Chapter 46: The Pet

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While me and Jacob were walking from the castle and we walked past the dog park! I said "Jacob look, there's Mega Akex and Shroom!" We looked through the gates and Shroom was riding a Yoshi and a woman walked up to him and said "Your terrible, you know that thing is a living creature? Get off it!" Mega Alex came by them and said "Sup losers! Yeah, my dog is a skateboard, you jelly?" Rush said "Master, I am tired." Mega Alex said "Shut up skateboard!" I said "Jacob I want a d-." He said "No." I said "How did you know what I was gonna say?!" "Because when you watched that movie with the kid that meets the alien and they fly into space you asked me for a bicycle and an alien." "That may be so. But at least this time it's reasonable!" "Get a job! I'm not giving you any more of my money!" He floated back home and I said "Whatever! I can get a job!"
Just to let anyone who actually works at McDonald's this is not meant to insult you. It's about the jerks that are usually there.
I went to a Mcdigglet and got a job. I said "Hello sir, welcome to Mcdigglet's how may I take your orde- oh no." Goom said "Sup loser! I knew you were low but Mcdigglet's!? Bro..." I said "Shut it Goom! Why are you even here?" "Two reasons! One, I saw you walk in and I waned to make fun of you. Two, I was Digglet Mcnuggets and Italian Fries." "Uuuugh, fine. Here." He ate one and threw it at my face and said "Bro! This isn't even warm! It's hot! What is this right out of the oven?!" I said "Yes! We just opened and your holding up the line!" There was a whole line behind him going outside. He said "This people can wait, I'm Goom I'm more important then these guys." I said "So your better then Arceus?" "That's r- wait what?" He looked behind him and Arceus said "Yeah! Quit holding up the line!" Goom said "Of course! See ya nerd!" He ran outside and said "By the way! I better then everyone else besides Arceus!" Arceus said "Soooo, I'll have a hot milkshake." I said "Uh, not to be rude, but I don't think that we can make a milkshake hot." A Digglet covered my mouth and said "Shhhh, of course Arceus. A hot one, coming right up!" He pushed me into the kitchen and said "Do you want to be fired?!" I said "The fact that I'm even working here, yeah." "Fine then! Your fired!" "Finally!" I threw my hat at him and stomped outside. I was muttering to myself, "Stupid Goom, greedy Jacob, ugh." I heard a Nintendo Zapper! I ran to an alley way and I saw a dog and bird! They were eating garbage. I said "Whoa, a stray? Gross." I started along home but I felt like I was being watched. When I walked in I said "Jacob, I'm back!" Jacob said "Why do you smell like chicken gr-, oh my Arceus what is that!" I said "Speaking of Arceus, I met him today. He's a really cool guy." Jacob said "How did you afford a dog already?! Did you go through my wallet?!" I said "Dog?" I looked behind me and there was a dog and bird! I said "Why did you two follow me!?" The bird got out a sign that said "We haven't had a sequel for 20 or so years. We made it in smash and had a remake but we still need help." The dog barked and I said "Wha do you mean you need our help?" Jacob said "You speck dog?" I said "Have you ever seen that show with the sponge and the snail and the sponge can understand everything the snail says?" Jacob said "You mean Sponge and Snail? Yeah." "Well, that's kinda what I'm doing." The dog barked and I said "Ok, sure we can take care of y-." Jacob said "No no no no! No! We have to many people in this house! Genie! King Boo! Your Grandpa, Goompa! And you! I'm not taking care of anyone else!" I said "Whoa whoa whoa! First off, I'm the original, you can't get rid of me! And I payed for rent!" "Yeah once! When we almost died!" "How is that my fault?!" "You know what, forget what I said, my dad lives in his castle now. But still! We aren't taking in two more people!" The dog gave me a Nintendo Zapper and I said "Good idea." I shot Jacob with it 3 times and he landed on the ground. I kicked him and said "Hey? Are you awake? Good. Let's go dog and bird." We went to the pet store and Wario said "Hello how may I help y-. Oh it's you!" I said "Oh, hey Wario." He said "Hello goomba who's name I don't know. Thank you for introducing us." I said "Umm, who?" "Us! Me and dollar!" "Uhhhh, I don't know if it's legal to marry a dollar but no problem. So can I get a food bowl?" He said "Ok, what's the dog and bird's name?" I said "Um, oh man I don't know. What is your name?" The dog barked and I said "You don't have an official name?" He barked twice and I said "Your from the game duck hunt Huh? His name is Duck Hunt Dog." He barked and I said "What do you mean un original?" He barked again and I said "Of course I'm not gonna name the bird Duck Hunt Bird. I'm naming him Duck." The duck quaked a few times and I said "Whoa, watch the language. It doesn't matter though, that's what your name is gonna be because I'm not original." Wario said "You know I should probably have went away and stopped listening, but I didn't." We all heard a cash register sound and Wario said "I'll be right there honey." I said "Wow, that wasn't a joke. Ok then I guess, well let's get those bowls." He gave me one bowl with Duck Hunt on it. I said "Well I asked for two but thanks. I need a water bowl, food, and a few toys." He gave me a water bow, dog food, and a clay frisbee. He said "That will be 59 coins." I said "Sure, just let me get my wallet out of my car." I walked out and went back home. When I got there Jacob said "What happen? I don't remember anything past the dog park." I said "Oh yeah, you bought us a dog and bought all of this stuff for him." Jacob said "Really? I don't remember that either." I said "Well this was a short day."

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