Bowser Jr charged and hit all 4 of us through the doors and we landed in the wedding room. Jr said "Princess!" I landed on him and we all go up. Zoom said "What are you 3 Snidiots doing? Let's get this started!" The Snifits got up and got into position. Amanda said "Guys, your just in time for the wedding!" I said "Wait what? You want to marry Zoom? Why not Prince Shroom?" Amanda said "Well, Zoom doesn't ignore me and he buys me... Stuff." Shroom said "I buy you stuff too." Bowser Jr said "Like what?" Shroom hit his hand and Jr backed away quickly. Shroom said "Princess you make me happy and I wouldn't be able to live without you.... Unless I use a continue. But your like the cherry on my cake." Jacob started crying and Jr started sniffing. I said "Jr are you crying?" He said "N-No. It's just the food here had onions in it and it mixed with my onion breath!" Amanda said "Your right. Let's go home." Zoom said "Enough! Let's finish this!" Amanda said "Zoom, I'm going with Shroom. He makes me happier then all the coins in the worlds." She started sniffing and Shroom said "Don't worry princess, it's your wedding. You can cry if you want to." She said "Its not that, it's just." "Yes?" "I LOST ALL MY WEDDING GEAR!" We all sighed and then Zoom said "Wait a minuet..." He shoved Shroom out of his way and said "What is this? Water? Coming from her eyes?" I said "Uuuum what's going on here?" He licked the tears and I said "He's he's!" Chris said "He's he's!" Jacob yelled "HES LICKING HER TEARS!" Shroom yelled "Stop it you crazy maniac!" Zoom said "It taste salty... Like the sea." The Snifits yelled "Zoom! I believe that she's crying!" Zoom said "Crying? Amazing. When people are mad they shout but when they're sad they... Cry?" All 4 of us yelled "YES, THATS WHAT PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY'RE SAD!" Amanda said "Um... I'm sorry but..." Zoom said "Oh right. Here's your wedding stuff. You can stop crying the sea." Amanda said "Thanks but I already have a prized possession. My Mushroom!" Shroom said "Yippe!" "Now for a kiss for my hero!" Bowser Jr said "A kiss?" He pushed me out of the way and said "Hey! I'm the one who saved your skin! I should get that kiss! I'm the hero here!" Amanda said "Jr is a hero now?" Shroom said "Its a long story." Zoom said "No she's kissing me!" Jr said "No she's kissing me!" Amanda said "Both of you stop!" The lights turned off and I said "Ow, hey watch it!" Chris said "How can I see in the dark!?" Jr said "It feels like sandpaper." The lights turned back on and Jacob said "Whoops, sorry guys. I thought this was the fan switch, I'm kinda burning up in here." Jr and Zoom were kissing when the lights turned back on! Shroom said "Um... Guys?" Zoom and Jr said "Huh?! What the?!" Bowser Jr said "You!" Jacob said "I didn't mean to!" Amanda said "That's one for the scrapbook!" Shroom said "Lets go back home for cake!" When we were all about to leave something big pushed us and the Chef Koopa "Ze cake is ready!" Amanda said "Sorry, but the wedding is off." The Chef pushed the cake further and said "But what am I suppose to do with this cake?!" Bowser Jr said "Wait, did that packed just move?" Prince Shroom said "Caaake!" He jumped in it and started eating the whole cake! He ate the entire thing! It was taller then all of us! Jacob said "Prince Shroom, you know that there was a ruler in that cake right?!" Zoom said "That thing... Was a cake?" We all started walking off and went back home. Zoom said "See you guys at school next week! I'm starting soon!" Shroom sighed and said "Perfect." We slept at the Mushroom Castle for the night and it was perfect! Royal beds and royal dinner all night long! It was like Heaven!

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