Chapter 47: Majora's Mask

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(Idea suggested by: KarateChris12 )
Madison brought a New 3DS today and she showed it to everyone. Chris said "Wow that's really cool!" I said "Yeah, it's pretty cool." Jacob said "Man, you even have the special Majora Mask edition!" Goombella said "Wow the 3D is amazing on every angle!" Bow said "Ha! I had it a month before the day of release!" Jacob said "I don't remember you saying anything about t-." She said "Shhh! I don't know what your talking about." Madison said "Thanks guys but there's a button on the top screen and I don't know what it does." Chris said "Well I guess no one should touch it right?" Madison said "Right." I was asleep on the couch and I woke up and said "Can you all stop talking! I'm trying to- ohhhhhh! Red shiny button!" I pressed it and we all saw a purple light and then I heard someone laugh. When I woke up I was on a horse with my Link clothing on but Chris and Jacob were on Mighty with me. I said "Where are we?" Chris said "Are we in the game?" Jacob said "No way! I proved time travel, warping, and teleporting wrong years ago." I said "And yet we've done all of those at least once before." Something hit us off Mighty and we fell to the ground. Someone said "Well look at what we have here. Let's see what they have." Someone went into my hat and grabbed something. He said "An ocarina? This looks fun." Someone that sounded like Goombella said "Really? Skull Kid let me play!" Someone that sounded like Bow said "Goombella! You know that what ever he finds is his." Goombella said "I know Bow but it looks fun!" I woke up and the fairy that spoke like Goombella hit Skull Kid and he looked at me and hid the ocarina behind his back. I kicked Chris and Jacob and they woke up. I tried getting Skull Kid but he jumped on Mighty and rode off. I jumped on Mighty and Chris and Jacob grabbed onto the back legs. I said "Hey! Give that back!" He said "Ah!" He hit me off of Mighty and I hit Jacob and Chris by accident. He rode through a cave and we chased after him. When we got in I said "Wow the ground feels lighter here." We looked down and I said "Nope nope so much Nope!" I jumped in Jacob and Chris jumped on me. Jacob said "Guys... I.. Can't... Hold... On... Much... Longer!" We all dropped through the cave and we saw different faces and masks and the ocarina a few times. We landed on a Deku flower and Skull Kid said "Well well well, that horse if yours doesn't listen to anything I say. What's with the sad face I did you a favor by getting rid of it for you." I said "Give that back!" He said "This thing? Yeah right! This thing is super fun to play!" I said "Give it back or else!" He said "Or else what? Your like a piece of wood compared to my power!" I said "Wood?" Then I was in a black room with Jacob and Chris. I said "Where are we now?" Deku scrubs were surrounding us and I said "Run!" We ran between them and started running faster. There was a huge one and then it went white. When I woke up I felt taller. I said "I have arms! Finally!" Jacob said "I have legs! Finally!" Chris said "We're Deku Scrubs! Noooooo!" Skull Kid said "That's right. See ya, I have better plans." He went through a door laughing with one of the fairies. Fairy Bow said "Goombella!" We started running after Skull Kid but Goombella started pushing us down. But the door closed. Goombella said "Bow! You 3!" I said "Uh oh." She started pushing us and said "You 3 made me lose my friends!" I said "Its not my fault that you wasted your time pushing 3 kids to the ground and stealing my stuff!" She sighed and said "Your right, well I'm Goombella." I said "Thanks ShroomLock Homes. Alright team, let's get going!" We opened the door and started going through the cave. We went inside of a clock place and Chris said "This place gives me the chills." I said "Your right. Let's go." We went to the door and then someone said "You've met a terrible fate haven't you?" It was a man with a bag on his back. He said "Your a Deku Scrub? I can tell your not from here." I said "No, we aren't suppose to be here." He said "Well a Skull Kid knocked me out and stole a very important mask from me. I'll change you back if you can get it back for me." I said "Deal." We went outside and Chris said "Uh... Guys." We all looked up and Goombella said "Whoa! A moon! Let's find out more about this. Follow me to the great fairy." We followed her and there were tons of fairies. I said "I don't see a great fairy." Chris said "Yeah, I only see a bunch of fairies." They all said "Please find our last piece and we shall help you." I said "You got it um... Fairy Larry? No that's not good I'll keep thinking." We looked all day and it was night when we found it. It said "Thank you kind heroes, now let's get headed back to the fairy fountain." When we got there a giant fairy appeared and I said "Now I got a nickname for you! Pointy!" Chris hit me and I said "They are!" Jacob was covering his eyes saying "Tell me when it's all over!" She said "So what's your wish?" I said "What's up with the huge moon with a face?" She said "Well I can't tell you anything about that, but there is a gang of children called the bombers that can help you." Chris said "We have to stop a gang of bombers? I think that's for the government to take care of." She said "Go to the mayor's office, you'll learn why they aren't doing anything about these kids." We went to the mayor's office and there were two people arguing about whether they should leave the town because the moon seems like it's coming closer to the town. The other guys were saying that they should stay because of the festival. We left before they could see us and went back to the fountain but a kid interrupted us and said "Hey go away you scrub! I'm trying to pop this ballon!" I said "Whatever jerk!" We went back to the fountain and I said "I see what you mean pointy. So you said something about powers?" She said "Right I almost forgot." Shiny sparkles started shinning around us and she said "Now you can shoot bubbles at enemies and objects." I said "Soooo, spit?" "Yeah, pretty much." "Ok, see ya later pointy." We went outside and the kid said "This stupid ballon! I can't pop it!" I said "Ha! He deserves it!" The strange thing is that everyone looked like our friends. The kid looked like Jr, the mayor looked like Bowser, one of the two guys that were arguing looked like Billy Dee and the other looked like Bobby Doo. It was all so weird. Jacob said "Lets show him how it's done!" He charged up one of those bubbles and popped the ballon. Jr jumped and said "Wow you 3 are strong but your Deku Scrubs so we can't give you a Deku guild but I can let you in the group." I said "I rather be hit by a giant moon!" Someone said "I can make that possible." I looked behind myself and Skull Kid was there! I said "I rather um... Never Mind." Jr said "What are you talking about?" I said "What do you mean you didn't see that?" Chris said "I don't know what your talking about." I said "Whatever, so what's this gang I've heard so much about?" He said "Right, bombers!" Goom, Goombario, Koops, and Bomb-Boo came next to him and said "Yes sir!" I said "Whoa, this place is so familiar." Chris said "Koops?" Jacob said "Bomb-Boo?" They both said "Boss how do they know our names?" Jr said "How should I know? We must be getting pretty popular." I said "Ok then, so I've also heard that there's a observatory in this town that you 5 idiots won't let anyone in." Goom said "That's right nerd burger!" "Nerd burger?" "That's right! Yeah that place is our's! We'll let you in if you can find all 5 of us by tom-." It was morning, dawn of the second day. Goom continued and said "You have until tomorrow to find us all." I said "I'll find Goom and Goombario." Chris said "I'll find Koops and Jr." Jacob said "And I'll find Bomb-Boo." Jr said "Ready, Set, Go!" I ran everywhere and found Goombario on a roof. I said "Got ya!" He said "Try and catch me first!" He grabbed a couco and jumped off the roof. I jumped off and he was taking a break. I walked up to him and said "Not as fast as you use to be Huh?" He said "I'm planning on getting back to the gym in 3 days." I said "Yeah, good luck with that. By the way, found you!" "Dang it!" I went back to the South part of clock town and Chris said "I found Koops and Jr." Jacob said "I found Bomb-Boo." I said "I found Goombario but I can't find G-." He heard a rustle in the bushes and I went in and said "Found you!" He said "Find, you win." It was the dawn of the third day and Jr said "Your lucky. Here's the number." They all turned around and their back shirts said "53524." I said "Ok guys! Let's go!" When we went in we skipped over the water and went inside. The man inside said "Ah hello young Dekus. I like the one in wizard clothing's choice." Jacob said "Your not half bad yourself." I said "Can we look through the telescope?" Goombella said "Do you know anything about a Skull Kid?" He said "Of course! That little brat always taunts me! Take a look!" We all looked through and moon seemed right over us! Skull Kid was on the tower taunting us and I said "I hate that guy." I saw the ocarina in his hand and I said "Do you know how to get up to him?" The man said "Well... There is a Deku Flower near the clock tower but it's owned by another Deku man. I heard him talking about a shiny object? I'm not sure though." Chris said "Guys! Something fell out of the moon's eyes outside the observatory!" The man said "That is a moon's tear! Very rare!" I said "Perfect! Thanks wizard guy!" We went outside and grabbed the Moon's Tear and went to the tower. It was 11pm and I went to the flower and a Deku man said "Wait wait!" He flew to the flower and said "This is my flower! But I am in need of something shiny." I said "Well we have th-." "Ohhhh! I'll gladly take that off your hands!" I gave it to him and he flew off. We all jumped into the flower and jumped to the clock tower. Goombella said "... It's time." The clock struck 12 and we rushed up to the tower. When we got there Skull Kid said "Your to late, only mear minuets until the moon crashes." I shot the ocarina out if his hand and I grabbed it. Goombella said "Why do you even need that? We're all doomed!" Then everything went white. Amanda appeared and taught me a song. The Song Of Time. I played it and then I woke up to Jacob screaming "Are you day dreaming!? Wake up!" I said "Maybe... I'll take the risk." With seconds left I played the song and then we all started falling through something. But nothing felt right. Words appeared that said:
(Watch the video to get a better perspective)
In this land of Termina...
I saw a zora girl singing
A guitar made out of a stick and a dead fish
The people that live here...
I saw a man yelling about the moon and a festival?
Are struck with a curse...
I saw the strange mask and the Skull Kid
Every 3 days...
I saw the ghost of a Goron
These people...
I saw a sad and hungry man
A sad man with a mustache and a glass cup
...Will Die
I saw a huge structure of something
Inside of a lush green field
And no matter how hard you try
I saw a Deku butler in front of a... Dead Deku boy
I heard the tower's bells ringing
I saw a younger sister and older sister but the older one seemed to be crying
A different girl crying trying to avoid the clock's sounds
I saw two people hugging
I didn't know what to say or do so I just played the song of time, I was crying this time.
You can't save everybody
You've met a terrible fate haven't you?
When I woke up I was in the couch and Madison said "Thanks guys but there's a button on the top screen and I don't know what it does." I said "Right!" I grabbed the 3DS and started smashing it. I said "I did it! I saved the world!" Everyone said "Tyrone!" I said "Jacob! Chris! Your all still alive!" Jacob said "Are you crying?" I said "No, of course not. Um... I'm going to my room." I went to my room and laid down. When I looked at my collection a Deku Mask and an ocarina was there. I grabbed the ocarina and it said "You've met a terrible fate haven't you?"

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